Lat Jan I was in the bath tub and I saw 2 images of 1 guy with horns and the other a girl with her hand on her head and she was just resting her head on her hand looking at him. For a long time they were just looking then one day the girl turned at me and started screaming . Her mouth was wide open and long kind. She got my attention while I was in the water startled me. The Horn guy doesn’t move just the girl she only has 2 positions. I told her one day You don’t scare me! But she is still there always there oit’s been going on for 1 year. I don’t know what to do ?
Hello lovely. This sounds awful, there is alot around the forum to help you get some advise. Here’s one link.
I’ll keep digging, but I’m sure others here will chip in soon with some more advise. I know @starborn had a post about negative spirits, which I’m looking for now for you too.
Edit: Found it.
Found a few more links.
The above are two pieces of advise from the following post.
This sounds disturbing. I am sorry to hear this. what i am wondering and is coming to mind is this an unwell ancestor that wants help?
If so you can make boundaies with her and tell her that she needs to work on some healing before you can work with her.
The other thought is do you think you need to screm because maybe she is showing you it is okay to take up space and make noise ans express yourself.
Let me know your thoughts on what I suggest…
I had a ancestors that was wailing and very distraught, when I tried to work with my maternal grandfathers line. I think she was trying to show me to mourn. But i didn’t work with her until i was ready to do what she was showing me…
Celineelise Thrifty Witch , cute name Are you saying that is a spirit ? That woman doesn’t feel like family. Thank you for helping me
It’s nice that you can really see this .
Happy Thor’s Day! Tracys , I have never done shadow work before , so this book will it explain how to do shadow work ? Looks like a good book. Is Sage a good start to flush negative out the door ? I have Dragons Blood. I didn’t know it was serious sometimes in the house I can see people no dark shadows , I got rid of them. These are like I can’t see all of them . I get going and sage my house! I’ll be back later Thank you for helping me! Blessed be
Thanks for the clarification. I does sound like a spirit or entity of some sort. I would work on banishing them from your psychic space if they are not for your highest good.
I agree with @tracyS use dragon’s blood and cleaning herbs. I have had enetities following me and was able to banish them through asking them things and using spiritual cleansing.
Have you asked them what they want? And if they are for your highest good. You are allowed to make boundaries with spirits and tell them they have to leave and theyvare not allow to be i your space… also ask if they are attached to any of your objects in you place…
@celineelise those are some good points thank you! Tonight I prayed for her while I was in the tub. I did ask her why she was so angry. I saged the area and my room and I put some crystals and acorn in front of her. I found out that Nettle is good for this sort of thing , so I’ll be getting some tomorrow. Weird that the Horn guy does nothing it’s just her. Love and Light xo Thank you
I have had a good experience bathing with hyssop. Good luck with cleansing these intrusive energies from your home.
Thankyou for Thor’s day (he even rained on me ), Frjadagr now
Do you mean the book Of Blood and Bones? Yes this book is fantastic for many things, but another good shadow book, for just shadow work is by our very own @MeganB Whispers of the Soul
Whispers of the Soul: Unveiling Light through Shadow Work
Hopefully you’ll clear your home. Take care lovely
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