Body gets hot when casting spells. Is it normal?

Hi all. I have a really stupid question. :roll_eyes: :woozy_face:

Does anyone else’s room and body get really hot when doing spellwork? I am finding my office/sacred space gets uncomfortably hot when I am spellcasting and for hours afterward. It’s terribly cold right now in Wyoming but I never have the heat on over 72 during the day and 66 at night. But this room is always hot since I started back on my path. It was cold in here before hand. TIA.


Yes, I would say it’s normal. My hands usually get warm when meditating.

It’s basically a function of the body relaxing. The blood vessels in your skin can open up and warm your body.

If you are overheating, try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, a “cooling breath”.

Stay focused on your practice and open a window if needed!


Thanks for the reply @Francisco. I usually open the window but it’s been in the 20’s and Wyoming is very windy lol. I will try the cooling breathing next time.


My room is one of the coldest rooms in the house with my daughter’s room being the other one. When I am spellcasting whether we have the heat or AC on, I get warm. Not necessarily the room, but my body does. It lasts for a little while afterward and then I go back to being the coldest person in the house.


Oh yes it happens to me each and every time! I guess try the cooling technique that @Francisco mentioned. :blush::sparkles:


Ritual in general builds up a lot of excess energy inside the circle and inside the participants. Shielding prior to the Ritual and grounding afterwards helps out. I prefer the hug a tree method of grounding. Hold the trunk and let the excess energy flow into it. Eventually you’ll have equilibrium. It doesn’t take long. You’ll feel it right off. Bare feet and hands help.


@john4 I found a good grounding meditation that I am going to start using, but hugging a tree in Wyoming is a bit difficult when I don’t have many trees that are appropriate to hug here. I live literally in the middle of nowhere. :rofl: We have nothing but sage, sage, and oh I have Russian sage in my yard…some kind of evergreen with spikes on it and a small lilac which is way to small to hug. Bare feet in summer is doable not so much this time of year :cold_face: lol.


Another thing to consider is how many candles you’ve got going during your spell. Even if they’re small, the flame from the candles can create a significant amount of heat :fire:


You must be out in what my daughter and I call the “flat lands” of WY… I think it inspired the line… “where the deer and the antelope play”…

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Then may I suggest getting down on hands and knees and using the Earth herself.


@berta yup nothing but …oh wait…we don’t even have sage because we had a major fire out behind out place. We got evacuated for 24 hours. Was really scary since we weren’t home to evacuate our son who was watching over our place.

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@john4 I do that in our front yard but I get looked at funny by my neighbors lol and it’s too cold right now lol. Ground is frozen.


Your living room floor should do nicely. You just need something to absorb the extra energy circulating through your body. Come to think of it; hug a Cat. Cats usually don’t have much energy. :cat2:


I feel a little nausea :face_vomiting: when I am spell casting.

However , my focus during guided meditation is so powerful…
I feel the narrators every word and I am where ever her guidance sends me .


Oh no, that’s no fun @Deborah813! Nausea is the worst feeling :confounded:

It could be that you are focusing so intently that the muscles in your body and your mind become overly tense. While focus is important, too much tension in your mind and body can lead to negative effects- such as nausea or even body aches/pains post session!

To avoid any icky feelings during spell casting, maybe consider casting in quiet and familiar places where there are less distractions and you feel you can truly relax without focusing too hard :relieved:

If you feel the nausea begin to rise: open your eyes, hold out your hands palms up, and begin breathing deeply from the depths of your stomach. Visualize this action as your spell charging from natural energy, while you give your mental focus a breather :dove:

I also personally recommend ginger :orange_circle:. Taken as a tea, herbal supplement, candies, or added to meals- it helps combat nausea.

Good luck- casting can be draining at times, but spellwork and meditating should be good for your body and mind. Nausea be gone! :raised_hands:


Thank you so much for your caring … I will definitely try the different techniques you suggested.
I do be thinking hard😅
Blessed be @BryWisteria


You are very welcome, @Deborah813! Good luck and happy casting :sparkling_heart:

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