đź“ť 45th Spells8 Book Club - Readers' Reviews!

Feel free to share your finished thoughts and reviews from the book you read for the 45th book club here. For the current book club post, please visit the new session post: Spells8 46th Book Club :books: March 2025

A warm welcome to all of the Witchy Readers! :open_book:

The latest reading period for Spells8 45th Book Club :books: February 2025! has now ended - thank you to everyone who joined in!

Members & Their Books This Reading Period:

Even if you are not listed above but you read a book during this reading period or you decided to read a different book than listed, you are very welcome to share and discuss here too!

Time to share your thoughts with your coven! :star_struck:

This discussion post will serve as a place to share your thoughts and opinions on the book you chose.

  • :heart_eyes: If you loved your book and think everyone should read it - awesome! Talk about your favorite points or something you learned.
  • :woman_shrugging: If you didn’t connect with the book - consider explaining why it wasn’t for you.
  • :angry: Absolutely hated your book of choice? Warn others to stay away!

This is a great place to share your love for books and find recommendations for new books to read :+1:

Your book review can be as simple or elaborate as you’d like :writing_hand:

If you’re not sure what to talk about, here is a suggested format you can use. Feel free to write as little or as much as you’d like!

Book Title and Author:

Status? : Finished / Still Reading

My overall rating of the book : ???/10

How does this book relate to my magickal practice?:

My personal thoughts/opinions:

An interesting quote from the book: " "

All in all, would I recommend this book?: Yes / No

Remember that your review is uniquely yours- this is a chance to let your opinions and voice be heard :raised_hands:

Please keep in mind that others may have opinions that differ from yours - when responding to the thoughts of others, please always show respect! Remember that 100 people will read 1 book and have 100 different experiences. That’s what makes sharing interesting :heart:

What if I didn’t finish my book / joined late? :raised_hand:

No worries!

You are welcome to share your thoughts about the part you have read so far. If you joined the session late and have just started, feel free to talk about your expectations for your book. You can continue reading it into the next reading period.

And whether you read a book or not, you are very welcome to jump in and discuss what others share about their books! :handshake:

Deadlines and Dates :spiral_calendar:

You have all month to share your thoughts and discuss (until the next Readers’ Review Post appears in the forum!)

Deadline for Reviews for this Session: March 31, 2025

While you have plenty of time for reviews, know that the next reading period has already started!
→ Spells8 46th Book Club :books: March 2025

you can find more info about the club in the Book Club FAQ.

It can be hard to find the time and motivation to read on your own- hopefully book club helped provide a bit of motivation and that it led to some wonderful new knowledge and discoveries in your Craft :books:

I hope you enjoyed your books this session, and that you’ve got another fun one in line to read this coming month.

Happy reading and blessed be! :sparkles:

:books: :heart: :infinite_roots:


Hello Beautiful Souls!

Reading “Year of the Witch” by Temperance Alden has been an insightful journey so far. In the first few chapters, she really emphasizes the importance of intuition in witchcraft. Rather than following strict rules or traditions that might not resonate with us, she encourages a more personal approach, one that aligns with our own experiences and local environment. The idea of the “witch’s year” stood out to me, as she suggests that instead of rigidly adhering to the traditional Wheel of the Year, we should celebrate the seasons as they actually unfold around us. It makes so much sense, why celebrate the coming of spring in February if my landscape is still covered in snow?
Alden also dives into the significance of cycles, whether they’re seasonal, hormonal, astrological, or even the life-death-rebirth cycle. She challenges mainstream perspectives on climate change, which I found a bit controversial, but her overall message is clear: understanding and aligning with natural rhythms can strengthen our magical practice. The discussion on elemental magick in the next chapter really deepened that concept. She explores how earth, air, fire, water, and spirit each play a role in our daily lives and rituals. I loved how she explained ways to connect with these forces, whether through mindful observation, simple rituals, or just being aware of how these elements influence us.
One of my favorite chapters so far was about “shepherding the land.” Alden makes a strong case for sustainability being an essential part of witchcraft. It’s not just about connecting with nature in a spiritual sense but also taking responsibility for it. She suggests practical steps like reducing waste, avoiding single use plastics, and supporting local farmers, all small things that collectively make a big difference. It really made me think about how my lifestyle choices reflect my spiritual path.
Overall, these first few chapters have been both thought provoking and validating. Alden’s approach to witchcraft is deeply personal, encouraging, and rooted in respect for the natural world. I’m looking forward to seeing how the rest of the book builds on these ideas!

Blessed Be, Loves!


I don’t have a review for my book because I’m still reading it :laughing: I’m having to carry it through to the next session because life is just busy :heart:

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it when you finish it! I read that one a few years ago :blush:


I am truly loving it! But as I get older, I find my mind does not focus well on one task anymore and it wanders a million times a day! So, it’s taking me a minute to get through it, but I will get to the finish line! It will not sit in the pile of half read books!!! I cannot wait to read your review, Megan!


I feel that about the books sitting in a pile waiting to be read :sweat_smile: I have so many! I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to read more in the summer when I’m not in classes anymore. Then I’ll have more time to get through the books in my pile – it’s getting out of hand!


Oh, my goodness, so do I! I have books everywhere! I have to stop myself from buying more. But then I see something I want to read and it’s all over!


I am still readin mine!

Same here! Life has been non-stop. Got rid of one sickness and got another on top of everything else.

But what I have read of mine has been wonderful!