Altars! Love to see yours!

My altar constantly changes, probably it’s because of my mood! On each occasion I switch to a different position and as a baby witch I’m still buying and researching the items that are necessary for my current moment! I did a special altar for Litha. I wanted to include more fruits like pineapple and some oranges, but I only had some bananas in my kitchen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and bananas are my favorite fruit!


Beautiful altar, Laura!! Very nice arrangement, and I love all the fruits!! :heart_eyes:

What is the fruit that’s under the crystals?


Your Litha altar is beautiful, @laura6! :two_hearts: Are those cinnamon sticks I see? Ohhh it must’ve smelled amazing! Your crystal collection is gorgeous too :gem: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


These are dried orange slices! I’m glad you like them :smiley:


Yep! These are delicious cinnamon sticks :heart_eyes:


Altar goals :raised_hands: My altar is a work in progress. Right now I’m buying my collection of stones and herbs! I also bought some colorful candles, but I’m willing to make my own candles with beeswax.


Ohhhhhh beeswax candles are my favorite, @laura6!!! :heart_eyes: Can I ask how you make them- do you keep bees, or have a source that you get beeswax from? :honeybee::candle:

I’ve watched a few videos on YouTube about candlemaking with beeswax, as my only candlemaking experience was many, many years ago (and mostly forgotten now :sweat_smile:). I’m hoping to have a hive someday :honey_pot: - nothing better than having fresh honey and beeswax for crafting right in your own backyard! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am such a newbie - I am doing exactly like you. Collecting stones, herbs and unfortunately purchasing candles. My creative skills are lacking considerably LOL. I’d love to see how you do it. Your altar looks so “harmonious” and I get the sense of it’s warmth :slight_smile:


This is one good idea…,… love the drawer one! It works!


I watched the video - very inspirational. I really really like the drawer idea too. You know what my problem is? I watch all kinds of YouTube videos to get some sort of “easy” creative skills. Then off I go down a billion rabbit holes (okay I exaggerate) - certainly feels like it :smiley: and then get overwhelmed LOL.

I suppose I have to remember the K.I.S.S principle but I :heart: going all out :wink:


I know this feeling all too well :laughing: You are so right, YouTube is just so tempting with all the amazing craft and informational videos! I can spend hours watching- but then get absolutely nothing done :sweat_smile:. Same thing with craft stores- so many beautiful bits and pieces for projects! :gem: I have so many beads and so much fabric just sitting back at home waiting… waiting to be ignored so I can buy more shiny things :joy:


Yes you are right - the craft stores too! I do the exact same thing. I should never rely on my memory because I come out with the complete opposite of what I needed to buy in the first place. I’m like a kid in a candy shop “oooooo I NEED that” :smiley:


Hahaha I know this feeling very well! :joy: And I’m guilty because part of me is a little happy when I remember I the things I was supposed to be buying for crafts- because that means there’s another trip to the craft store in the near future :laughing: :+1::sparkles:


Sorry Francisco, just a bit late with my reply! This is the Etsy seller who does those geometric deity statues, they are done on reclaimed wood too, which is good. UK-based I’m afraid, so probably a bit expensive postage-wise for anyone on your side of the Atlantic :frowning:


Hey @russell! Thanks for the suggestion, they look great! I like their travel altar supplies and those divination dice too! :game_die:

I ended up buying these two statues which are quite nice too!


Really nice ty for sharing


That is a super gorgeous dresser! Love the engraving/detail on it. And I love your altar. Its very pleasing to look at with it being all organized :heart_eyes:


I love your altar @laura6! Beautiful :heart_eyes: the dried fruit must smell amazing!


Those are really beautiful, Francisco, thanks for sharing. You have kept your alter very simple too, which brings out the striking nature of the statues. Great job! You can find some fabulous items from craftspeople on Etsy if you hunt through. Thanks for the video too, which was very interesting. I am going to hunt out that book. Take care…


Thanks! Yes, that is a small table altar (50 cm / 20 inches wide) so there’s not a lot of room for extra elements. I think it helps keep the altar meaningful when each thing is picked carefuly too!

The Spiral Dance is a great read! Lots of interesting concepts for sure! :+1: