There is only limited written historical evidence of the Runes uses in magical practices throughout the ages. We do have an array of archeological finds where Runic Script or Bindrunes have been carved into spears, swords, shields, rocks and giant stones to protect from harm or to bring in prosperity and luck.
Runic Archeological Finds
There are a few different ways to use Runes for magical purposes. Runic Script, Talismans and Amulets or Bindrunes are the most common and well known uses of the Runes. But, you should totally feel free to experiment with other ways you can use the Runes in your practices
Runic Script
I’ll start with Runic Script because it also ties into the other uses. Each of the Runes has an English letter associated with it enabling you to write chants, spells, journals, tattoos, anything really. For example my name in Runic Script:
Although I’ve used each of these Runes to write my name using the English letter associated with them, this Runic Script does not hold the magical properties of each individual Rune. Because just like every other magical symbol they have to be charged with your intent to activate them.
Keep in mind that not every letter in the English alphabet is accounted for so some adjustments have to be made.
Letters missing: C,J,Q,V,X
E is covered twice
And two of the Runes have phonetic sounds rather than letter associations Ingwaz is the sound NG and Thurisaz is the sound TH
Talismans and Amulets
Runic Script can be used to imbue just about anything with magic. Wands, candles, rooms, paper, clothes, yourself, vehicles, jewelry the possibilities are endless You can choose to use Runic Script and write what it is you want to manifest or banish and activate it with your intent. Or you can choose specific Runes based on their meanings and activate each one with that intent. I’ve got a small Runic Amulet on my Mjolnir
The script is tiny so I’ve wrote them down for you all to see them better
Tiwaz is for courage and strength
Anzus is for communication and wisdom
Elhaz is for protection and defense
Every month or so I’ll have a small ritual to reactivate those intents into the necklace
BindRunes are a lot like sigils, they are a more artistic and elaborate way of using the Runes to help with magical practices. They can be very simple shapes with only a few Runes or they can be larger geometric patterns made from many Runes. Here is a picture or a smaller simpler bindrune pattern from a page in Lisa Chamberlain’s book Runes for Beginners:
There are a few larger Bindrunes that are some what well known and used, at least in the pagan and magical communities
Image source
But if you have the artistic skill the shapes, patterns and organisation of the Runes are yours for the creating

BindRunes hold more power because of the intimate way the Runes are bound together in a pattern, they need charged and activated less often than Runic Script and if you have the know how (I’m afraid do not as of yet

I really do recommend Lisa Chamberlain’s book for getting to know the Runes, it’s helped me so much with understanding the meanings and uses of these symbols
Next week I’ll do a post on using the Runes as a divination tool. We’ll look at spreads, tools needed and how to go about interpreting a reading
I hope you all have an amazing Sunday