Hey everyone I’m back had a crazy couple of weeks but all is back in order now
so here’s this week’s Rune post
So what is divination with the Runes (specifically the Elder Futhark)? This is how Lisa Chamberlain explains it in the chapter on Runic Divination in her book Runes for Beginners:
“Before you begin using the Runes in divination, it’s important to understand that what Runic readings preset is not a prediction of unalterable fate. Rather, successful divination of any kind provides what could be called a snapshot of the present moment, which can illuminate unseen factors in your situation and point to probable outcomes based on your current course of action.”
It’s the bestand simplest explanation around this subject I’ve found so far.
Tips Before You Start
Like any divination or ritual process it is always best to have as calm and clear a mind and environment as possible, whether you are reading for yourself or someone else. Take some time to mediate, breathe and cleanse the space before you start
Types of Rune Spreads and Casts
There are an array of different Rune Spreads to be found online some simple others complicated but I’m going to tell you about 4 of the main ones
This is the One Rune spread and can be used to give quick and simple advice on a current problem or situation or it can be a daily method of helping to learn the Runes. Pull one each day and spend a little of that day researching that Rune.
The Three Rune spread provides more context to a reading to a bigger picture can be obtained. Each one is connected to one of the 3 Norns of Fate and helps us make decisions based on our passed experiences and current situations.
The Five Rune spread helps to add a further layer of clarification to a reading by adding advice and a possible outcome of the advice is taken. It can help to give a stating point from which to move forward from after the reading.
This Rune cast is not one I use myself because it has many different ways of interpreting it, from where, how and in what relation to each other the Runes land, but there is a plethora of information online if it’s something you really want to look into. I had to include it since it’s the earliest known way the Runes were used for Divination purposes.
What questions can be asked? Just about anything you can imagine although it is hard to obtain simple yes or no answers from any question posed to the Runes because of the deep meanings of each individual Runes and because the Norse people believed that fate wasn’t set in stone and could be changed by the smallest of acts
What can Runes be made off? Absolutely anything, you can buy them or make them. Asking as you cleanse, consecrate and connect to them they will work for you I know @basil made a post about making your own Runes but I cant find the post to link it
Edit: Here’s the link: Attempt to make my own Runes
Happy Runic Divining everyone
Source Credit
Chamberlain, Lisa. Runes for Beginners: A Guide to Reading Runes in Divination, Rune Magic, and the Meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes , Chamberlain Publications, Santa Barbara, CA, 2018.