Astrological Forecast WC 13th February 2023 (+ Recap from last week)

Astrological Highlights for the Week Ahead

First we have a little recap from last week to go over, as Mercury moved into Aquarius bringing some powerful Mercury energy with it…

Mercury :astrology_mercury: in Aquarius :aquarius: 11th February 2023 6:22am (ET) 11th February 2023 11:22am (GMT)

Aquarius is the future, change :earth_americas: the unconventional, the new and different! Mercury rules communication :speaking_head: as well as intellect, awareness, expression, logic and reasoning, and our manner of thinking :thought_balloon:

Combined, these energies :zap: tell us we will be focusing heavily on the future during this transit! Expect lots of thinking, talking, and planning – intelligent and possibly unconventional ideas will be bounced :basketball: around.

Mercury :astrology_mercury: in Aquarius :aquarius: is fast and dramatic and is reinforcing allll that forward moving :fast_forward: :fast_forward: energy that we have floating around now. A brilliant time for new and exciting opportunities, this is also a great time to revisit any plans that have become stuck. Now is the time to regroup, refocus and finish those older ideas we may have been overlooking.

Pallas Direct in Cancer :cancer: 16th February 2023 9:31am (ET) 16th February 2023 2:31pm (GMT)

Pallas is the asteroid of wisdom :brain: and knowledge. In our Natal Charts, it shows us how we approach intelligence, creative thinking, art :art: strategy, healing :mending_heart: and mental accomplishments.

In Greek Mythology, Pallas was the daughter of Jupiter :astrology_jupiter: She was the Goddess of warfare, wisdom, skill, and strategy. It was said that she was born from the head of her father, and so, Pallas is all about the mind!

The energy of Pallas errs on the more masculine :man: side, as opposed to the rest of the asteroids that have a more feminine :woman: energy. In opposition to Ceres, which tells us about our relationships with our mothers :pregnant_woman: and the females in our lives, Pallas tells us about our relationships with our fathers :family_man_girl_boy: and the males in our lives.

As Cancer :cancer: is full of empathy and focuses on home :house_with_garden: and family life, this is a great opportunity to look at our family situations and tackle any problems - it’s a great time for family counselling! If all is well in your family right now, this is an excellent opportunity time to forge deeper :heart_hands: connections, maybe by planning a family trip or just a day or night together. Spell work around strengthening relationships and protection is favourable now.

Additionally, with Pallas in Cancer, our intuition is heightened :person_in_lotus_position: and our gut instinct connects easily with our minds.

Sun :astrology_sun: Enters Pisces :pisces: 18th February 2023 5:54pm (ET) 18th February 2023 10:54pm (GMT)

Pisces :pisces: is a Mutable sign, meaning it is adaptable and will go with the flow :ocean: It is a Water :water_element: sign meaning it is sensitive, intuitive, deep, and caring – however, it is also a Dual Sign, which means as well as the sensitive, caring, dreamy, personality, it also has another side to it which can be selfish and extremely clever.

Sun :astrology_sun: in Pisces :pisces: symbolises the end of the astrological year, so our thoughts tend to turn to endings and new beginnings. When the Sun transits Pisces, you may feel more inclined to self-reflection :mirror: Some people may gain more empathy for others; we may also consider devoting time to a charity or helping those :people_hugging: who are less fortunate.

Pisces is one of the most spiritual signs, so this is the perfect time to start developing or honing personal skills – anything linked to your mental :eye: wellbeing is favourable right now, so look to yoga, meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: and mindfulness to strengthen that connection with your inner self :relieved:

Bearing all of that in mind, lets have a little check in on where the major planets are currently, and how they are all influencing each other…

The Sun is currently joined in Pisces :pisces: by Neptune and Venus. Neptune will remain in Pisces until May 2025 - so we have plenty of time still to enjoy Neptunes transit of the house she rules. Venus :astrology_venus: is exalted in Pisces, meaning Venus can achieve its highest potential in this sign.

Venus remains in Pisces :pisces: until 20th February, and we have a very brief window (of about 50 minutes) on this day, when Venus remains in Pisces during the New Moon :new_moon_with_face: in Pisces.

When you have three (or four, including the sun or moon) or more planets in one sign, it’s referred to as a stellium. Stelliums tend to intensify the qualities of the sign they take place in, making it incredibly easy to identify with that sign’s traits during the time period. You may find you have a stellium in your birth chart, if you do, you probably identify with a lot of that signs energy.

If possible, we should try to use this moment to our advantage and absorb as much of that lovely Piscian energy as we can! :grin: This window will occur 20th February 2023 from 2:06am to 2:55am (ET) or 7:06am to 7:55am (GMT).

As mentioned above, Mercury is now in Aquarius :aquarius: driving us forward and balancing out Pisces dreamy nature. Mercury is joined in Aquarius by Saturn :astrology_saturn: - Lord of Karma - who will remain in Aquarius :aquarius: until 7th March 2023 before starting a transit of Pisces. Saturn in Aquarius is complimenting Mercurys :astrology_mercury: position by driving those long term plans and encouraging us to take responsibility for our lives now.

Mars :astrology_mars: is currently still in Gemini, where he remains until 25th March before moving into Cancer. Mars in Gemini :gemini: is contributing to even more of this forward thinking, face paced energy that we have right now, encouraging us to act now and stop procrastinating!

Jupiter :astrology_jupiter: - Planet of Luck - continues in Aries :aries: until 11th March, expanding all the themes of Aries - new beginnings, passion, confidence and leadership.

And finally, we have Uranus :astrology_uranus: in Taurus :taurus: giving us cause to reflect on what we truly want in all things wealth and love :heart:

All the major planets are DIRECT and will be until Mercury :astrology_mercury: goes and spoils it all in April by Retrograding :joy: Not only are they all Direct, they are all pretty harmonious right now. The energies are largely complimentary :balance_scale: and we have a nice representation of the elements in suitable planets.

The short story? The time is NOW! :sparkles:

Love & Light to all :heartpulse: :candle: :stonehenge:


Woow I am a pisces and yes I have at least 4-5 times pisces in my birth chart! :innocent: :heart_eyes: :blush: That’s soo amazing and unique that my ruling planet neptune will remain in pisces sign till may 2025!! :astonished: :innocent: I mean, I never really knew about stelliums till now! :sweat_smile: WOW thank you @Abs53 soo much for these lovely astrological insights!! I always looove them…and, I LOVE the phrase - “The time’s now!” :wink: :face_holding_back_tears:
Blessed be love! :hugs: :hearts:


Ohohoho I’ve just been calling it “a whole heck of a lot of Scorpio”- now I know there’s a cool name for it! :laughing: :+1:

Screenshot 300 x 300

So mote it BE! Let’s get things done, witches! :raised_hands: :partying_face: :sparkles:

I have a lot of things “in the works” that I’m waiting to fit into place- may this be the time for things to align and work out harmoniously :pray:

Thank you as always for the very insightful (and enjoyable!) forecasts, @Abs53- I really love reading them! :heart::milky_way: :blush:


Thank you @Abs53
I enjoy reading your astrological forecasts and I look forward to them each week.
With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


That was a new one for me too, and I’m also going to have use for it… :innocent: :blue_heart:

My teacher’s also Pisces (with rising Cancer) and has a huge affinity to water that we sometimes bond over :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :ocean:
Not 4 or 5 times though as far as I know! :blush:

Something I discovered last summer… forget about walking meditation, swimming meditation is where it’s at, with the right kind of music~ :relaxed: :notes: :swimming_woman:

Curious how you loves relate to water with so much water in your charts :kissing_heart: :blue_heart:


Aww my cuute scorpio girl! :kissing_heart: :heart:


Oh my Celestia! You have a cancer stellium!! We are all water girls here, aren’t we? :wink: :kissing_heart: Loove the swimming meditation idea! :heart_eyes: With the best music…oooh! I am in love! :blush: :hugs: :hearts:


Awww yes, the cutest mermaids! :kissing_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :mermaid:


Look at all those Cancers! :cancer: :crab: :grinning: :raised_hands:

Ah, excuse me, you have a very nice stellium of Cancer :relieved: (am I using the cool new word correctly? :laughing:)

Hooray for lots of water energy! :water_element: :partying_face: :ocean: :sparkles:


Ohhkay, so I’ve never looked into this before but apparently I have a Capricorn stellium? Am I saying that right? Here’s my planets and stuff… :laughing: I thought I had more Scorpio but apparently I don’t. I have four different Capricorns!

I have Capricorn in Uranus, Neptune, Lilith, and my Ascending Node. I’m not sure if those count. I don’t know anything about astrology.


Sooo… I have 3 Stelliums… Scorpio, Libra, & Leo… :rofl::joy: there may be one more, my eyes went crossed counting them.


This discussion is old news- but keep an eye out for more astrological forecasts from the talented Astrologer Abs!