Aura & Energy Scanning Thread

The Santa muerte card reversed

The card speaks of a person who needs more balance

The card is saying you should think about being more in tune with natural cycles of nature like the agricultural, the seasonal one

You should also light a candle every day preferably a white 1


I do need more balance for sure - I’m not sure I refuse to acknowledge that, but I guess I have not been the best at the actioning part of that resolution.

Up until this year, I was winging it with being in tune with nature generally, and I’ve since come to fully embrace this aspect as much as one can.

I will :candle:
Thank you! :white_heart:

What would you like me to scan in regards to you or would you like a general Clair energy scan? Also, since we are focusing on subject matter about Clair, Auras and Energy, I feel it’s appropriate to channel that through more / different mediums than just oracle/tarot, right?


I think you put this beautifully, Jan! :heart:


Just general intuitive scan off your sleeve


Intuitive scan - Chakra scan

Because I’ve not met you IRL, I have scanned the energy and aura you have put forth here on the forum in addition to intuitive energy I can feel from my meditation about you which should suffice. I performed a full intuitive scanning session for you, and spent time (2 hours) and focus on you and your energy. I want to provide you with as much detail as possible so I get feedback from you as to this scanning practice session’s efficacy.

To preface your reading, I performed a Chakra Scan - memory is energetically coded in our chakras and is chemically coded in our neurons. Blocked chakras will create imbalances impeding growth and healing. This is for those wanting deeper exploration of their feelings and emotions to receive suggested paths and healing from blocked energy in your body.

My intuitive reading for you showed me flickering color(s) Dark Blue/Indigo/Purple which is connected to the Third-Eye Chakra or Brow chakra - The 6th Chakra.

What it controls: Intuition, imagination, and wisdom
Mantra: “I am open to exploring what cannot be seen.”
Element: Light
Stone: Amethyst or Lapis Lazuli
Yoga pose: Child’s Pose
When it develops: Peak development is during 35-42 years old

While this chakra deals with intuition and you have personally been on a search for intuitive thinking and practicing it, there are aspects where you will want to obtain and control your ability to move past your ego - it is still unbalanced at times and you may feel out of touch with your innate intuition.

Each chakra is associated with physical structures in your body, so every illness or ailment can be traced to a corresponding chakra for a deeper understanding of the energetic origins of the disease. The chakras help us understand why illness develops and what we can learn from it. While the 3rd eye allows us to see the entire picture, the physical structure most closely related to the third eye chakra is the pituitary gland— the control room / oversight of the endocrine system, including the adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, and testes. Headaches, hormone imbalances, nightmares, indecision, burnout, and lack of purpose are all common manifestations when there’s an imbalance in the third eye.

In order to see yourself fully, you should learn to open your third eye with some of the exercises I’ve suggested below. Being able to to see all of the ways that we could be playing the victim card, all of the ways we project our judgments, insecurities, and assumptions onto others is achieved through communion with the divine and seeing the big picture to enable a connection to your intuition in a real way. Think of it as the eye of the soul: It registers information beyond the surface level. Visions and intuitive hits are not uncommon for someone with an open or working on an open third-eye chakra - I believe you have experience with visions.

As your third eye begins to open, the house of cards you are building will fall to pieces and you will wake up to a new spiritual reality. This awakening can challenge your sense of identity, and the process warrants caution. The spiritual awareness that comes through your development of the sixth chakra can be overwhelming if you have not built a healthy foundation in the lower five chakras - I do not see any issues with your lower 5 in my reading although it does not mean there are not any, just means I was meant to focus on the 6th. Once you have worked your way through the lower 5, the third eye will begin to open further. An inner knowing will begin to rise, and you can clearly see yourself. You will understand that “I am” is a moving target. We are not our fears or our emotions, our beliefs, or our judgments. An open third eye sees life as the stage it is.

Once you have an open third eye you will be aware of all the roles you play in the world and understanding your role will leave you no choice but to move past the illusions that define your existence. Clairvoyance may be one result of a developed third eye, but this energy center is responsible for so much more than predicting the future. When we open the third eye, we become aware of the big picture. This ability to see everything will shift your perspective, so you can see your own blind spots and understand yourself in the context of the collective. But in order to use the third eye to see through time and space, you first have to use it to see yourself.

Here are some practices to help you ease into seeing yourself and roles you play.

Identity journaling practice:

  • Consider yourself as you are today and write a list of sentences that begin with “I am …” Write down as many things as you can think of that feel true right now. For example, “I am a writer, I am a colleague, I am a friend, I am happy, I am handsome, I am lonely, etc.”
  • Then imagine yourself 10 years ago, and create a similar list for yourself at that time.
  • Choose another one or two time periods in your life and do the same thing.
  • Consider what you see yourself as in one year from now — 5 years from now.
  • Notice the differences in these lists, and reflect on how your sense of self has changed.

3rd Eye Chakra Affirmations:

  • My perception is razor sharp.
  • I am clear and calm
  • I see all things with clarity
  • I see beyond illusions
  • I trust my intuition to guide me daily
  • My mind is focused and clear
  • I trust what I discover in dreams and visions to guide me

Other ways to support the 3rd Eye Chakra:

  • Make a conscious effort to recognize, listen to and act on your intuition
  • Eat dark coloured healthy foods such as berries
  • Meditation with deeper exploration
  • Application of essential oils, crystals and stones to aid chakra development
  • Yoga Postures

May the light and energy fill you and create wisdom, @john.knox


@jan_TheGreenWitch 1st of all thank you.
You’re a life saver, I’ve been intuitively drawn to these 2 workings:
Total chakra balance

& this:

3rd eye balance

What do you think?


@john.knox I reviewed the two links and It appears the first is cleansing and assessment of all chakras and the second link is focused on the 3rd eye specifically…… I wonder could you do a guided general cleansing yourself and it be as effective then focus on the 3rd eye? Also, are there reviews on the curriculum for this work, or are you already familiar with their work? I am not. For the fee I would want to know success stories and maybe get a smaller reading ahead of time to ensure they are in agreement regarding your potential blockages and quest. You being intuitively drawn to the two workings does make these courses more credible out the gate, so there’s that.

I’m happy you connected with the scan I did. I felt like I needed to do this and spend time and give you serious, real feedback. There are other courses and places we can research if you decide not to go with the ones you mentioned above.



I also take psych meds that obviously block the 3rd eye & higher chakras,

so if I were to wane of them I’d probably be flooded with visions & higher order divine energies

I wouldn’t be able to handle

As it is I’m already joined at the hip with dragon eyes & all sorts of draconian/snake intelligences

They feel vampiric, the gods of the dusk, liminal to me. They feel predatory & hungry all the time.


The meds you are taking are related to specific chakra blockages - if they are psychiatric in nature. You can look each of them up to find the corresponding chakra associated with each of them, or send me a PM and I can tell you.

I would say that if you have the 3rd and 6th chakras (which is probable) inhibited by psych meds, then you would need to focus extra on the clearing of the negative energies and healing focus even more and consistently in conjunction with possibly acupuncture or Homeopathy or Ayurvedic methods as adjunct. Don’t drive yourself into a tail spin with running from ‘the gods of the dusk’, take control of learning who you are, your own place and controlling and protecting your own mind and space before allowing the rest in.

Lastly, any cleansing or healing you get should include a heavy dose of skin in the game from you - not just you sit back and let them cleanse you, but the work you must do is the burden of this type of journey. You are not alone but you must do this work, nobody can do it for you.



@jan_TheGreenWitch I’ve bought from them before & they do a free tea chat every Friday at 5pm ET

They also did a free chakra scan for me:

My chakras according to them vibe with the demonic divine that makes sense with all the dragons around me…

I’ve also had other unrelated psychics/taro readers say that me buying their products a good decision

I can see real changes in my life because of their products

Of course I’m meditating & doing the work every day to advance

I’ve also noticed that eating expensive pork cutting to be beneficial for my physical/mental/spiritual health

I also buy Aronia juice, did you hear about that?
It’s this black berry from Poland that’s a strong anti oxidant


I know that Aronia berries are a good antioxidant and help the immune system. I think they are good for lowering high blood pressure. I have dry mouth side effects from cancer treatment and I believe these make you have dry mouth as well, so not sure it would work for me. Using it as an anti oxidant could work though, I do know Aronia Berries are grown in N America too, I don’t know if Poland has a special varietal or not.


@jan_TheGreenWitch You said I can pm you with my meds…

But your profile is hidden…

Can you pm me 1st?


Did it! @john.knox


I saw a black necklace floating in the air today,
Felt malicious to me.


Good morning! :sparkles:

I know conversations are going well and it’s great to see! I just wanted to pop in with a quick reminder to be gentle with yourselves, especially if you’re on medication. We always want to work in tandem with our spiritual team and our medical providers. I want to caution anyone to not stop taking medication without proper care and guidance from the prescribing physician. :pray: As someone with personal experience stopping SSRIs cold-turkey, I don’t recommend it at all. That was almost 10 years ago and I still suffer the side effects of that.

I just want the best for everyone :heart: and I love and care for you all!


I wanted to share the baby wisps of my nascent understanding (in other words, very much a beginner). My sister and I have been talking a lot about intuition. It’s part of her therapy. Although she is not a witch, the girl is seriously psychic. Sometimes, I have to remind just how many times she has been on the money. For her, it seems to be more of a steady gift. For me, it seems to be something that happens much more sporadically, although I am interested in developing my intuition. My sister can pick up predictiions about ordinary things. I seem to be most intuitive when I or a loved one is in some kind of danger or imminient harm (very useful to have, and I am sure I am not alone in that) and I call that my “Spidey Sense.” Could it be semi-accurate to say what we call psychic ability is reading energy? We were talking about how freaky is to realize that all things have energy LOL. Anyway…since you all are clearly more advanced than me, I wanted to share something sister was strongly encouraging me to look into. Heart Math? It has something to do with breathing and recovering from trauma or other therapeutic benefits. I know nothing about it but she said it is connected to developing your intuition. I think this may also be aligned with the health mind/body health movement where emotions and intuition are beginning to be seen with more appreciation and value and as a vital part of wellbeing. I’m not 100% sure. I personally feel ready to try things before being very experienced because I believe in learning through mistakes. So, very ready to try baby steps here!


Interesting, @mary25 – I’ve never heard of Heart Math. I’m going to have to look into that!


Me, too or my sister will think I do not listen to her :slight_smile: and that is never a good thing. She likes to be right! :slight_smile: I have to at least look at it.


I did a quick Google search and came up with these links. I’ll explore a bit further eventually!


Well, more links to add to my bookmarks!

My providers understand my beliefs & that I am an Empath, however with the current regimen I am on, I feel much more connected & my intuition is much better with the clarity I didn’t have prior.

I have also stopped medications without letting my doctors in on it or just stopped mental health medications. I also HIGHLY do not recommend coming off any medications without a discussion with the prescriber & that the prescriber have a full awareness of the why you would like to do so.

Both of my providers (Psychiatrist & Therapist) know that I am pagan (my primary care provider does too) & an Empath/Highly Sensitive… so we discuss any changes & decide together how we should proceed knowing the entire situation & the why & other things I may be working on to cope with certain things along with what I am trying to learn or achieve.