Beautiful creatures

Just wanted to share some of the beautiful creatures around the house Today!


You have some very interesting friends in your garden, @daniel4! :grin: The butterfly is lovely on her flower :sunflower:, but I admit I got shivers from the spider- wow, that’s a big one! :spider:


What lovely photos! I love all the creatures on this planet! So long as they don’t bite me then scream. I grew up with a bunch of males in my family. On a farm. You can imagine how many critters I’ve played with. Not knowing how much is appreciate them, when I was a lot younger I’d take a daddy long leg and pick off all his legs but one and he’d walk in a circle. It was funny but now I know I was doing harm.


Oh how wondrous and beautiful the beings of our earth are, I have been lately finding spiders and putting them in my plants or taking them outside. I hate to kill anything, even a wasp, but I am not vegan…figure that one out!!

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We had to put a scarecrow in our garden because of the little birds. But we have all kinds of visitors at our house too! I should snap some shots of them, a lot of spiders but we have what is known in the neighborhood as a bunny sanctuary in the front yard. It’s surrounded by different kinds of lilies in the summer and we let the grass grow out with some wild flowers, hostas, a rose of sharon, because the bunny moms have their babies in our front yard. So we don’t mow until they have moved on, usually the end of the summer.


Wow, you must be very fearless when it comes to creepy crawlies after living on a farm, @christina4! :astonished: I’ve spent some time volunteering on farms and in the countryside, but it must not have been enough- I still get shivers when I see a big bug! :spider: :sweat_smile:

You have a very big and warm heart, @roxanne! :heart: Everyone has different ideas about diets, but in my opinion I think it is absolutely possible to live in harmony with nature as a vegetarian or omnivore too. I think it all comes down to respect and love- which I know you have a lot of! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your yard sounds like paradise, @Susurrus! :sunflower::two_hearts: If you have a chance to take some pics, I would love to see your flowers and the bunnies! :rabbit2: :heart_eyes:


Oh, I love bunnies! That’s so kind of you to not now. I used to have bunnies. A lot of bunnies! It started as one. And I didn’t want her to be alone. Then two. And so on. I just kept falling in love with them more and more! :rabbit2::rabbit::carrot:


We have them all over our yard. They hide in the front because there is plenty of clover and wild flowers there. They are also in a pile of bricks, that now I won’t let my husband finish the patio with because they are there. We also have them in the backyard now that we have a garden and a shed that they go into or under. I think it helps them hide from the coyotes that can’t make it in there. We will see them sunning themselves in the back or in our driveway. My daughter can walk up to about 2 feet of them before they dash away!


I love scarecrows! I never had one but they’re so interesting… They have this kind of supernatural symbolism that is very appealing. Do you have a picture of it?


There she is! We have another one to put up, so she has a friend out there!


Just make sure to place them 6 feet apart! :laughing: And they might need masks too!


@Francisco you laugh, but I am going to say that to my husband. Purely for the reaction to it!


Aw, that’s so sweet! That means that they’ve learned to trust her if she can get that close. The squirrels and birds come right up to me like, " hey, got any food?" :yum:


Sounds like a very happy bunny family! :rabbit: I never had one as a pet, but maybe someday! :grin: I’ve heard they are very smart and can often be trained to do tricks :woman_juggling::rabbit2:

You are a bunny protector, @Susurrus! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s good that you have the fence around your garden though, otherwise I imagine your furry friends would help themselves to your lovely garden! :seedling::rabbit:


It’s funny bc I was scrying this morning and I saw a bunny over an angel. I wonder what it means? The angle was lying down. Almost in a child’s pose. The bunny was just sitting up.


@BryWisteria part of the fence is my middle son’s lacrosse net, we used zip ties to make it sort of a gate, and under it is where our sprinkler is placed. There was a small hole in the corner and low and beheld; a baby bunny made her way in and was nibbling on lettuce. We shooed her out and sealed the hole, but apparently, it tasted good because she got through a whole leaf of that lettuce!

I have never had one as a pet, but they make good neighbors!


Christina, I do not think there is a person alive who loves life who has not done things they regret. Some lessons in life are very hard. The sanctity of life is one of those. As a young adult I felt guilty for eating meat. Yet, because of my job, I contracted TB. I lost weight I could not afford. My husband helped me to eat meat again. It was hard. I believe we can only thank the plants, animals, and all of Earth, for the lessons they allowed us to learn. Just be thankful and thank the spiders for the lessons you have learned. Such is life. So hard, so beautiful, so tragic. I have learned such hard lessons as well. My granddaughter has learned this so much easier. Her grandfather (my late husband) showed her these things. He was such a wonderful person. Thank you for sharing your honesty.


A very interesting vision, @christina4! I’ve been spending a lot of time lately (mostly because of the current Dream Magick challenge!) looking into symbolic meanings. While these meanings are associated primarily with dreams, the symbolism can carry over to symbols seen in scrying or encountered while awake.

Dream Lookup says the following about seeing an angel:

Seeing an angel is a foreshadowing of life events that will astonish you and touch the core of your being. This is usually an indication that your life is undergoing a drastic change that will be very beneficial to you because of the newly found opportunities it will bring.

And this about the appearance of a rabbit:

Seeing a rabbit in front of you in your dreams is a good sign. It means you will definitely have an overall improvement in your living conditions and a significant increase in your income and assets.

One possible interpretation of your dream could be that there are big changes ahead, but they are still in their infancy now (the angel in the child’s pose). After these big changes that you may initially shy away from, there is good fortune waiting for you on the other side (the standing rabbit).

It looks like both angels and rabbits are good signs- I hope you have happy things coming your way soon! :rabbit::angel:


Yes, it is tragic! Now, I treasure the little souls!


That actually resonates. On top of my nursing school, I’ll be taking a crystal healer course in October. That could be the income part of the interpretation. And the drastic change could be that I’m moving into an environment that filled with Gaia’s precious animals and nature all around. Thanks for taking your time to interpret the images! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkling_heart::star2: