Witchy Subscriptions?

Does anyone have a Witch box subscription?

I decided to try one out…I am on my fourth box. I ended up going with this company because it allows you to skip months and not commit to a full year. However, it does seem like they sell out every month. So they are very popular.

I’ve been very happy with the content it has come with every month thus far. The incense products in each box have been high quality and smell amazing…they are REAL and definitely not chemical.

The video is an unboxing for Witches Moon - The Witches Roots Monthly subscription for JUNE…It’s a great way to build up your witchy supplies at a reasonable cost. It’s only $29 and that includes shipping.

SPOILER ALERT - lol this is for JUNE so if you get this already but have not received your box for june…don’t watch.


I’ve looked into so many different witchy boxes, and never knew which one to go with because they all seem good! It’s nice to know this one allows you to skip a month, I was planning on starting one soon. This is one I have subscribed to emails from, so I may end up going with them. Thanks so much for sharing!!!


You are welcome…I know there are SO many out there and holy cow, some are pretty pricey! I had subscribed to a few prior to this one and I was not impressed…the amount of money that was asked and the craptastic stuff I got inside was disappointing. I stumble upon this company by accident and I have loved all of them (4) so far!


I’ve looked at some as well, but most boxes that I like - like The Witches Roots, it looks super nice! - are coming from the US, and so far I didn’t want to deal with the international shipping costs (since I live in Europe) nor the customs duties that might apply.
I do however treat myself sometimes to a witchy box from this seller on Etsy from the UK, she makes amazing sabbat boxes :blush:


I have tried a witchy box subscription before! I believe it was called The Witches Moon. I know that CrateJoy.com has a lot of Metaphysical/Witchy/Wicca boxes.

Another one I found is from HelloSubsctiption.com they have a list of their witchy inspired subscriptions.

And I found this blog post from Dwell In Magic it is a holistic self care blog and she made a list of “The Ultimate List of Witch Subscription Boxes For 2020”

Hope these links helps everyone out who’s interested! Let me know if you try any of these :slight_smile:


Awesome. Thanks for the information! I did try the Tamed Wild one too…wasn’t impressed with that one. To be fair, I only tried one month…but ehhhhhh… :expressionless:


@SilverBear I do three subscriptions every month. I have tried so many and I settle on Sugar Muses Deluxe and Sugar Muses Midnight and I also do Sacred Space Crate. All three are awesome and they never let me down. Brandy on Hound Dog Hollow Youtube does an unboxing every month on about 60 different boxes so you can see what you get for your money.


Me neither I did Tamed Wild 3 months, was not impressed and cancelled.


Hi all

I am looking for one myself. I am in canada so it is also tricky to find one. Once I get back to work I will be trying some :slight_smile:


Hag Swag there are several from Canada, and they are good, to look and see what you like best go to Brandys website, she does openings of about 60+ subscriptions.


nice ty so much, I will check it out


I’ve been trying to do the Witch’s Moon for the longest, but they’ve been sold out! :weary: So I tried Tamed Wild last month, and I liked it. I think they could have thrown one more item in, but for 20 bucks, I didn’t feel gypped or anything. Plus, the ritual was based around growing a plant, so I was immediately won over lol. My second one should be here soon though, so I’ll reassess then. That said, I really wanted to try WM, but they’re still sold out, soooo… seeing as it’s my birthday next month, I finally gave in and got The Witch’s Box as a gift to myself! I am BEYOND excited and can’t wait for it to get here!


Happy Birthday in advance, @Jamaal! :partying_face: I hope The Witch’s Box is everything you want it to be- be sure to let us know what you think about it and if you’d recommend it! :grin: :+1:


ooooo…You will have to share what you got! Happy birthday too!


Thank you, will do! :hugs:


I started Tamed Wild last year, husband bought me a subscription, and just started
Witchcraft way, box, one box so far, I am very eclectic witch.


I get the Witche’s Roots box monthly too!! I really like it. Not too expensive but you get good, quality, usable items every month. I’m always wearing one of the necklaces from these boxes.

I’ve actually subscribed to quite a few over the last couple years. I’ve had the Magick mail through Inked Goddess Creations, the Box of Shadows, Goddess Provisions, tamed wild box, and Witch Casket. If anyone is thinking of getting any of those I’d be happy to give a review of sorts?


would love to see a reviews, been looking into Inked Goddess.


@Rene Inked Goddess boxes are priced really well. All the supplies that come in the kit are usable. I subscribed for a while. My only issue is that some of the boxes aren’t necessarily themed or well connected, and they don’t give you spells or rituals. You get supplies to make your own. So as a beginner I wanted more structure. I have some pictures of previous boxes.


@Katt have you looked into Hag Swag? I was going to try them one time but they’re Canada based so she shipping was good much for me. Seemed like a nice box though!