Just looking back and seeing how accurate June and July were for me on a personal level. Bonkers.
@MeganB and I knew everything back in 2019!!
I’ve been thinking about revisiting this reading lately, too. Maybe that’s something I’ll do this week! It’s been intense, that’s for sure…
I was reading one of my old books, just kind of thumbing through, it was from the 1800’s. They were talking about what was going on during that time. Do you know every complaint, every problem, every idea and reading it, I would have thought it was a book of today in commentary…lol there is nothing new under the sun…
No, there sure isn’t. It’s amazing to think that all the problems we’ve ever had have probably happened before. It’s sad, though, to think that some of these problems could have been fixed by now but for some reason they aren’t.
Personally, my spiritual awakening started around March of this year. Just this week I had a friend tell me all the news and fighting and dread is just noise and the ones most tuned into the spiritual domain are sensing an awakening in the midst of all this chaos.
History does tend to repeat it- like a giant wheel, it comes around again and again. This is one reason why I find it frustrating when people think the arts aren’t as important to study, or when schools put all their funding into math/science (or even sports- my high school blew its whole budget on a new football stadium ) and ignore the other subjects.
History is so important- if we don’t learn from past mistakes, they will just keep happening again!
Sometimes the worst of times bring out the best in people. It makes sense that this could happen in a spiritual way too! This is a pretty optimistic view- I like it!