It is good to read a post from another candle nut!
Candles are super cool. I read somewhere that one can never have too many candles. I think I might be challenging that assertion!
It is good to read a post from another candle nut!
Candles are super cool. I read somewhere that one can never have too many candles. I think I might be challenging that assertion!
Prescios Medea, Sorry your life was so sucky.
There are several thoughts of wisdom in this case.
You may cut him to the quick…BUT what of you and your kids?
I know, I know, he deserves it but Please bare in mind that kids are
more receptive than we think. While we smile and act like all is well,
they hear, “I hate the old man and what he’s done to us.”
My family had me so hating my paternal grandmother, it was almost palpable.
Then one day I had an an " epiphany". I don’t ever remember her. Oh, I had been
well educated in her desertion of her children and how she mentally
abused my Mama during WW2…
My epiphany was that I never knew the woman, how could I hate her?
Now, she did some rotton things but I only had second hand knowledge of it.
What I know for fact is that she died a lonely old woman in nowhere
Oklahoma. We don’t know when she died or where she’s buried.
I find that very sad. She literally thew away what could have been
a supportive, loving family so she could party and live the high life. What did she have in the end?
Nothing and no one.
He’ll pay for his misdeeds.
Medea, just becaue he was an ass, doen’t mean you have to be.
I’ll light a candle for you.
Blessed be
Garnet, Specialized Witch
Forgive my spelling, I seem to be illiterate today…
Georga, how profound of you.
We all search for the meaning of…Whatever.
We all came here as seekers of the truth.
What truth you may ask?
Well, it’s your truth. whatever that is, what makes you feel new and whole.
I shall bless you in your search.
Although most people think this is about witchcraft, magic,
and the boogo, booga that surrounds it.
These are the things that shelter us. Our Brothers and Sister in the Craft are the
best support group I’ve ever met.
Stay with us, learn with us and find peace with us.
Blessed be
Thank you, dear!
I whole heartedly agree! Thank you everyone for just being yourselves!
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