Magical Plant Infused Oil 🌿

Magical Oil Infusion with Plants! :herb:

Making a cold infused oil – means letting it sit at room temperature between 6 to 8 weeks.

You can use the heat method if you need/want your oil quicker. (you will need a crock pot for that method and that will be another post!)

You will need dried herbs and a good carrier oil. I prefer either olive oil or grapeseed oil. However, you can use caster oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, avocado oil, emu oil and many others.

Please make sure your herbs are very dry! If they aren’t you risk your oil becoming moldy or rancid! :face_vomiting:

Have all your items ready

  • Glass container

  • Carrier Oil

  • Herbs/Plants

  • Palo Santo or Sage

  • Lighter or Matches

  • Fireproof bowl – this is to place your palo santo or sage

Let’s begin the ritual.

  1. Cast your circle if that is your thing. Not necessary but I like to do this. It helps to get me into the magical zone. :sparkles:

  2. Take your jar and begin to cleanse it by lighting your sacred plant.

  3. Ask for the plant spirit blessing, “I ask that the plant spirit of palo santo (or sage) please infuse this space with blessings”.

  4. Pick up your object, fan it with your smoke, go all around it and say, “with this smoke I cleanse this object of all negative or harmful energy so that I may use it for my highest good. So, it is said, so shall it be.”

  5. Meditate on your intention with the making of this oil for a few seconds. (Why are you making this oil? For love? For Health? For protection?) Think of it in a way that it has already happened. Don’t think about it in the future tense. So, for example, I made my oil for health. During my meditation portion of this I was thinking about how the oil has given me good health, healthy skin, how it has healed all my cells.

  6. Once done take the herb of your choice. Thank it for aiding you. I choose calendula for my oil; “Thank you Calendula for aiding me in this process towards better health.”

  7. Tear or crush the dried herbs then lightly pack into your glass jar. Fill it about 1/3 of the way with your herbs.

  8. Next pour your carrier oil over your herbs. Fill it within ½ inch of the top of your jar. Mix well, remove air bubbles if you can. Cap it and label it.

  9. Hold your jar, look at it, envision its healing power unto you!

  10. Release your circle. Clean up! Don’t be a messy witchy. :roll_eyes:

  11. Store your jar for 6 – 8 weeks. Do not go longer than this as you risk the oil turning rancid.

  12. After your 6-8 weeks is over, strain out the herbs using a cheesecloth. Be sure to squeeze the cheesecloth to get all that beautiful golden oil out. Store in a clean jar. Label what it is and add the date.

Your oil is now ready to use in salves, anointing candles, in bath water, medicine…whatever you want!

DO NOT ingest anything unless you know 100% it is safe for human consumption. Also be aware that NOT all herbs/plants are safe for pets either!

EXAMPLE: Pregnant women should NOT consume or smoke Mugwort as it can cause miscarriage!

This oil will last about 1 – 2 years!

I will be using mine to make a Salve. That will be in another post once my oil is ready.

Calendula – can be used to infuse oils, tea, salve, compress and poultice.

Calendula is very soothing to the skin, may help with cuts, rashes, skin diseases, cold sores, and skin irritations. Calendula teas may help ease gastrointestinal issues. Calendula has powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

:boom:Warnings: Some people may be allergic to calendula. DO NOT use if you are allergic to marigold, ragweed, daisies, chamomile, echinacea or other plants in the Aster/Daisy family. Do not use internally if you are pregnant or nursing as the effects are unknown and if you are taking prescription medications always speak with your doctor before taking any herb internally as there may be contraindications.

Warning references from: The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies - Nicole Apelian, Ph.D


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Do you store it in the freezer? I’ve seen people do it like that, but it looks like it can just sit outside, is that right?


I have not read anywhere to store it in a freezer. During the infusion process you can keep on a window sill. (6 to 8 weeks) Once that is done and your oil is ready to be strained of the herbs, you would store it, in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. (I recommend storing in a glass bottle)


I just received a bottle of Honey infused with Hibiscus and Rose… oh la la… we can infuse about anything with herbs…
I store all my infusions in dark bottles and in a cool room…but that is just me. I did several infusions last year for health. One was cannibis and then I did a tincture of it for pain. Herbs are the best for anything…I like you, use them for ritual, cleaning, etc…why use chemicals of any kind???


Love my herbal oils! Once the infusion process is done, I have always heard to store in cool, dry place. Usually in an amber bottle to help protect them from UV lighting.

I’m dying to make cannabis oil tinctures, but sadly it’s not legal in NH yet. The Live free or Die state lol

I am currently working on a love oil. Will add a post soon!


Looking forward to love oil :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What herbs would u recommand using to infuse with the oil for extreemly dry skin?


Calendula is one of the BEST for any skin conditions.


Merry meet and welcome @sea :infinite_roots: Lovely to meet you, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.


Merry meet @sea! :blush: Silverbear has you covered- I’m giving a second vote to Calendula, it has really worked wonders for my skin! On the opposite side of the scale, I would suggest avoiding any oils that contain/crafting with citrus, as it can be very painful on dry, cracked, and sensitive skin.

Good luck, and please make yourself at home here in the forum! Blessed be :sparkles:


Thank u all so much for ur responses. I have been so busy im just gettn bk to these messages and im so excited to have such a support system. All hail to the Goddess


You’re very welcome, @sea! :heart: And no worries, there’s never any rush, the messages and your coven community will be here whenever you are ready :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Much love and many blessings! :sparkles: