Brigid Flametender

What a pretty picture today! And a beautiful message too! Thank you so much for sharing.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Good morning! It feels like a good day so far. Iā€™m well into my coffee, Iā€™ve pulled my daily rune, & now I have Brighidā€™s Flame to update! I usually feel Brighid when Iā€™m happy, healing, & just going with the flow. Nothing is wrong, everything feels just right. Thatā€™s the general feeling that I have today. Take it as it comes & do harm to none.

On Samhain, I had a couple of friends over & we did a protection jar spell. We each brought ingredients & we each did our own jar. Afterward, I had it on my altar. Every time I looked at it, I would get a weird feeling or the willies. So I decided that I needed to release the spell (especially after the way my November played out) & had a fire in my fire pit that included the ingredients from the spell.

The reason I mention the ingredients is that one of them brought graveyard dirt. I understand that it can be very useful for protection, but even though she was a good & trusted friendā€¦ I have no idea what her practice is on obtaining graveyard dirt. I just assumed she did something similar to myself. However, she had actually ordered it. So I have no idea where it came from, who it came from, how it was handledā€¦ Nadaā€¦ so that was another factor in releasing the spell.

The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For Responsibility

Brighid spent her childhood tending flocks of sheep. Through this endeavor she learned the virtue of responsibility.

You are asked to consider the role of responsibility in your life. To what do you tend? Are you facing this endeavor with your integrity engaged? Allow yourself the opportunity to embrace your responsibility and the value it brings to your life experience.


I tend to do quite a few things, itā€™s time management that I have to work on some days & actually do things for myself, but latelyā€¦ things are just happening out of nowhere. I think this is a great card for the end of the Weekly Challenge because we have all taken responsibility & been able to forgive ourselves & others.

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:a


Iā€™m glad you were able to release that spell! It bothers me that people sell graveyard dirt. I know sometimes thatā€™s the only way people will get their hands on it, but graveyards are sacred spaces and itā€™s just something that makes me uneasy :heart:

This particular card comes at a peculiar time for me today. Iā€™ve got a lot on my mind with some different issues cropping up on social media. Iā€™m making some considerations and having thoughts (like usual lol) but this hits the nail on the head for me today.

Thank you for sharing it :heart:


This also bothers me quite a bit. It really bothered me that I didnā€™t think to ask where she got it BEFORE I used it. If I had known that she bought it I wouldnā€™t have used it at all.
The weather was finally fire-friendly :fire: because I didnā€™t want to do anything in a cauldron inside. I made sure it was outside.

Iā€™m happy that it resonates with you too today! :heart: Itā€™s a good day for me to take inventory of sorts of these things.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Good morning, everyone is where they need to be for the day. I had some time yesterday to think about some things & realized how grateful I am for my family & everything that we have. Iā€™m recognizing more things about myself & physical reactions to what apparently I somehow perceive as a stressful or anxiety triggering situation. A lot of it is when I make the simplest of mistakes or miss something or forgetā€¦ & it could be the simplest of everyday things that create a response from me.

I have also been working on getting back to at least 1 meditation a day. Sometimes the hardest part is choosing a meditation. However, I have been doing 1 for general & 1 that are labeled as rune journeys. So since last July, I have gone from not being able to sit through a 3 ā€“ 5 minute meditation to now, I am up to 15 minutes & they are guided. I canā€™t do the silent or ones with just music just yet, but Iā€™m doing a lot better. There was a time when I wouldnā€™t even consider meditation.

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For Balance

St. Brighid founded a dual monastery in Kildare, Ireland for both nuns & monks. Even though men and women lived within the same area they were separated for worship, as well as other mundane activities.

Brighid senses you are struggling with a feeling of separation in your own life. Consider what you need to do to balance your life and connect more deeply. What action can you take today to bring yourself closer to the feeling of harmony within yourself, with the Earth, and with the Divine?


This draw comes a good time for me to think about the proposed question. This time of year is a struggle for a few different reasons. However, for the first time in five years, I have all of the kids home with us. Iā€™m trying to balance waves of grief with waves of joy a full heart of love and gratitude for what I do have. I guess, Iā€™m trying not to dwell on the losses, even though they have been great and lately the triggers are many. :two_hearts:
I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Good morning, everyone is where they need to be for the day. After yesterday, things seem to be easing for at least a little bit. Things donā€™t seem so rushed or imperativeā€¦ I can move at my own pace now without getting hints of anxiety.

Iā€™m enjoying taking the time to meditate when I need to instead of when ā€œI have timeā€ā€¦ now I make time & it feels good.

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw

The Forge

  • For Transformation

Brighid stands at the fire of the ancient forge, creating magic with the transformation of metals, from one form to another.

Visualize yourself entering Brighidā€™s forge. In your hands you carry what needs to be altered in your life. With blessing, you hand it to her and surrender. She asks what it will be change into as she lovingly helps you begin to reshape it. Allow transformation to occur. Embrace the magic of change.


So, somewhere I have come to a place of balance recently, or Iā€™m getting A LOT better. I drew Dagaz as my rune for the day which suggests balance in some way with my life/path. Brighid is asking me to be open to transformation. So, I feel like I am ready for this change to be revealed or to be further engrained in myself.

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


So glad youā€™re meditation is getting easier for you again. This is a beautiful picture and a wonderful card for the day! I hope yours is a good one!


Friday, December 17, 2021

Good morning, everyone is where they need to be for the day. Iā€™ve been pretty okay, but the ones that have left the house earlier than I, they are having a rough start. So I hope they have a turning point soon that relieves some of the frustration they are experiencing.

Iā€™m looking forward to the weekend. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for us here. The weather seems confused, becacuse the other day it was freezing! Today itā€™s in the low 60s. Ahā€¦ New England.

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For Beauty

A harbinger of the returning warmth of the sun, the snowdrop is a delicate flower reflecting the beauty of spring.

Allow yourself to take moments throughout your day to gaze upon the beauty of nature. What gifts have Mother Earth unwrapped for you today? As you experience this beauty, breathe it in to your being. Breathe this pure, simple beauty deep in to your core. Allow your self to feel and be beauty.


So, somewhere I have come to a place of balance recently, or Iā€™m getting A LOT better. Balance seems like a thing for me, but the more balance that I think I have gained, the rest of the house is having mishaps. Thereā€™s been at least one each day this week. Iā€™m going to continue to build on what I have but Iā€™m not going to take these things on as if they were mine or I was them. Iā€™m working on keeping my energy from floating to others & adversely affecting me throughout the day. So it seems like a good ā€œMeā€ day with this card draw, so I will be sure to take some time for just myself today! :two_hearts:

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


Saturday, December 18, 2021

Good morning, today is going to be a great day! I get to go with one of my sonsā€¦ CHRISTMAS :christmas_tree: SHOPPING!!! Containing my excitement about this is almost impossible. We are picking up a gift for my husband & my other son. Who better than the one who has watched them for the last 19 years of his life while I took care of everything a new wife & mom would be taking care of! I love when I get to spend this kind of time with them, any of them. :two_hearts:

I hope everyone is having a great start to their weekends too!

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw

The Flame

  • For Faith

To this day, Brighidā€™s flame burns in Kildare, Ireland. For thousands of years, 19 of Brighidā€™s priestesses and nuns watched over the sacred fire. On the 20th night Brighid herself tended the fire although no fuel was used or ash produced.

Brighid asks you to believe. Have faith and the courage to know that all is in right order. There is a specific area in your life where you are in need of trust. Ask for assistance. Surrender doubt. Allow the mystery of faith to unfold.


I really feel good about this card draw today & I hope that it rings true for others on this lovely Saturday. Even though it is a little overcast, itā€™s still a bit warmer than normal outside here today so Iā€™ll take it. :sun_behind_large_cloud: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


ā€œAsk for assistanceā€ Thank you. I keep trying to remind myself of that. I appreciate all your messages @Susurrus :heart:


You are very welcome @Francisco! I am happy that they are something that you look forward to taking in!

ā€œAsk for assistanceā€ - this is something that I struggle with a lot & itā€™s a recurring theme with my anxiety & related conditions. I get this feeling that I need to do it & no one else will do it Or I will just wind up doing it overā€¦ I know itā€™s an OCD, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic type of thing. ANYWHO!

The last couple of days the cards have really meant a lot to me in my life. I think I am going to pull from another Oracle Deck today to put it in the Daily Affirmations.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Good morning, today is going to be a great day!

Brighid is the ruler of Sundays & on the 19th day, she tends the flame herself. So today I wonā€™t post an image of a flame, but a picture of Brighid to honor her while she tends the Flame for the day. :fire:

Sunday Devotional Spells8
Goddess Brighid; Offerings, Signs, & Symbols Spells8


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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For Illumination

A humble weed, dandelion is one of Brighidā€™s favorite healing herbs.

Allow dandelion, a herb of the sun, to bring you the gift of illumination. Dandelion asks you to open your heart and ground your center. Allow yourself to be filled with a healing golden light. Focus on where in your life you can open, like a dandelion in the sun, to receive Brighidā€™s gift of illumination. Allow it to fill your heart and soul.


Perfect card for the themes behind my weekend so far. Next week everything will come together the way it should & it will be a great holiday season. With the skies being overcast & gray, being the light will be a good thing for me today. I will make sure to get at least A meditation in today. Yesterday I wasnā€™t able to do any because it was just busy from the start, but so worth it in the end.

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


Thank you for this, dandelions are one of my favorite flowers, theyā€™re so tenacious. Never really going away no matter how hard one tries.


Monday, December 20, 2021

Good morning, today is going to be a great Monday!

Itā€™s definitely a Monday for me anyway! I woke up with 15 minutes to get my daughter up & going, get coffee, do my morning thing, get the dogs outā€¦ Usually, I have over an hour to get the coffee, realize Iā€™m awake then start on the daily everythingā€¦ I lost that hour.

So itā€™s been an interesting start already, at the very least not bad, just behind a little bit. Everyone is where they need to be so I can start to work through everything at my own pace.

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For Wildness

Brighid communes with both the flora and fauna of nature. She shares a special affinity with the fox, a creature representing the mystique of the wildwood.

Brighid recognizes that you need to connect with the wild. Spend time visualizing your favorite wild place. Visit this place in your mind, engaging all of your senses. Embrace this wildness within your being and allow this primal aspect of yourself to be unencumbered and free.


I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy nature at some point today, even if it isnā€™t considered ā€œwildā€ to you. Just enjoy nature at some point for about 10 to 15 minutes today if thatā€™s what you can fit in & become present with it in that moment. :two_hearts:

I hope everyone has a great day! :infinite_roots:


The synthetic fire still has powerful energy!


I have one of those in my living room too! We use it regularly instead of turning up the heat in that part of the house! :two_hearts:


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Merry Solstice & start of Yule! I hope everyone has a great day! :sun: I was blessed with the sun once again, but the colder weather has definitely settled in for the season. :cold_face:

I have been to my appointment for the day & then I just have 1 more tomorrow & Iā€™m done for the year! Always an exciting time, next week my daughter is home with me from school on break, so Iā€™m sure she will have adventures in the works. If she doesnā€™t already.

The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw

The Curragh

  • For Freedom

A lush grassy expanse, interminably covered with Brighidā€™s green mantle, the Curragh offers you the gift of freedom.

Visualize laying on this sweet and verdant plain, arms and legs spread. Allow release. You are Free. You are unencumbered by life. What does this mean to you? What does it mean to live free? Allow yourself to remember what freedom feels like. Know that you can live free.


I hope everyone has a wonderful Yule & Winter Solstice today! :two_hearts:



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

I hope everyone had a great day yesterday! I had my last appointment for the week & now I can do the rest of the things around the house. It hasnā€™t been a bad day, but itā€™s beenā€¦ just gray.

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The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw


  • For the Sweetness of Life

A Divine gift from the magical bees, Brighid and the Celtic people revered honey as a mighty healer for the body.

Allow honey to help you recall the sweetness in your life. What are 3 things that have enhanced this day for you? Give yourself the gift of being totally present to experience the sweetness. Give gratitude. Allow yourself to feel the beauty of life, like the flowers that inspire and nurture the bees.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Practice gratitude for the things you have this season & in your life in general. :two_hearts:



Thursday, December 23, 2021

I have been able to enjoy family a lot the last few days, in every aspect of the word. I know who my family is. Infinite Roots :infinite_roots: is a part of that family, maybe not in the traditional way but as a part that fuels who I am & how I approach the blessings in my life. The life lessons Iā€™ve learned & what I have learned about myself, could not have been achieved without in some part by this coven. Thank you all for being there when I couldnā€™t find my way out of a wet paper bag. :winking:

The Way of Brighid Oracle Draw

Brighidā€™s Mantle

  • For Manifesting

Brighidā€™s mantle manifests magic and miracle. When four of her aide women each took a corner and walked in the four directions, the cloak grew and grew until it covered the plains of the Curragh in Ireland.

Brighid asks you to visualize what in your life you wish to manifest. Conjure up that dream and make it bigger. And now, even bigger. Allow your dream to grow and expand, like the magic of Brighidā€™s cloak. You can realize all that you believe!


I hope that everyone is having a great week so far. Remember the blessings & things that make you smile. :two_hearts:



Brigidā€™s Mantle :blush: still one of my favorite stories of Her!