How do you play runes? Possibly the easy way lol thanks!!!
By the way, here are my runes in moonstone.
I tried runes but didn’t connect to them very well. Sorry I couldn’t help sweetie!
While we’re on the topic, here’s what else I bought:
Deviant Moon tarot.
My Book of Shadows.
My wolf oil burner and behind that is an older oil burner lol
A new salt lamp.
And I’ll leave off with a bunch of new crystals…
From left to right, is polychrome Jasper, rose quartz, one of my favs, blue apatite, dragon. Septarian and amethyst.
There’s this one I need to make a close up of…
It’s ok, I like to just play with them anyway.
WHOOT! You made out like a bandit.
I’ve got some amethyst runes that I’d love to use more I just don’t feel them that well, not like the tarot. Which is funny, you’d think it would be easier to connect to runes since there aren’t as many runes as three are cards. Go figure.
That’s some neat stuff for sure. I’d love to have some nice runes.
You’ve got quite the haul there! Those runes are gorgeous, though I don’t personally work with runes. I do, however, LOVE
that journal! It is just beautiful!
Thank you
Aw thanks maybe one day, you will.
Right I’m trying to use all your posts to help me out with my tarot.
I hope they help!
I’ve done some work with Runes, not the divination side in practice yet just research. But, I make protection talismans and I use them in spell work to help me visualise.
These are the two books I have and I’ve done the rest of the research online.
There is too much info to explain in one post and I am in no way an expert on the use of the Runes I’m afraid I know that there are 3 categories, Feyr’s Aett, Tyr’s Aett and Hagal’s Aett. Each category represents different aspects of the universe, Freyr’s Runes relate to Humans and their qualities, desires and connection to the divine, Tyr’s Runes represent the balance between realms, masculine and feminine energy, nature and the Deities and Hagal’s Runes are our darker side, our struggles and daily battles with ourselves and nature. Each Aett has 8 Runes associated with it. I’m sorry I can’t help more I’m still learning them myself <3
P.S. I love all of your new stuff Totally forgot to say lol! My fav is the oil burner <3
Hey, that’s totally more than I know now!!!
You’re welcome!
I’m glad I could help a little <3 Blessed Be <3
Those are great resources @Liisa thank you for sharing!
No problem at all Happy to help when i can <3 Blessed Be <3