Coven-less Chris

13 April 2022
Greetings on this glorious morning
I am Christine, I prefer Chris, Christine is my grandmother, and I’m currently waiting (a little impatiently) to leave California.
I knew from an early age that I was different. I have detailed memories of events prior to my second birthday and as I am now 45, I have collected many details.
I am a survivor of childhood trauma at the hands of addicts. I am a survivor of child loss, and I navigate that grief journey daily. I am a multi-specialty registered nurse (Critical Care/Cardiac, Obstetrics, and Surgical) and a mother, raised seven, well almost because there are 15 year old girl/boy twins as my grand finale because someone spiritually has a great sense of humor… rescuer of many animals, current numbers are 3 dogs, 8 cats, 2 birds, and 0 fish, because Guppies are my kryptonite and I failed them all! Even Luis the sucker fish finally called it quits on me… that being said tank and accessories are available for purchase😉
I am a Scorpio sun sign, Libra moon, and Virgo ascending Eclectic witch. I have seen the world as “colors and shadows” from such an early age that I wasn’t aware I was reading auras and accompanied by spirits, they were just colors and shadows.
I suppressed many gifts growing up and slowly I’m gaining my confidence to embrace who I am. I have strong characteristics of a Green, Divinition, Lunar, Traditional, Crystal Witch, so eclectic I have claimed.
The traditional aspect of me keeps me constantly in books and ancestral websites. So, my tarot, crystals, astrology, gardening, and meditation have not had a chance to shine, and that is why I am here. The structure and guidance, with a one stop load of information of this site made me crave to become a part of a community, more confident in my craft, and to reach my full potential.
I look forward to the ride and the new friends I’ve yet to meet.
Blessed Be


Welcome to the forum Chris. You should consider yourself no longer “coven-less” here! Everyone is very pleasant and helpful. I’m sure you will feel at home here. I know I do :wink:


Welcome Chris! I look forward to talking with you.


Hello and welcome Chris :hugs: I’m Marsha from Colorado, and I’m also an eclectic witch. I’m so glad you have joined us. I have a Libra Sun and Scorpio moon, we are opposites! I have 5 cats, all rescues, and a feral colony that I manage. There’s so much information here, I’m sure you will love it here. And most, importantly everyone is so nice and friendly. I am looking forward to getting to know you better.


Hi @JustChris! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

Wow, you’ve got a busy household! A nurse and twins with all those animals? You’re divine just for getting through the day! Even if Luis the suckerfish gave up on you. LOL!

When you can find the time, check out the Courses here on site. They average anywhere from two to five minutes thereabouts so just one a day isn’t too long and they’re just full of information for you.

If you have any questions just ask and someone will pop up to help you out. I look forward to chatting with you more!


I may have done two lessons, but only one quiz, a study on tarot, got my Lavendar tea on calendar for before bed, my purple candle as well. Im finishing up some crystal studies and the Deities. I have the Lunar Spell tonight? Am I missing things or doing too much? Im very much in love with the content and the kind members, I just need a little guidance on the “Less or More or Goldilocks Just Right”?
Thank you in advance


Merry meet @JustChris,

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely introduction- what a life path you have walked! For all the ups and downs, it sounds like you have emerged as a compassionate and loving mother, nurse, and all-around magickal soul :sparkles: Welcome home, Chris- you are very welcome here!

Cheers to a fellow Scorpio sun and Eclectic soul- and looking at your interests, it sounds like we have many magickal areas we both enjoy! I know you will fit right in around here :blush: I’m glad you’ve been exploring the courses, know that the forum has plenty of resources for you to use as well! I recommend the Tag Sysytem and Forum Search Tool- both are a lifeline when it comes to finding topics in the forum :compass:

If you have any questions, please feel free to share them in the Q&A Category- you have many friendly fellow coven members happy to help. You are “Coven-less Chris” no more haha! Infinite Roots is blessed to have you here :heart::infinite_roots:

Blessed be, Chris! :sparkles:


Hi @JustChris and Welcome to Spells8/Infinite Roots :infinite_roots:.
My name is Rowan and I am in South Carolina. I’m looking forward to sharing many conversations with you.
Blessed Be,


Hi Chris!

You’ll find what’s comfortable for you once you get in the swing of things. For instance, I don’t do the lunar spells every night but I do a devotional every morning and I keep up with the lesson contents then. How much I do depends on how much time I have that morning.

But it’s all up to you how fast you go through the courses and the weekly challenges and things. No pressure at all, you’ll find your Just Right place and there will be no angry bears coming after you!


Only you will know the answer to this question but I’m always on team Take it Slow :snail: and for two reasons. One, the faster you go, the more chance there is you will skim over information or not retain something important for your practice. It can be like skimming an important research paper, picking up on one main point but not another, if that makes sense. The second reason, and this has more to do with casting spells than anything else, is that you don’t want to deplete your energy too fast, especially if you haven’t learned to ground and center yourself first. But if you feel good, then just keep doing what you’re doing :blush:


Merry Meet @JustChris! I am Siofra from Cape Cod & also an Eclectic Witch. I lean towards Celtic :triskele: & Irish Paganism & work with the Celtic :triquetra: Goddess Brighid :fire: I also work with tarot, oracle cards, runes, crystals, & herbs. I am an Empath & a survivor also :heartpulse:

Not only is this the forum, but within the forum is the Infinite Roots Coven :infinite_roots: We have witches from all over the world in different stages of practice from 25+ years to just found their way here & everything in between.

This is my stance but only because I tried the everything approach because I was so excited to find my way & then burnt out just as fast & missed a lot or didn’t retain as much as I should have. Then I went back & started with 1 subject at a time or general area to research & learn more about practices.

You will ultimately know what is right for you & how your practice is evolving. You will find your happy medium for learning & practicing & what your craft will ultimately be moving forward. :hugs:


@JustChris Welcome, so nice to meet you. It sounds like you have some amazing gifts and have worked really hard! Personally I have days where I do a lot here and then days where I hardly do anything. I let my day and mood guide me. :star:


Im thinking I’m a definitely let the day guide me gal. focused on quite a few things today but have definitely been in a different head space today…


@JustChris speaking from my own personal experience, I have learned to let the day guide me & when I focus on one or more things for a while, it’s time for me to take a break & do something for myself or meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: & kind of reset to go from there letting the day guide me through.


Welcome Chris! I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve just started my own studies and wow! It’s already been so profound! Jump right in, so what feels right, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey!


Hello @JustChris it’s nice to meet you - my ‘feed’ here just showed me your intro even though it was back in April… I didn’t come here until about a month ago - I see you have a diverse and interesting background and you are a mother of 5 like me! I am a green witch and I love herbs and medicine and animals. I live in New England and like you am an empath. I used to have a practice in psychology but as an empath it was not tenable for me to sustain as I am sure you can relate to on days in your nursing field. I haven’t seen you around much, so I hope you’re still lurking and I get to know you better soon! Light and love, :green_heart:


Do what works for you, Chris! Go with the flow and what you need in this moment. And welcome to the coven! :heart:

@jan_TheGreenWitch I just realized this is from April as well! I guess we were meant to reply at this time for a reason!


@JustChris hey chris, im the same as @jan_TheGreenWitch i just got updated of your intro. Welcome anyways even tho u have been here longer than i. Lol. Im 42 from NC


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