Celebrating St. Patrick's Day as a Pagan ☘️

I celebrate it IM IRISH my last name is Mccaffree. I love this day. I even have a green shamrock drinking glove and beads etc.


He is beautiful


I make corned beef and cabbage saying that it’s a tradition in our house, it’s really just an excuse for me to make it. I might make it the ‘right way’ this year.
We wear as much green as we can, it’s fun for the kids because nothing matches
We make shamrocks out of green pipe cleaners and flowers from white tissue paper (the kind for gift wrap) and color the ends with a green marker or artificial white carnations
Beer gets green food coloring and milk for the kids does as well. Just occurred to me to use ginger ale for the kids, I wasn’t allowed sugar as a kid so I never thought of it.
And of course green in the toilet and scattered gold coins left by the naughty leprechaun
This year I might read some Irish lore and Celtic, my little one is too young to understand but it’s time that my free with purchase son learned something that he didn’t find in an Xbox game
The things that child doesn’t know is mindblowing. I recieved a card in the mail and he said “I forgot you could just mail things to people” he was like 15 at the time


Oh wow, it’s almost time for St. Paddy’s Day, isn’t it?!

It’s time to break out my St. Paddy’s information for homeschool lessons, I suppose :laughing: I’m glad to hear that everyone has their own ways of celebrating still! :shamrock: My Irish heritage is back many, many years but it’s where I feel most connected.


Oh wow… you’re right… holy here is March! My Irish heritage goes… well… considerably far back… & I still have family members in Ireland from the same areas. :laughing:

Over the last couple of years, the way its celebrated is different for me… having learned so much about Ireland, Irish Celtic through Christianity movements & St. Patrick.

My husband’s Irish connections also go way back in time too & he also has family members in areas of Ireland. Between what I’ve learned & him too & some amazing conversations & family finds… it’s not the same as what other’s, (especially here in MA) do for celebrating.

We do have a “neighborhood” parade which is fun & my daughter does the beads, facepaint, & commercialized side of it that is a lot of what happens here.

Our home celebration is more reflected in our Irish heritage & the things we talk about, eat, & sometimes watch or look through & the history behind St Patrick… those types of things.

We still wear green & have fun in the neighborhood. Our home celebration has changed a bit to reflect the history & changes & stories related to that part of ourselves & where we came from.


Just checked the calendar- St. Paddy’s Day is on a Friday this year (Friday, the 17th).

To all those celebrating, wishing you a blessed holiday! :four_leaf_clover: :sparkles::blush: