Banishing, Cleansing & Protection Against Malicious Entity

Happy Saturday!

I need y’all’s help. My sister and her family (partner, handicap 21 yo, 5yo, and 1yo - kids are all girls) just moved to North Carolina and there is a malicious entity in the house. My brother-in-law is sensitive to spirits and he saw a figure when they first moved in. Didn’t really think anything of it as he didn’t pick up negative energy at that time. Fast forward a week and my oldest niece was scratched. She is disabled (genetic disorder that affects her nerves) and was in her wheelchair in the doorway to the babies room (1 yo). She has also commented that the shadows scare her. For the record, my niece wears tons of bracelets, including ones made of protection crystals, and she’s still being targeted.

My mom and I have given my sister many tips on how to cleanse and ward the home but I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a shield/ward for my niece. Please keep in mind that she is mentally the same age as roughly a 10-12 yo. She has impaired speech and fine motor skills as well as wheelchair bound. I was thinking maybe a charm bags to place on her wheelchair and bed.

We are open to all ideas.

Blessed Be


@Amaris_Bane Here’s a link
What has haunted me this whole time?
My aunty is a psychic and emailed me how to clear a house of spirit, it’s in this post, hope it helps. :heartpulse::kissing_heart: It’s number 12 of the discussion.


Thanks! Sharing that with my sister now.


I hope all will be ok. Am praying for them. :sparkling_heart:


I have made Florida’s water and made a waterfall Megan has suggested in the past! Waterfall Ward :sweat_drops:
Also you can cleanse ur area with
*Big bowl of water :sweat_drops:

  • Rosemary
  • Lighter
    Light the Rosemary and burn :fire: it all and drop it in the bowl of water :sweat_drops:
    You have just cleansed your space
    Highly recommend calling out to your source of protection!
    annoint all of your chakras! Root and crown :crown:

@Jeannie1 I’ll add this to my grim if that’s ok. Thanks for this. :sparkling_heart:


I think a ward for her wheelchair and bed is a good idea, even a sigil drawn on her wheelchair kept by her bed. Let me see if I can find anything else… will be back with an edit!

So, we’ve got these spells here on the site that might be helpful.

There’s a lot more but I think these should all give a good place to start! I’m sure you could adapt one of these to your sister’s specific situation.


@MeganB How would you go about creating the sigil, would it just be spontaneous or is there particular images you would include? :sparkling_heart:


So, there are actually several different ways for making sigils. You could do it the chaos magic way by creating a phrase, removing the vowels, and forming a symbol out of the pieces of the letters that are left.

There’s also a method of sigil making where you combine different common sigils that embody the overall meaning you want to convey. For example, the sigil I created for the newsletter a while ago uses this sigil method.

Banish Bad Habits - A Sigil for Freedom!

The upside-down triangle with the line draws on the grounding stability of Earth’s energy. The X represents the habit, and the full line through it with the vertical lines represents the path to stability, while the habit can’t get through because it’s blocked!

Then there’s another method of sigil creation using planetary grids. I’ve only done this once using Jupiter’s planetary grid. I learned this method from Ivy the Occultist!


@MeganB Ooh this is good, will make a note of this. Thankyou :heartpulse:


You’re welcome! :blush: Happy to help!


Thank you everyone for the ideas!! I’ll be sharing everything with my sister and determine where to go from here.


You’re very welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope something there is helpful!


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