⭕ Circle Casting: What does it mean to you?

There are so many opinions on when to cast a circle. I see people who always cast a circle when doing spellwork, others never do it.

Some use it for protection, others to concentrate the energy, or just for focus in meditation. Others feel that the bad energies might get stuck in… or that it’s only necessary in group rituals.

While I have my personal interpretation on circles of protection, I’m curious about everyone else’s opinions on this subject!

What do you all think? Do you cast a circle often? :o:


Honestly, I don’t cast circles. It can be a good thing to practice and know how to do, but I find it just takes too long. Sometimes the longest part of doing a spell could end up being the circle-casting, and that’s not the point. Also, if you’re a spoonie like I am, casting a circle takes way too much energy to do and I’d rather save my energy for my spellwork and other mundane things that need to be done.


I agree. But I don’t think casting a circle has to be an overly complicated ceremomy.

I find it useful to turn off my phone, visualize a simple circle and meditate while feeling I’m in a place outside of the world and away from the my daily concerns. (No evocations or tools required).

This gives me focus when doing any kind of ritual or even other tasks. It creates a space with no distractions, no untimely thoughts, and no outside energies.

But everyone’s practice is unique, so I was just looking for different opinions.



I cast a circle before all spell work. I want the protection, because some entities won’t want you to cast a certain spell. I also do it to keep the cone of power close and tight. If I am calling on some help, I make sure I have a tight circle, you have no idea who will show up.


I like to have a circle of protection because I believe in the other world. In which sometimes us humans can’t see but sometimes when the viel is thin I can feel energies that are negative. When I say negative I mean the lower mood levels,bthe kind of spirits that can trick us or play with my mind, body and soul. I don’t want to be unprotected.
Whenever I use divination I protect myself cause I don’t know what spirits of the other world is around me. To be careful of the spirits that I don’t know I cast a circle to protect myself. I always want to say out loud this be for my greatest good” I can use intent to make sue the circle is really casted. I like to do a cleansing ritual before I cast a circle! I like to do a kernips ritual! Get a bowl a black one if you can. And burn a dried spring of thyme, then drop it in the bowl. You can use obsidian in the bowl. Drop the stone and let it drop to the bottom. Of the bowl.
Then take the holy water and sprinkle it all around you in a circle.
Then take a candle and use your left hand circle three times saying I banish all that box and vines. I am protected from all harm. I have all I need to be healthy and whole. Then take your candle :candle: with your right hand and circle a prall that box of vines I am protected from all harm. I have all I need to be healthy and home a protection circle to every corner of the home. Say I bring wholeness, prosperity and abundance.



Thanks for sharing with us @Jeannie1 That’s a lovely ritual circle and just looking at it feels comforting, which I think is the ultimate point of the circle.

Sending you grounding energy and positive vibes!


ur very welcome and sorry about the typos I’ll try to edit my post next time!


I listen to how I’m feeling in the moment. Sometimes I’m good as it is, sometimes I feel like I need that extra something to create the sacred space. :sparkles: