Black Moon Lilith in Your Natal Chart - Weekly Witchy Challenge

@nana1 I have lived here since 2002 or 2001? Before that, I was born here & when I was 5ish… we moved. I came back after I had my 2nd son.

I have a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, & Capricorn Rising. I found the Black Moon Lilith so intriguing when I first read about it & it was perfect for the challenge. Once I can focus again, I am going to start revisiting astrology. I have had a challenging few months recently. Just now getting back into the groove.


Here is mine.:You have Black Moon Lilith in Pisces.

The symbol, or glyph, for Pisces is .

Your Black Moon Lilith is at the following degree(s): 3° 09’ 59"


Lilith in Pisces has felt ashamed or off for being needy, compassionate, or wishy-washy, or for their spiritual side, and this person can feel uncomfortable or annoyed with people who resist labels, who are not very assertive or ready to take the lead. Rejecting or feeling ashamed of their basic needs in these areas can lead to extremes of behavior and repeated cycles of binging and purging with these traits. The key to moderation and empowerment is self-acceptance. This can also apply to Lilith in the twelfth house.

I am really feeling this… I feel so much judgement for myself being fickle.

Any guidance on self-acceptance and growing in conviction…


Warm greetings from yet another Scorpio Sun (who also grew up in MA- such a coincidence! :grin:) :heart:

While there are plenty of spells that help folks move along the road of self-acceptance, accepting oneself is something that tends to take a lot of dedication over a long period of time.

In addition to using daily affirmations (@Christina4 posts new beautiful ones here in the forum every day!), I’d recommend carrying a rose quartz crystal (promotes self love), and perhaps trying this See Myself Oil.

I’m a huge supporter of self love work, so I highly recommend looking into self love spells! The Self-Love & Appreciation Spell is a personal favorite of mine.

Your Lilith in Pisces has pointed a direction forward for you, Nana- I’m wishing you all the best on your path towards self-acceptance! :pisces: :pray::heart:


Wow, I didn’t know about the Black Moon Lilith. Surprisingly, a couple of weeks ago I heard for the first time about Lilith but didn’t research too deep about that topic. It’s so nice to know that there was an empowered woman before Eve :slight_smile:

It seems that my Black Moon Lilith is in Aquarius, and what it says about it is very interesting. I always used to check my natal chart but your website seems to have much more info. Now, it’s time to read some more, lol.

Thanks again for sharing all that. Blessed be!


@RyuWyn another topic that may interest you in your chart is Chiron.

Where is Your Chiron? - Weekly Witchy Challenge

There is discussion & how to find it in the above link. I love updating my natal.chart with new aspects & learning about them.


Thank you!


Lilith on Libra :libra: for me - uncannily accurate :sweat_smile:

Thanks @Susurrus :heart: :sparkles:


I have mine in Gemini, 1• Gem 53’
Always include Lilith on my chart, you can also include Hecate in


For the record, I’m using TimePassages.


@pedros10 I haven’t heard of TimePassages & I have never heard of Hekate in your chart! I’m going to look into that some more.

I also have Lilith in Gemini!

I found my Hekate in Pisces of the 2nd House. So I am going to find out what I can about that interpretation. This aspect is all new to me!


TimePassages is free, you can pay for pro to make charts and readings for other people. I like it because it has a lot of information, good for beginners and experts in doing so.



I’m going to look for it & see what I can find out.

I found a website that you can add uncommon aspects/asteroids/etc… it doesn’t give you much for an interpretation, but you find out the sign & house that Hekate is in for your chart.

How to Find Hekate in your Chart… the directions are at the end of the article. But by adding the number of which asteroid or other item is, it will add it to your chart.


That’s a great app! I have been using it and I like how clear and easy it is to use. It also seems to have lots of useful information.


I just did ours & I like the way it breaks down the included planets & the strong, medium, weak aspects.


I feel I’d need a Ph.D in astrology to understand it. Lilith, Chiron, Hekate second house seventh house - yeeesh :astonished::drooling_face:!

My ascendant is either Pisces or Aquarius, depending on what site does the chart. I don’t understand astrology, but I will keep trying, lol!


Don’t feel like you need to understand it all straight away. Ive been studying astrology for 7 years and I only just feel confident sharing the beginning of the intermediate stuff :see_no_evil:

As with a lot of our practices, there’s so much to learn and there’s so many scenerios where the outcome reads differently dependant on the influences - it’s similar to how I view tarot in a way, every person is unique and the cards drawn are going to mean something slightly different to that person based on their unique experiences at the time, and change depending on the surrounding cards and the topic at hand :exploding_head:

At a point, something just clicks with astrology. It does get easier :blush: but I’m forever referring to my notes. I couldn’t do a forecast without them.

I’m a life long student :joy:

When it comes to your chart, birth place and time are key to nailing down the finer points. It could be that you were born very close to a cusp in your Ascendant which is why it differs across sites. I would suggest you double check the times and then just pick one that your going to stick with. Keep in mind the other one will flavour you but embrace one for your reading otherwise you’re adding another layer of confusion to everything.

I was born in the cusp of Leo/Virgo in my Sun sign. Some places put me Leo but most Virgo. So I go with Virgo in my Sun but I always remember I have a lot of Leo in my Core Self, so I take that into consideration.

Good luck :kissing_heart:


Thank you for this @Abs53! I keep telling myself astrology is a life long learning process, because otherwise I’d given up already. And I have an easy chart!!

Your words are very encouraging to keep on studying. I appreciate your post :pray: Blessed Be!


I have Lilith in Aries. That was fun! Thank you for the resource.