Divination with The Runes

As far as using runes in divination, I know that some rune readers use a simple and easy daily practice: drawing one rune a day and gaining insight about the day ahead based on the rune. It’s very similar to the one-card daily reading in Tarot. You can learn more about this method of rune divination in Rune Wisdom Learning and the many rune draw posts in the forum.

And @anon87969570 is right on- there are plenty of places out there to learn more about rune divination! :grin::+1: I know @Liisa shared a book she recommends about rune divination: Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination

As for other ways to use runes in magick, @Liisa shared some great ones:

To Zari and all those exploring the world of rune divination, wishing you blessed readings! :sparkles: