Your Name in Runes

This is just for fun. Ever wanted to create your name in runic script, then see what it means?

Just match your names phonetic sounds, to the same sounds in the runes, for example:

Sam - :sowilo: :ansuz: :mannaz:

Then look up the meaning of each rune, the general words associated with the rune, the divination meanings (I don’t do reversals) and put it all together into a summary of the overall theme of your name. This may or may not resonate with who you really are, it’s just a bit of fun. :grin:

See how you go. Share any findings if you like. Skoll :beers: :drinking_horn:



Here we go :grin:


:kaunan: Loki’s torch. Symbol of knowledge and intellect, searching for enlightenment and truth, intuition, enthusiasm to learn. The fire of creation and transformation, a guiding light to follow your inner passion and fight off external influences.

:raido: The journey of life, your stories, inner compass, inner knowledge of right and wrong. Ordered growth. The desicion to achieve something and the discipline to see it through. The rhythm of life when your goals align with your purpose.

:ingwaz: Earth, wholeness, seed and development. Resting, gestation, time for oneself. Build strength and patience, fertile energy to support you in creative endeavours transforming energy through you.

:sowilo: The sun. Wholeness, success, spiritual energy, fire. Guidance and hope, faith in outcomes, life’s purpose, our purpose and inner self aligned.

:tiwaz: Connected with the god Tyr, truth and justice and oaths, honour, strength, warrior, making decisions for the greater good of others.

:ansuz: The god Odin. Wisdom, communication and inspiration, voice of the universe, runes, magic and poetry. Breath, listen aswell as speak, there is much wisdom in communication.

:laukaz: Water element, memory, emotions, dreams, imagination. Unconsciousness growth through tests and dreams. Allow transitions to flow with ease by accepting the guiding currents in life.

So in summary: You are lit up with the quest for knowledge, searching for enlightenment and truth. You are enthusiastic to learn and have good intuition and like to follow your inner passions. You have a good sense of right and wrong, and have the discipline to make your goals fit your purpose. You understand the importance of using earth energy to ground yourself, giving any seeds in you, time to grow and develop. You have both the sun and fire energy, so fire element would be good to work with, and have a positive outlook. You have a strong sense of justice, and will work something out, even at cost to yourself for the good of others. Gaining wisdom is important, and connecting with spirit will aid in this advancement of magical knowledge. Allowing the energies around you to flow through you will help you through any transitions.

As a side, 3 gods came up in your name, Loki, Tyr and Odin so connection with deity maybe a strong desire in you (not necessarily Norse deity, but deity in general).

Bless :green_heart:


Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

I just learned something (I think)!

A soft c (like Celina) is :sowilo: and a hard c (like Crystal is :kaunan:

Am I correct?


Yes you are :partying_face:


Wow! I have always liked my name but now I see why it suits me so well. Thank you so much!


Copying your Rune meanings because I’m exhausted and lazy
:kaunan: :ansuz: :thurisaz: :laukaz: :isaz: :naudiz:

:kaunan: - “Loki’s torch. Symbol of knowledge and intellect, searching for enlightenment and truth, intuition, enthusiasm to learn. The fire of creation and transformation, a guiding light to follow your inner passion and fight off external influences.”
:ansuz: - “The god Odin. Wisdom, communication and inspiration, voice of the universe, runes, magic and poetry. Breath, listen aswell as speak, there is much wisdom in communication.”
:thurisaz: This comes from Spells8 - "Thurisaz represents the thorns on a branch, which is why it is associated with taking precautionary measures as one would want to protect themselves from piercing their skin or cutting their finger on a sharp thorn. The association with a protective attitude can be positive as it can protect one from potential and current harm. However, thurisaz can also represent the innate desire some people have to resist unwanted conflicts and avoid them in a passive manner. "
:laukaz: - “Water element, memory, emotions, dreams, imagination. Unconsciousness growth through tests and dreams. Allow transitions to flow with ease by accepting the guiding currents in life.”
:isaz: - “Stillness, self control, old habits and patterns, unity of being.”
:naudiz: - “resistance leading to strength, life lessons leading to growth, face any issues head on.”

I’ll brain out connections and overall meanings later. After a nap :sleepy:


Looking forward to it. I’m not going to say anything, as I’m excited to see your interpretation :partying_face:. Happy nap :sleeping:


I am new to runes, so I am looking for ward to trying to figure this out. Luckily Linda is a short name. LOL I would never have guessed that the sound of the rune would be used to obtain the meaning of the name. Fascinating.
Thank you for sharing.


Wow that’s neat can u do me? No rush


Eh if I don’t do this now, I won’t do this.

I guess I’ll take it more as a how does this fit with me?

It’s no surprise that I enjoy learning new things and I’m often inspired to create things. I often fear conflict and find ways to avoid it even if the conflict is a necessary step to progress. I enjoy the peace in the quiet and the familiarity of routines but am capable of choosing new adventures to better myself.


Okay, I’ll play! :joy: Here’s my name in runes. I took the meanings and keywords from the Spells8 Rune Course

:mannaz: :ehwaz: :gebo: :ansuz: :naudiz:

:mannaz: – collective, values, community, relationships

:ehwaz: – movement, loyalty, friendship, assistance, animal

:gebo: – generosity, gift, charity, partnership, service, assistance

:ansuz: – revelation, visions, insight, signs, communication

:naudiz: – need, restriction, resistance, survival, agreements

I know absolutely nothing about runes so if anyone wants to hop in and give this a shot, feel free. No pressure, though!


OK, I’m going more on putting keywords together with what I know of you and I think this is spot on.

You are a person who puts value and emphasis on her relationships and friendships. It’s important to you to be part of a community and to help others by sharing your knowledge and skills. I’ll admit I’m stumbling on the last one but I’m chalking that (and the oversimplification of my explanation) on being wiped out from running 10 miles in 89% humidity today :laughing:

Excited to see what the RuneMaster has to say. :smiley:


Copying isn’t laziness. Your solution is called “working smarter, not harder”. We do not always need to “reinvent the wheel”. Always be kind to yourself and be aware of the “spoons” you have available.


I am so excited that you started this post. This will help me understand Runes better. Thank you!
Skoll :drinking_horn: :champagne: :clinking_glasses:



Ok, slight conflict with the V as I had to choose between :wunjo:and :fehu: so I looked up Valhalla in rune and guess what! Both are used :rofl: Hail Chaos! So you. :grin: So I chose:

:dagaz: :uruz: :fehu: :isaz: :naudiz:

:dagaz: awakening reality time enlightenment. Hope, the ideal, a shift in perspective. Warmth and illumination, simple beauty of being.

:uruz: endurance, strength, constancy, pragmatic knowledge, strength of physical and mental, manifest your reality.

:fehu: Prosperity, financial strength, personal power, new beginnings, social success. Raw energy attracts abundance into your life.

:isaz: Stillness. Self preservation and self control. Resistance to change but able to use stillness to contemplate where you are and why some change is needed. Cool head able to face reality.

:naudiz: hard work life lessons short term pain for long term gain. Resistance leading to strength achievement through effort.

In summary for you (and you may notice with each rune for each name, sometimes has slightly different meanings, that cuz I’m also going on intuition here as to how each rune feels for you, just the way I work) :grin:

So: You have a beautiful simple outlook on life and am experiencing an awakening in real time, now. That awakening has given you a shift in perspective that gives you hope. You have incredible strength and endurance to achieve what you need and a pragmatic approach to gaining knowledge. You have a raw energy that will and does attract abundance into your life be it spiritually and physically once your reality has been manifested. You are able to keep a cool head in the face of difficulty, contemplating the situation to be able to make a decision. You have strength and endurance to cope with short term pain knowing in the long term you will manifest what you want in your life.



@MeganB Great read @Artemisia :grin: I’m going to just add the :naudiz:

You work hard but sometimes have a resistance to change. You are creative and can use creative friction for personal development and growth. You have great achievement through hard work and effort, and understand every action has a consequence.



By the way, the Spells8 rune course is fantastic :partying_face:


Aww I appreciate your interpretation! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have no clue about the last one either because it doesn’t ring any bells with anything I believe :joy: or fit in with anything that makes sense to me… :thinking: who knows?! lol

Oh - well, there it is! :rofl: That makes so much sense. I am 100% that person, I think! Thank you for breaking that down for me!


I hope I did this right (my name is Kristen, and I got the rune meanings from the Spells8 rune course)


:kaunan: - open-mindedness, illumination, and a torch of light that banishes ignorance.
:raido: - displacement, crossing, movement and evolution, both material and spiritual.
:isaz: - immobilization, paralysis, an invitation to reflect and not move forward out of precaution.
:sowilo: - success, abundance, harmony, balance, good health, victory, self-realization.
:tiwaz: - perseverance, patience, sacrifice, positive outcomes.
:ehwaz: - inspiration, endurance, protection, sacred knowledge.
:naudiz: - necessity, resilience, self-reliance, learning, growth, survival.

I humbly request for someone to interpret this for me, if it’s no trouble. :pink_heart: :cherry_blossom:


Wow I love that thankyou for getting this for me :rose::rose::rose: I love that. :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: