Working with Ancestors

Hello special souls… I am feeling so overwhelmed with love at this moment and thought i would share a little about myself and the path i am on and how i got here.
A few months ago i was rock bottom emotionally. I decided to try align my chakras through meditation. I cried for 3 days and 3 nights… After that my life changed.
I started having visions of past lives. I started understanding who i was and where i come from. Its been an amazing journey discovering my witchy past. I also discovered what my gifts are and started remembering times i used them without even realizing it…
I now work with my ancestors on a daily basis… And for the first time in my life… I have felt what real love is really all about…
Hecate has also called me and o but she is an amazing Goddess…
If i look back at what my life was like a few months ago compared to who i am becoming… Im am so in awe of the love and beauty of the world… Of the realms… Of our beautiful spirits.


So happy for you! You have arrived!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Be sure to thank your dieties or Higher Self! :pray: They are always there even when we don’t know it.

All the best!


I feel the same way about where I am, even though currently I’m in a slightly depressive funk. I was way worse a few months ago, I was at rock bottom and had no idea what to do next. I would like to start working on divination a bit more and past lives and ancestors.


Ooh, past lives can be fun. I had a past life regression. What I saw was beautiful. Then I went again and this time it made a lot of sense as to why I’m the way I am now . Meaning I lost my soul mate to some kind of sword fight. And since, I’ve been so depressed in the Love field. I have a couple reasons why I like being single but the feeling of loosing someone you love die right in front of you tops it off. the feeling stays with you. This happened in past and this life

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Yes its crazy how going into past life regressions help us to understand the here and now. But this is where the healing starts. Did you guys do chord cuttings and clearings after discovering what was holding you back from discovering your true selves? When i started going deeper and deeper i discovered that the people i thought were good for me actually werent… Since then i feel so much lighter. Isnt it amazing how things are so much clearer when you follow your true path and trust in the divine?


Congrats to you, @yolande! :raised_hands::two_hearts: It sounds like you had some very hard times, but emerged from the darkness even stronger- a new you, like a phoenix from the flames! :fire:

It’s tough to be in a funk- sending good thoughts your way, @Susurrus! :two_hearts: I’m happy you can see your improvements- you really have come such a long way! I am glad your practice is helping to raise you to new heights :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I think learning more about your past lives and ancestors is a wonderful plan! It’s exciting to think about what knowledge and insights you will discover about yourself and your family through the past :open_book: :heart_eyes:

Sorry to hear about your lost loves, @christina4. Depending on your beliefs, some say that there is the possibility of having multiple (even many!) soul mates across lifetimes, and even within one lifespan. I’ve seen a few discussions around the web about this, and this article from Forever Conscious called The Difference Between Soulmates and Life Partners talks about this take. It is understandable if you prefer to enjoy the benefits of being single, or aren’t ready to move on from your lost loves- but I hope that, when the time is right, you are able to find love again! You have a wonderful heart and such kindness- you deserve to be loved and treated well :pray::two_hearts:


That is so true Christina

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diamonds are made under pressure darling, you’ll come out of your funk even stronger then ever and i’m sure you will rise like the phoenix you were meant to be. i do understand how tough the dark times can be, but just remember these times will pass. you may be experiencing depression but that is something happening to you its not actually you if t’hat makes sense. in spiritual truth you infinitely perfect and whole don’t forget that.


i’ve never had a past life regression but im very interested in having one. you deserve to love and be loved. maybe work on meditating on your heart chakra there is some great meditations and affirmations for this on youtube. i highly recommend the vortex success channel.


thats awesome that you connected with your ancestors id love to do the same. I’ve never connected with mine but I hope to one day


Thank you @BryWisteria I know deeply that I deserve love. I’ll read the link you shared.


Thank you @kira-marie and @BryWisteria for your kind words and inspiration. I will get out of this one, I know it, I just have to come to a place of acceptance for the most recent diagnosis that I have been going through for quite some time. I just didn’t know it was a thing that happened and had a name. I thought it was something else. I’m already feeling better. I have talked about it and I have a counseling appointment today. I’m hoping to come up with a better strategy than just medication. I have increased my meditations throughout the day. So I have one in the morning and somewhere in the middle of the day and then one at bedtime. Headspace has been a big help with that part of what I am doing.