Spells8 46th Book Club 📚 March 2025

Welcome to all of the witchy book-lovers here in the forum!

:books: :mage: :heart:

:sparkles: Book Club 46 :sparkles:
→ Reading Session: March 1st - March 31st ←
→ Review Session: April 1st - April 30th ←

Thank you again to everyone who joined in for last month’s reading session! For those who haven’t yet shared their thoughts about their book (or anyone who enjoys reading book reviews!) you still have time to do so in :memo: 45th Spells8 Book Club - Readers’ Reviews!.

As of today, the 46th book club reading session has now begun!

On Your Mark, Get Set, READ! :books:

  1. Begin by announcing your book
    The first post below is an editable wiki post- add your book title and name to the list! (instructions below)

  2. Know that you have [[ the whole month ]] in this reading session
    While it is great if you can finish your book during this time, it is okay if you break it into chapters or sections- do as much as you can and know that doing your best is always good enough!

  3. As you’re reading, feel free to share your thoughts!
    You are very welcome to share any thoughts or tidbits while you read in the comments below or in a new post in the forums. Just save the best parts for the final discussion at the end of the reading period!

  4. Join the final discussion
    When the month is over, a discussion post will open encouraging all readers to share a review of their book and any personal thoughts they have about it. A mini-review is perfectly fine, and there will be a suggested format for anyone who would like to write a longer review.

A note about sharing books:

While everyone is free to choose their own book, you may consider reading along with someone else! It is fun to share thoughts and insights about different books and even more exciting to do in-depth about a book with fellow readers :handshake:

If the book you plan to read is already on the list below, add your name to the list of others reading that book! Please keep in mind that everyone will reconvene and chat together in the Reader’s Reviews discussion, regardless of which book you read :books:

Not sure what to read?

You can find book recommendations in:

And also:

Reading on a budget?

Free online books can be found in:

If you have any questions about Book Club, please feel free to check the Book Club FAQ and/or ask in the comments.

Blessed be and happy reading!

:sparkles: :open_book: :sparkles:


~~ ~~ ~~ This post is a WIKI POST- it is editable by everyone! ~~ ~~ ~~
for help editing a wiki post, see the tutorial here

Please announce your books here :blush:


  • Book Title by Author
    (@) your username

Out of respect to others, please only add/edit your own entry

  • Wild Magic: Celtic Folk Traditions for the Solitary Practitioner by Danu Forest @Amethyst

  • Women of the Dawn by Bunny McBride @MeganB

  • Earth Powerby Scott Cunningham @MistyW

  • Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison @CasLyn


@Amethyst – Oh, I’ve heard Wild Magic is pretty good. I hope you enjoy it!

I’ll be continuing my book from last month as I read it slowly. I had to return the one I borrowed from the library, but I found a pre-owned copy today in a local bookstore! :tada: It’s a different cover but the same book.


I just started it but it looks awesome!


I’m going to start Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler.

Ive heard good things about it and that it is a great book for learning more about the moon and how people in societies throughout time have related to it.

I hope it is ok that I am using an audiobook. I just find them more convenient and easier to get through with my executives functioning not being so great anymore.


I too prefer audiobooks. :grinning:


It is absolutely okay! An audiobook is still a book :heart: and it totally counts!