Would love some help getting started

I am very new to this and started the Wiccan Self-Initiation Video courses but am having some trouble. In 2006 I was diagnosed Bi Polar/Manic Depressive and for the next 3 or 4 months had to undergo Electric Shock Therapy Treatment every week 3 times a week so it is very hard for me to retain information unless I have it written down in front of me. So I am struggling listening to the video courses. I have spell candles and runes but am not 100% sure on how to use them correctly. I would like to know what crystals I need as a beginner as well as what herbs are best to get starting out. I would also like to know how to find out what color witch I am, and how to find out who my deity/deities is/are. Any help will be greatly appreciated and if anyone knows of any pdf files that I could print out and keep as guides that would be wonderful. Thank you.


Hiya, first of all welcome from me. I too can relate to not retaining information very well. As a relative newbie myself I’m still very much learning the skills, but I’m certain one never stops learning in this anyway :grinning:

You should find all you need here to get started and perfect you practice. Just look at the courses tab and it will direct you wherever you feel drawn.

I hope you find what you seek :pray::pray::pray:


Hello and welcome. I’m Tracy from England. I follow Loki, god of chaos. Here’s a few course specific to some of the things you mentioned, but as @peetamba mentioned there is sooo much more, so dive in. :sparkling_heart:




I am Alan from the UK. I work with the ancient Egyptian deities and their symbology. I also work with astrology, the planets and the stars. Welcome to the coven. It is a wonderful place to learn and everyone here will do what they can to help.

With regards to your deities, it may be that they choose you. Consider:
Have any particular deities been on your mind recently?
Do you have an interest in a particular pantheon or myths?
Perhaps you have been seeing recurring signs or symbols?
These could be signs of a deity reaching out to you.

Alternatively, research and read up on different pantheons and deities and see if there are any that attract you. There may be one or more that you feel a strong connection to.

Here is something you could try this little reflective exercise:

Think about your own beliefs and interests:
Are your beliefs geared towards nature, magic, the universe etc?
Do you value compassion, justice, creativity, wisdom, courage etc?
Are you interested in the moon, the elements, mythical creatures, certain periods of history etc?
Do you want a detiy that is nurturing, compassionate powerful, wise, protective etc?

Thinking about the answer to these may help to narrow down the many deities and help you find the one that is best for you.

Blessed be



@DeeMarie100596 All the courses have a video transcript at the bottom of the page…maybe that will help!

As far as what you need…you don’t need anything to be a witch! But as far crystals I’d recommend quartz. That is a crystal you can use for any need. I’d also say amethyst. That has a lot of uses. Black tourmaline is good for protection. For herbs…rosemary can be used for any purpose. Bay leaf is good too. There are lots of spells that you write things on a bayleaf. Cinnamon is good for adding a spark to your magic. It’s also used to bring in abundance. Here is a ritual for that

There are lots of articles on the Spells8 site as well as in the forum. Just use the search tool! If you have anymore specific questions or need help finding something just let us know! You can also private message me! I too prefer written vs video. I’d also recommend a grimoire/ book of shadows/ book of mirrors. There are TONS of printables! I love printables! I use a 3 ring binder for my book of shadows!
Welcome to the coven! :infinite_roots: :witch_pentacle: we’re here to help and guide you! :purple_heart::blush::people_hugging::heart:


Welcome!! I’ve only been actively practicing Wicca for over a year now so I feel your anxiety! One thing I have learned in all the courses and mountains of information is that you will ALWAYS learn more!!! LOL Personally I have always followed my horoscope, so now I follow the moon and planets more. Tarot has always been interesting to me, so I have many decks and read my cards daily. Having a printer to take advantage of the MANY printables available here on Spells8 is an wonderful idea for someone who learns better with written things as well.

Don’t stress yourself on having to know everything all at once, trust in the universe to guide you… just like all of us who have replied to your post. :grin: As you see, you are not alone… that’s the point of a coven!! Meditate and take note on what already interests you, and go from there.

As far as what kind of witch you are??? Being eclectic is totally fine! Enjoy and embrace it all! The only rule you need to follow is to do no harm, because Karma is a “B”!! :wink:


Hello @DeeMarie100596,

Welcome! :heart:

There is a whole bunch of wonderful advice, resources, and suggestions that others have kindly already shared, so I just wanted to pop in and share my support! I also want to second what Sivonnah mentioned about the video transcripts being available beneath some of the videos on the site- those can be read along with and/or printed out to help guide you if you wish :blush:

When it comes to pdf files, you’re in luck! There is a massive collection of printable materials on the site that can be printed for easy reading (and/or to add to your Sacred Books).

Most of the printable pages are sorted into categories. Here a few that may be of interest to you:

Wishing you all the best with your exploration and studies, @DeeMarie100596 - blessed be! :sparkles:


Just popping by to also offer my support and say I was where you are not that long ago, either. :black_heart:

Everyone already has you well covered, but there is one thing I would like to add. If you have trouble with memory, like many of us do for various reasons, take your time. As others have said, there’s so much information that you’ll probably always be learning. So given that you can’t just study and get this done in one weekend, month, or even year, it really frees you up to take it at your own pace.

Make some quiet time and see what areas call to you and follow your heart from there. Pick up as little as you need to not feel overwhelmed. We’ll be supporting you along the way. :black_heart:


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