@Susurrus I’m the same way with metals, I prefer silver though. I can use gold and surgical steel or leather cords. I ordered some crystals from @Missa and they all have amazing energy, I just love them!
I tried it again. Little kid with a new teddy bear. I held it in my hand for about 30 seconds and I am so sick right now. Almost to the point of throwing up. I can’t keep this. I may take a trip to my daughter’s on Saturday. I don’t want her to feel what I’m feeling though. This is crazy!
Thank you for all the information. I have never had a bad reaction to a stone but this one really hates me! As much as I love the beauty of it, beauty is only skin deep. It seems that the selenite made it worse. I am still nauseas. I will have my husband put it back in the box. I’m not touching it again!
Wow… Yeah, that’s a good call then, it may be beautiful but whoever had it before you or wherever it came from wasn’t a good energy place. I’m so sorry that you are unable to keep it!
If the Selenite made it worse, or it seems that way, maybe gifting it isn’t a great idea to gift it. Your daughter is going to have similarities to you & maybe digging a hole at a crossroads or tossing it into a large body of water would be better? Just my thoughts, whatever you think is the best thing to do, then go with it
I would hate to throw it in the river. If she has the same reaction that I have with it then to the river it goes!
Sounds like a good plan, maybe smoke cleanse it with something instead of using Selenite when you give it to her & have her do a cleanse too without Selenite. For some reason that piece is reacting adversely to Selenite for you, where your daughter is a part of you, I wouldn’t want her to get physically ill from it either. My thoughts
Thank you @Susurrus. I will do that. I will let you know how it goes.
I’d like to suggest gifting it to someone else or even donating it to a thrift store rather than putting it in a river or other natural body of water.
Also a good suggestion @MeganB, I don’t think gifting it to maybe someone else is a bad idea either if you have that option too! I have never worked with that stone. I always give things back to the earth or the ocean… I suppose that’s a bit different than other bodies of water if it’s something negative or something that another person isn’t an option for the item.
I’m a big fan of gifting things to people though.
@Ostara I did look up Meteorite makeup & toxicity. Because of the nature of a meteorite coming through the Earth’s atmosphere from space… it can have pieces of other planets, stars, the sun, the moon, &/or energy belts attached to them. There are reports of people having symptoms such as yours from meteorites. They almost always contain iron so a magnet would stick to it. I would suggest looking into meteorites & their toxicity & the toxicity symptoms in humans before giving it to someone that isn’t knowledgeable about the stone & possible effects of wearing or handling it.
well I mean… crystals are minerals made up of elements and some elemental combinations are harmful. Uranium, plutonium, mercury and the like so it’s not a huge stretch to think that some stones or crystals could cause you to feel sick either from their intrinsic properties or a discordant harmony.
@Ostara I say trust your instinct. If you’ve tried it twice, cleansed and charged it and it’s still happening, it perhaps is not meant to be, or perhaps not meant to be that close to you (if that makes sense).
Did you wash it? My first instinct is always a natural response, like powder, bacteria, or even aluminum or iron in the stone that may be causing this reaction.
Conversely, there’s a symmetrical force to the universe (eg good/bad, light/dark, small/large, etc). So, just like medicine can cause one side effect in patient A & another in patient B, I’m not surprised to hear this.
If stones have a vibrational frequency (I’m not saying they don’t ) then just as certain ones can heal, it makes sense that others can weaken
I’d love to know how this went? Did your daughter have a positive reaction to it?
Moonstone is said to be able to access the Third Eye Chakra.
It could be that it is attempting to open that area of the mind.
As the others have stated work with the Moonstone in little increments to have the body become accustomed to the vibrations of the stone. Learn to work with the Moonstone (Reference Crystal Vaults.com - PHENOMENINAL site for learning to work with crystals and there is a cross-over for spell/intention work)
Learn about the stone/s and see whether the stone is one you want to work with.
Welcome to the forum @ian1! I haven’t giving it to her yet. I was going to go today, but she is working on my Mother’s Day gift and she wants to finish it before I go see her. She’s been working on it for four weeks, so that has my curiosity up! I will go next weekend, but I will keep everyone updated. My husband has no negative reaction to it at all so he put it in his jeep because I don’t want it in the house. I wonder if I will be able to ride in the jeep with it in there? I will keep everyone posted.
Maybe it’s a physical reaction to handling it, so you may be fine in the same area as it. If I understand correctly from what I looked up yesterday about makeup & toxicity, it’s an extremely amplified energy that is associated with it due to its makeup from the atmosphere. You also may be a highly sensitive person to certain energies or vibrations & genuine meteorite comes from the cosmos
Hello and welcome to the forum @ian1 Me too, I’m waiting to hear how it goes.
Welcome to the forum @ian1!
I think you’re right, Kat- and you worded this really well! Nature is a wonderful thing, but it can be dangerous too and should always be handled with respect and a mindfulness for safety. If herbs and plants from nature can be dangerous, it makes sense that crystals from nature could potentially cause harm as well
Good luck- I hope it goes well! And how exciting about your daughter’s Mother’s Day gift
Really good information for someone like me that doesn’t know much about crystals, Thank you @Susurrus much appreciated.
Others touching my things is a pretty common thing for me (and highly annoying as i have to cleanse them), as i have 4 kids… They have settled down now its a daily thing they see me with different crystals, but i can’t help wonder the same as you whether they are distrubing my energy by touching my things? Its hard to tell as after all i birthed them right so how could they be ‘negative’ to my energy, then again they do cause my energies to go negative with all the arguing and mess they make daily
But then again, they are individual humans and have their own energy so disturbing my energy by touching my crystals or magickal tool could tip the balance… Who knows… Maybe someone can give me an answer as well…
Hi, @Ostara! You’ve got a ton of great advice from everyone! I am just sharing my two cents as an empathize here- I have two selenite wands that I use to charge other crystals. Both are so intense that I can’t hold onto them for more than 15 seconds or so! Interestingly, they were both that way before I ever put other crystals on them to charge! I got them from two separate places and cleared, cleansed, and purified them before ever using them. Both are raw selenite. I have a tumbled selenite that I can handle without any problems. I don’t know if anyone mentioned this already, but whether or not a stone is raw or tumbled can significantly affect its potency and energy.