Altar Cloth Suggestions

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have suggestions on what to use for an altar cloth? Does it have to be a piece of fabric specifically stated as an altar cloth?



When I first started, my altar cloth was a red Bandana. I used two tea candles, Tarot Cards for the elements the God and Goddess (Aces, Emperor and Empress)bowl of water, bowl of salt, cheap incense burner, and a ceramic bowl for burning things in.
I’ve purchased more ornate Altar cloths since.


Thank you!


I second the idea that altar cloths can be anything. You never need to purchase anything to be an eclectic witch. When I was a teen, I used a pillow case to keep my supplies and I would place them on the pillow case on a tv tray :upside_down_face: when it was time to use them. (I dabbled on and off until 2020.) When I finally embraced Wicca, I didn’t have a cloth. I kept everything in a tub and I would turn the tub over to burn my candles and to place my idol on something.


Thank you so much!


I’ve used everything from cotton scarves to place mats. It’s all good! :hugs:


Thank you!


I support the DIY option. Repurpose an old piece of fabric, scarf or whatever. If you want to make it a custom color, you could buy a piece of fabric (walmart, amazon) and sew a hem around the edges.


It can be whatever you want! I prefer bringing in something that has meaning to me so my altar cloths are all handmade. Currently, I’m one I crocheted that is deep purple and deep green (you can see it in this video if you want). I also have a few spiral ones that I made that I sell, too. Those are some of my favorites because the spiral is sacred in my practice and the practices of others. I’ll leave some pictures here for you.

One of my other cloths is literally just a piece of fabric I picked up at the store. I liked the pattern and the color, and that was it!


When I first started I found a hand towel that was a deep purple/maroon and used that. I still will use that one over my designated or printed altar cloths. I just like the ease of use for that one. It fits perfectly on the top of my dresser where I do my spellwork and such.


Those are beautiful! Thank you for the advice!


Currently I have my great grandmothers table cloth on my altar. I have a gorgeous celtic unicorn cloth too. You can use whatever you please :smiley:


I like Green and Celtic knots. Some altar clothes can get a little pricey and eventually wax drippings and sparks from smydge sticks and dried salt take their toll. But I find them well worth it.


Sometimes I just use a bandana from Hobby Lobby. They come in all colors and are only about $1.00. If you want to give it a personal touch you can always use markers or paint pens, embroidery, or appliqué to add whatever inspires you.


It is so wonderful to see everyone’s altar cloths :heart_eyes: As I look at the pictures, I can’t help but feel like everyone’s cloths are reflections of their own unique practice and fun personal quirks :heart:

I’m part of the use-whats-available team, as I set up and take down my altar for holidays and rituals. The cloth I choose (if I decide to use one- sometimes plain wood seems like the best choice!) depends on the colors and season. I’ve used everything from scarves to hand towels to blankets to fancy dish mats.

All in all, I say make it your own and feel free to experiment with different types of altar cloths! :blush::+1:


Thank you :blush: glad I could help!

That is gorgous :heart: and I bet it adds a lovely sentiment to your altar as well.

Those are really pretty! And yes, sometimes the cloths get dirty. I currently need to figure out how to get candle wax out of my yarn…apparently the tealight I lit had a small hole in the bottom :sweat_smile:

I’m a big fan of giving things personal touches! Especially things as personal as altars and work spaces :deciduous_tree:

Definitely agree with that!


Oh wow, @MeganB! Those are awesome altar cloths! That must be difficult to crochet though, in a spiral. I can’t imagine the work that went into those, you’re so talented!


Thank you @Amethyst :sunflower: they take some practice, but those are some of my favorite things to make!


They look so different, but lovely! You do good work!


I have purchased 2 a purple one with a pentacle and this one in the picture. Both were less than $10 each on Etsy. I am Scottish so I really try to get to my Celtic roots whenever I can. This Triquetra knot is on my back as a tattoo with a ring around it in English Ivy that my youngest daughter drew for me. But like everyone else said, the altar cloth can be anything that calls to you. Have fun.