Cleansing Crystals :quartz_crystal: With Salt


Most of us already know a few methods for cleansing our crystals. These include things such as smoke, water, and moonlight. Did you know you can cleanse your crystals with salt, too? We know salt has cleansing properties so it only makes sense to use salt for cleansing crystals, too.

Salt is an essential element for life because the human body needs it to function properly. It has symbolized purity in religious rituals throughout history. Not only it was used to preserve food and heal wounds, but also to ward off bad luck, absorb negative energy, and repel envy.

‘Elemental Protection’: Home-Cleanse Spell with Salt

A Word of Caution

Though salt is easy to use, it isn’t something that can be used universally. There are some precautions to take when using salt with crystals. Not every crystal is safe in salt! The general rule of thumb is that any crystal that is porous or soft should not be placed in salt. This will help prevent any damage to the crystal. We don’t want to mess up our crystal friends!

  • Keep any crystal with a Mohs score lower than 7 out of salt for prolonged periods.

  • Keep any crystal with a Mohs score lower than 4 out of salt in general.

  • For a quick decision, any crystal or stone ending in “-ite” should stay out of salt.

Here are a few examples of crystals that should be kept out of salt and the reason why.

  • Red Jasper: it can crack if exposed to salt for too long

  • Fluorite: it is too soft and can crack

  • Malachite: it is too soft and can crack - this is especially dangerous since raw malachite is toxic

  • Moonstone: with a hardness of about 6 on the Mohs scale, it should be kept out of salt

  • Calcite: with a hardness of about 3 on the Mohs scale, salt can damage this crystal

Salt-Safe Crystals

Any stone or crystal that is a 7 or higher on the Mohs scale is generally safe to put in salt. If you have any of these crystals, feel free to cleanse them with the salt ritual below.

  • Quartz: with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, quartz (most varieties) are generally safe in salt

  • Green Aventurine: this crystal has a hardness of about 6 on the Mohs scale

  • Agate: this stone, often a combination of other minerals, has an acceptable Mohs score

  • Carnelian: using salt is generally safe with Carnelian, just not salt water

  • Ruby: with a higher rating on the Mohs scale at a 9, this gem is safe in salt

A Simple Salt Cleansing Spell

Cleansing your crystals with salt doesn’t need to be a complicated process. In fact, you just need a few things! So, gather your tools and cleanse your crystals.

You will need…

  • a bowl or plate
  • salt
  • your crystals
  1. Place your bowl on your altar or working space.

  2. Fill it with a thin layer of salt - don’t worry. It doesn’t take too much salt!

  3. Place your crystals in the bowl on top of the salt. You can say a chant if you would like but it isn’t necessary. For example, you might say the following:

Salt to cleanse and renew,
In your grains, energy subdue.
With your power, negativity undo,
Crystal clear, refreshed, and true.

  1. Let your crystals sit in the bowl of salt for as long as you would like and as long as is safe for the crystal!

Cleansing our stones and crystals is an integral part of many witch’s spiritual practices. We carry them with us regularly, often seeking their companionship and healing properties.

They are wonderful additions to our magickal lives and should be kept cleansed regularly!

More Salt Magick!

Magical & Healing Properties of Pink Himalayan Salt

Relaxing Rose Bath Salts

How to Remove a Curse with Salt


This is useful. Thankyou. Simple but effective :partying_face:


Thank you for this! I never thought of using salt to cleanse my crystals! I’m glad you added which can’t go in salt. I would have just thrown them all in :roll_eyes:


Thank you this information isn’t available in the crystals books


Thank you so much @MeganB for your wisdom. I keep my pendulum in salt to keep it cleansed and ready to go :pendulum:
When i am getting ready for bed i take off all my jewelry and any stones i have been carrying and I use a mirror with selenite grid around them… wel, kore of rectangle to cleanse what i carry on me.


This is great, @MeganB! Thank you for sharing!

And hi there, @doris2! Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:


Welcome and Merry Meet @doris2 ! :wave:


Welcome @doris2 !


Hi @doris2 my names Crystal :quartz_crystal: a Bruja from Va welcome to the forum :hugs: :sparkling_heart: :witch_pentacle:


Welcome @doris2 ! Happy to have you in our amazing coven!


I’ve also used rice. I’ll put them in a bowl of uncooked rice for the night to absorb any bad juju. Then charge them in the sun


I’m glad to hear this is helpful information! :heart: Salt is such a versatile tool in the witch’s cabinet.