Welcome @sharina, I’m Siofra_Strega from Cape Cod & a moderator here in the forum. I haven’t made it that far across the United States, but one day I hope to do so.
The world is very intense for many people especially since 2020 & the time following. Going with your intuition & flow is a great way to go about anything on your path. As long as it is what feels good to you, it’s what will work for you.
I’m continually learning & studying! I have taken classes for crystal healing, but I’m continually learning more as time goes on, I’m relearning to trust my intuition & have been taking classes on direction to read tarot more intuitively, which is working really well lately.
If you love to learn, check out the courses section & work your way through them! They are full of great information & resources. Even if it is something that you have already learned, it never hurts to have sort of a refresher. There are many printables within them too for different ideas on how to do different things from each topic & a section for your own notes.
I personally have started saying that I’m a witch, I can’t really label myself, but I can tell you that I am very drawn to Irish Celtic practices, work with Brigid & the Morrigan, definitely crystals (I may or may not have a problem with collecting those), I’m starting to learn more about working with the elements. So far I know that I am very drawnt to water
& fire
& earth
I’m starting to learn more about incorporating air
into my practice.
I use tarot & oracle cards, pendulums, runes (Elder Futhark & Witches Runes), a pendulum for dowsing on a mat, well really it’s the size of an altar cloth
Herbs & plants
, incense, oils, spell bags, jars, & making up my own oils & sprays, teas
… I’m starting to learn about infusing herbs & making salves too.
So I’m just a witch that practices based on what what feels right to me in my practice. The list goes on but I have a very supportive family & right here I have made some great friends who are a second family. If you have any questions feel free to ask & someone will be right along to help you out & get you pointed in the right direction! I look forward to chatting with you more & learning with you!