Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Modalities (Qualities)

Hello everyone

I would like to share my latest astrology guide, this one focusing on the cardinal, fixed and mutable modalities. It explains the purpose of the modalities, their meaning and how to find your dominant modality on your birth chart.

Feel free to use as you wish.

Hope these are of some help to those new to astrology. The next guide will be the Polarities.

Blessed be



This is fascinating, I don’t fully understand it, I find astrology difficult, but it’s fascinating :sparkling_heart:


It can be tricky to get your head around. There are so many pieces of the puzzle to fit together when reading a birth chart. This is just one of them.



Your infographics never cease to amaze me! These are awesome! Looking forward to your new book!

Big hugs :hugs:


Wow :ok_hand: as per your usual, wonderful. I would Love for you to do my chart if that is something you would be willing to do.

Cardinal: Sun (2) Saturn (1), Neptune (1) = 4, fairly balanced
Fixed: Ascendant (2), Venus (1), , Jupiter (1), Pluto (1) = 5, prominent “very”
Mutable: Moon (2), Mercury (1), Mars (1), =4, fairly balanced


Seriously, when you combine everything into a book - even if it’s just an eBook in PDF form or something, I’m there for it! :clap: These are great!


I love :heart: these infographics! I made sure they were added to the Astrology Information post too!

You do an amazing job with these & explaining the different points to each one! :blush:


Once again, you amaze and delight with your astrology wisdom, @Cosmic_Curiosity! :clap: :partying_face:

I always felt that the modalities/qualities were a bit above my pay grade, so to say- I could never really get my head around them before. So I love how you related each of the traits to points in the year- Cardinal as the start of a season, Fixed as the middle, and Mutable as the end of a season. That really helps me visualize and tie the modalities into the cycle of the year and Zodiac :wheel_of_dharma: :sparkles:

And thanks to your very handy guide, I was able to calculate my dominant modality for the first time! :grinning:

Cardinal: Venus (1), Uranus (1), Neptune (1) = 3, fairly balanced
Fixed: Sun (2), Moon (2), Mercury (1), Mars (1), Saturn (1), Pluto (1) = 8, very dominant
Mutable: Ascendant (2) = 2, weak

All that Scorpio in my chart is putting me very firmly into the Fixed Modality- I guess I shouldn’t be surprised! :laughing:

This is awesome, Alan- thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and these really beautiful infographics. They are very much appreciated! :pray: :star2: :heart:


You guys are so clever. When I finish work I’m going to have another go at this. :thinking::heartpulse:I was just chatting to my hubby about all this, and he looked puzzled and said “I know where the moon is, I can’t see the others.” :rofl::joy:


Husbands are fun with some of these chats :rofl:

I did my brother’s birth chart & somehow we got talking about astrology. So i was telling him some things… he said, “So what I’m hearing is that I’m awesome & the skies set me up for it” Um… not quite but hey, take it as you will little brother :joy:


That’s funny. I like his outlook :joy:


I actually came across this when doing some background reading and it completely made sense. The start of the season is when thing start happening, they are established by the middle and by the end, theres a transformation ready for the next season.

My chart is highly fixed(8 points) which explains my need to see things through…my way :rofl:. My other 2 are balanced so i guess im flexible with my bossiness​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Very often, if you use an online birth chart creator, it will calculate these things for you.


You have a nicely balanced chart in terms of the modalities. I am not doing charts just now due to family issues but perhaps in the future.:slightly_smiling_face:

Blessed be



Thank you. That is my aim. I am putting them altogether as a “book” as i create them. Each section is a different “chapter”


haha if this is true, I want a refund!

That’s so exciting! :clap: :heart: I can’t wait to see it when it’s done!

I went through and looked at my signs for the modalities. I have 6 fixed signs, 3 cardinal signs, and five mutable signs… :thinking: that’s an interesting thing to look at and contemplate!


It makes a lot of sense and makes the three modalities a lot easier to wrap my head around- thanks so much for including this helpful note! :grinning:

Hahaha that makes two of us with 8 points in Fixed! :handshake: :laughing:

Although I’m “weak” when it comes to Mutable- any advice for trying to balance or compensate for a weak area in the chart? Is it just something to be more aware of and focus on consciously in order to avoid the pitfalls of lacking that quality? :thinking:

Would love to hear any thoughts or advice you have! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Step out of your comfort zone and try things that wouldnt normally appeal to you at times. It might open up new ways of thinking for you or you.may find new hobbies. Mutable is my weakest mode too. I tend to be flexible in that i will hear out others ideas…but tend to go with my own. I need to take the risk with others ideas and see how it goes…it may work out better than i thought.

I also found this list that acts as compensations on the birth chart for weak mutable modality. Perhaps you have some of these, meaning it wont be as weak as it looks on paper…

  • Mercury in a mutable sign (particularly Gemini or Virgo)
  • Mercury in or ruling a mutable (cadent) house
  • Mercury conjunct Sun
  • Mercury conjunct Moon
  • Mercury conjunct Jupiter
  • Mercury conjunct Neptune
  • Predominance of air or water signs

Source: Weak, or Lack of, Mutable Qualities

Blessed be



I definitely have (perhaps more than) a healthy scoop of water in my chart, so perhaps that will help shift the scales towards more balance! :ocean: :balance_scale: :grinning:

And I do always love a new excuse to dig into the birth chart and search around! :laughing: I’ll have to take a closer look at Mercury and see what I can find there too- thank you!

Oh hello, it’s me :raising_hand_woman: :joy:

It seems like the mutable quality manifests not so much as no flexibility like I was worried about, but rather a limited flexibility- the tendency to give a little, but then snap back to where I was before- like an elastic band.

Hopefully with practice, those of us with less/weaker mutable traits can train ourselves to stretch a little more- perhaps being mindful of it is the key to improving! :old_key: :blush:

Thank you so much for your wisdom, Alan- it is a real blessing and very much appreciated! :pray: :heart:


I think the elastic band analogy is so appropriate:

Not enough mutable - you flex but bounce back bexause you know best
Just right - you flex to accommodate everyone, including yourself
Too much - you flex too much and end up breaking because your ideas arent considered.

I love little analogies like this. Makes things so much easier to understand
