Celebrating St. Patrick's Day as a Pagan ☘️

I hope everyone had a lovely Saint Patrick’s Day/ All Snake’s Day! :shamrock:

The day got away from me and we ended up not doing anything at all to celebrate the occasion here :sweat_smile:. That is, until dinner…

My partner reached over and pulled something quite strange out of the spinach salad :green_salad: I was eating last night:

We find a misplaced leaf or two all the time (a fragment of lettuce in the spinach mix, some purple cabbage in the bag of arugula- it happens). But this is the first time in my life I’ve pulled a clover out of my salad mix :astonished: And on Saint Paddy’s Day- what are the odds! :shamrock:

I was a bit affronted at first, but a quick Google search shows that clovers are actually edible! Guess it’s just another mix-up at the greenhouse :woman_shrugging:

So I ended up celebrating a wee bit after all :joy:

Cheers and love to all of you! :sparkling_heart:


That’s unusual! And on St. Pat’s! Very cool.


@BryWisteria I would take it as a sign of good things to come! I have never even heard of that happening. I don’t know that I would have eaten it, I would have saved it & made some resin craft with it :rofl:


Cheers to that, @Amethyst- a peculiar holiday coincidence! :laughing: :shamrock:

It’s the first time in my life I found a clover in my salad- either they grow them to eat the greenhouse, or a weed snuck into the bag mix! I like your interpretation @Susurrus- here’s to hoping for good luck! :grin::sparkles: And yes, a resin craft would be a great way to preserve such a lucky charm :joy::+1:


Found any more shamrocks this year @BryWisteria?

Just bumping this up for another year of discussion. LOL.


Our clovers haven’t even started popping up yet! We get a lot in the front of the house. So no chance for me to look for any yet :four_leaf_clover:


Hahaha not yet! And likely not anytime soon either- there’s actually snow on the ground here in Poland :sweat_smile: Same as Siofra- we might have to wait quite a while until the spring clovers start to appear! :shamrock: :grinning:

Thanks for bringing this back, Amethyst- it is perfect for the upcoming St. Paddy’s Day! :four_leaf_clover: :sparkles:


I figured some of our newer members would like to see it. Especially that paper snake! That’s very cool!


All tho I do not drink, or have Irish history I am looking at All Snake’s Day in a new view. I have all ways just not celebrated it, well growing up. But I thank you all to opening up a new look on this holiday.


Last year we found a clover in our salad today- but the bare ground is covered with frost right now and I think we’re out of salad (lol), so who knows if St.Paddy’s Day will appear for me this year! It’s certainly not a big thing here in Poland, although I know folks back home in MA are probably having a blast :laughing: :green_heart:

No matter how (or if!) you are celebrating, wishing everyone a happy and blessed Saint Patrick’s Day/All Snake’s Day! :tada::four_leaf_clover:


@BryWisteria you know people have already taken tomorrow off from work in MA! :rofl: Southie has probably already started with Irish Coffees. :joy:

So, when I was a toddler & my brother could barely walk, it was St. Patrick’s Day :shamrock: & also the early, the early 80s. My father also drank, but this St. Patrick’s Day he said that he was sitting at Jake’s Tap (an old watering hole, it has since become a Dunkin Donuts :coffee:) & just got up & went home because he knew, he just knew, that he would have his children by himself & needed to be there for us. He never had another drink until my brother & I were well into being out on our own, married, with our own families (I had a husband, 2 kids, a house & my brother was married with 2 kids & a house, it was time). & I wouldn’t call what he does now drinking, not even social, like if he goes out to eat he might get a beer or something.

Every St. Patrick’s Day I think of that & when we used to make him things for his sober anniversary. I forget when he stopped getting his medallions. But I remember when he would get them & just from us being in school, we always had gifts or treats for him & plenty of hugs & kisses.

That being said, I did drink - heavily - for quite a few years & I personally can’t stand the taste of beer. So I was a liquor drinker. Then one day I was standing in my living room looking around at what was going on & just stopped drinking. It was too much to go through with the physical changes & surgeries & a family that included 3 kids at the time. Better to just stop then have them counsel me on why I shouldn’t drink & how much. So I just don’t. Or very rarely… it’s like a thing in the neighborhood if I have a sip of a cranmossa (Cranberry juice with champagne). :joy:

None of our clovers :four_leaf_clover: have started to come up yet either. But the bunnies :rabbit2: are starting to come out of hiding! I see them in our back & front yard in the early morning & evening. Sometimes throughout the day.

We are having a big breakfast for dinner & my husband & I are going to watch the Dark Knight. I’m not sure what Peanut’s looking to do… beads, face paint, earrings, all of the above :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


We will be celebrating with friends this evening as my hubby is Irish and we love any excuse to celebrate!


I’m not sure how many people know this but my child and I spend a few hours every week volunteering at a reptile shop in town. We’ve become good friends with the owner and, since it’s a small business, I exchange my work for free food for my snakes and gecko. In the process of volunteering, we get to learn about different types of ball pythons (that’s the main snake they specialize in and the type we own), their genetics and color patterns, and how they behave.

One of the most interesting snakes I have ever seen in my entire life is a completely scaleless snake :snake: Yes, you read that right. A scaleless snake. No scales, just skin. I figured it would be fitting today to share an image of him with you for St. Paddy’s Day, or All Snakes Day, or Irish Heritage Day, whichever you choose to call it :heart:

He isn’t mine, but he is one that the shop owner hatched from an egg and is currently keeping there!

Happy All Snakes Day :snake: :heart: :shamrock:


He’s beautiful!


His skin is so smooth, like porcelain! How very neat!


We have direct Irish roots, including an Uncle in Dublin, so we are very aggressively Irish :joy::joy::joy:

This is my son before going to school. That’s a shield he made. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That being said, I loved learning about the Pagan roots and what other people do. And some new ways I can celebrate with my family. So dang awesome. Thanks y’all. :heart::heart::heart:


@Susurrus I absolutely believe people have taken the day off from work- St.Paddy’s Day is a big deal in the Boston area! :laughing: :four_leaf_clover: That’s a really powerful story about why you choose to stop drinking, good for you, Siofra! :heart: It is absolutely still possible to have fun and enjoy the holidays without alcohol :blush: Say hello to the bunnies for me- I think most of the wildlife here is still in hiding! :rabbit2: :snowflake:

@IrisW Hope you, your husband, and your friends all had a lovely St. Patrick’s Day celebration! :tada:

@MeganB Look at him!!! :snake: :heart_eyes: May I ask what his name is (if you’re allowed to say, I know you mentioned he lives at the store) Oh my goodness, he is such a cutie! What a great way to celebrate All Snakes Day :blush:

@KeriRaeBoyle I’m loving the shield- your son has spirit! :grinning: :four_leaf_clover: Hope you all had a lovely celebration! :heart:


@BryWisteria thank you! I actually went out to start my son’s truck for him around 5:30 AM & there were 2 in my front yard! :rabbit2:

I love when they come back, Spring is officially starting now! :bouquet:


@BryWisteria - I don’t believe he has a name. He’s one of the reptiles for sale that the owner had bred. He tries to refrain from giving the babies names so he doesn’t get attached lol and I don’t blame him!


@Susurrus When the bunnies arrive, that’s a sure sign of Spring! And a very cute one too :laughing: :rabbit2: Say hi to your bunny friends from me, Siofra! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@MeganB Ahhh I couldn’t blame him either- it’s so easy to get attached! Sounds like a must-have strategy in order to have a pet shop. I know I would definitely struggle with wanting to keep all the animals haha :sweat_smile: