A question for tarot readers!

What a fun topic for a discussion! :heart_eyes:

My favorite decks at the moment (and it does change depending on the moment lol) are:

I also have the Deck of Oppositions (full review here) but it has a rather steep learning curve and can be tricky to use in practice.

The Ostara Tarot (full review here) is beautiful from an art-perspective, but the mixed styles don’t suit well for readings (imo). I have it on the shelf but don’t read with it much anymore.

I got the Soul Cat Tarot and I love the artwork, but it’s also not a deck I usually reach for to do readings.

Thank you for opening up this discussion, @SpanishWitchy- I can’t wait to hear (and see!) everyone’s favorite tarot decks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :flower_playing_cards: