Witchy Wisdom: Share a Topic you’re learning about

@Wysteria_Norn This is interesting indeed. I’ve recited this prayer by heart for nearly 25 years when I was in the church, left in 2020. This prayer has much more depth. Alot has been lost in translation I guess. It’s quite a beautiful prayer. Thankyou for finding this. Blessings :sparkling_heart:


Thank you. I was elated when I saw a video on it and was desperate to share it with Spells8.
At best, it allows for a greater expanse of worship.
It’s more inclusive because the godhead, like most angels and demons, isn’t ascribed a gender. Since they do not sexually reproduce, that makes sense.
Also, vibrations, the scientific underpinning of our existence, is mentioned immediately and as a direct function of the godhead.
Obviously, it is the favorite version of those who call themselves New Age.
I can see where those who are against Evangelical Christianity (which is not Christianity, by the way), those who are Gnostics, Qabbalists, witches, pagans, etc., who are seeking to broaden their practice may find this to be a beautiful addition.
Thanks again!


Oh wow, this is beautiful! :blush:
I much more connect with this version :revolving_hearts:


This makes so much more sense :thinking: than what I was taught as a child!
Thank you! :pray: :heart:


@Susurrus I frequently notice the times 11:11 or 1:11, sometimes for several consecutive days, once or even twice a day. Each time i see these moments, I’m filled with so much excitement, as there’s a beautiful story attached, particularly to :heart_eyes: 11:11. :four_leaf_clover: I greet whoever might be reaching out me during these moments, saying hello! I’ve been more in tuned lately to other numbers as well.

Much love to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunny:


2 posts were split to a new topic: Learning About Servitors

A post was split to a new topic: Seasons of the Witch - Samhain Oracle Cards

I love this!!! The knowledge of the universe is ever evolving & providing us with an endless amount of learning materials! I have recently been researching bone magic and how to incorporate it into my craft :black_heart::wilted_flower:

Blessed Be to all in your journey through this magical adventure we call life :crescent_moon: :hekate_wheel:


I’m mostly learning about candel magick right now but i was reading another post about empaths. I definatly am an empath of some level l, i have the reputation in my family to be able to calm anyone down with out saying much. Most of the time im handed the crying child and after about 5 minutes they are relaxed and ready to play again or asleep. Since i found this place i have learned alot about myself!


That’s exciting, Marie! :bone: :sparkles:

Many blessings to you too- wishing you all the best as your magickal journey continues :blush:

It sounds like you have some wonderful talents and magickal abilities, Marissa- that’s awesome! Being able to calm an upset child is a very sweet and helpful ability to have :heart:

I’m happy to hear you’ve been learning lots- may you continue to thrive in your magickal studies! :books: :blush:


I am reconnecting with self and for me this week was spell casting/intentions in line with moon phase…


I love all the skills everyone is learning here. :green_heart:
For me I’m going to take the plunge and move into necromancy/spiritualism and get my hand crafted Ouija (maybe that shop or another one in Glastonbury will have one :thinking:), or I’ll continue to make my own, and reach out across that veil. I’ve got alot to learn first, but this is one field that both my grandmother (passed over now) and my aunty are in, so it’s time :ghost:


I don’t really have any info to share but I am learning about self love. And that it is ok to put me and my choices first every so often. It has been a hard road but I am getting better at it everyday. (This coven has helped me a lot also) Thanks everyone!!!


Beautiful! I hope your moon magick went well and helped you take another step on your journey of reconnection :waxing_crescent_moon: :sparkles: :blush:

How exciting that you’re continuing in their footsteps and pursuing their work! I bet they are watching over you with smiles and cheering you as you go, Tracy. Wishing you all the best as you explore your necromancy! :open_book: :ghost: :sparkles:

A huge congrats to you, Audra! :heart: There are some ideas that society has around pushing oneself too far or always putting others before the self that are really unfortunate and quite harmful. Self love is a very wholesome and important area to explore, and I’m cheering for you wholeheartedly on your journey! :hugs:


Thank you yes very successful with my moon magic :slight_smile: new witch bottle and new path clearing spell :slight_smile: :heart:


Woohoo! That’s awesome, Tab- congrats on your successful spellwork! :tada: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :sparkles:


I agree with you “I love all the skills everyone is learning here. :green_heart:” (tracys,spells8,2024). I can draw stick people like a professional but other than that, :thinking:

I am sure I do not have to tell you this, but it will make me feel better: BE CAREFUL with the Ouija board (that’s all)!

Mote It Be,


You’re so lovely :sparkling_heart:, that’s why I’m taking a professional course, so that when I chat to the other side, I’m only getting nice calls :grin: There is a post here though which is good about safety and the Ouija
Using a Ouija Board Safely


Thank you Tracy :people_hugging:. When I watched a very large Black entity or Demon fall out of me, I have a very different outlook on “things” and my sweet sister witch…Ouija Boards can be dangerous, so I am so very happy you are taking this seriously :lucifer_sigil: :triple_moon_goddess:

Mote It Be


My daughter and I have been seeing so many angel numbers the last few months. Thank you for the links!