This is a weird one. I have a subscription for a witch box and it includes a crystal and a pendant each month. This month was a meteorite and I loved it. I put it on Monday night without cleansing or charging it. I wanted to sleep with it (like a little kid with a new teddy bear). I was fine until I laid down and turned off the light. I felt like I was suffocating. I took the pendant off and laid it on the nightstand and went to sleep. So, last night I cleansed it under the moon and when I got home from work I charged it under the sunlight. When I brought it in I put it on (to sleep with it like a little kid with a new teddy bear), and immediately felt nauseous. Has anyone ever had a reaction to a stone or crystal like this? I love this pendant and the stone and keep thinking this must be some kind of coincidence, but I’m not going to test it again until the weekend.
There are a lot of plants and flowers that could make someone sick from working with them, but crystals? Hmmm- I can’t think of any off the top of my head, although… I remember hearing that one needs to be careful with using in crystals in healing, as putting crystals around the body willy-nilly can cause disturbances and potentially illness. I can’t find the post, but I feel like it was shared in a discussion about chakra healing with crystals
I’m no crystal expert though, so let’s call in the crystal crew for this one- perhaps @Christina4, @Missa, @Susurrus, and any of the many crystal collecters/healers in the forum will likely have more knowledge about crystals and illness
One of my friends at work was curious about the craft and was really interested in my pendulum work.
Anywho long story short I gifted her a Sodalite pendulum to have a play about with for herself. It was cleansed and charged, the whole shebang but she gave it back to me after 2 days as she was getting headaches and vomiting.
When she gave it back the symptoms stopped. I know that Sodalite can be toxic if ingested. But she liked blue so that was one she picked from my tiny little collection.
I did some research, worried that I had inadvertently poisoned my friend. And it is suggested that if you have negative physical symptoms from a crystal then you don’t need that particular crystals unique energies at this stage. Like the crystal is actually trying to push it’self away from you. As it knows you don’t need him/her right now and it’s energy wouldn’t be beneficial for you.
Meteorite emanates a strong vibrational sensation that stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakra to create a powerful force for inner vision and spiritual awakening.
Meteorite is a dynamic stone of transformation, that may be overwhelming for some, but they do provide a sense of grounding from their composition of heavy metals such as iron and nickel.
Meteorite can help develop patience, and is an excellent stone to assist us in seeing a project though to its end. It offers protection, provides a clear sense of direction, encourages us to be present, and centers us in times of distress.
Information credit:
Maybe as meteorite is so powerful and dynamic it’s a little harsh for your current energy needs? When you think about what a meteorite is all that energy from the cosmos it’s no wonder that it’s supercharged.
Maybe leaving it by some selenite overnight if you can may help settle the energy?
But I am still really new to crystals and I am in NO way an expert and others in the forum have way more knowledge than me. But it’s a thought.
I’m sorry your connection with your new little buddy is off to a shaky start @Ostara. But in time you will get to wear your new pendulum with pride I’m sure. I’m just the same as you and I fawn over my new crystal babies. I love them even if they don’t want to love me back right now
You could bery well be highly sensitive to the energies of crystals. Dont wear it all day, try an hour and work your way up, definitely dont sleep with it. Make sure every time you use it, its cleared and charged.
Malachite & the Tiger’s Eye Stones you should wash your hands after handling them, I want to say asbestos, but that might not be it, but they are toxic if handled frequently or for a length of time.
High sensitivity would do it too if you are doing some energy work or have them near you. I know that I own a couple of stones that I can feel the energy from them & it will cause a warming sensation to the area where the stone is on me. For instance, if I am holding them during meditation then my hands get really warm & I can feel the energy radiating from the stones, almost like the spots they are in are absorbing it all and then dispersing it outward from the stones.
Toxicity Table - Gem Society - Author Addison Rice
Toxicity Table Here!
Name | Toxicity Risk | Hazard |
Actinolite | Low | Asbestos |
Adamite | High | Arsenic, Copper; soluble in acids |
Agate | Low | Silicosis |
Albite | None Known | N/A |
Alexandrite | None Known | N/A |
Algodonite | High | Arsenic, Copper; may react with water and acids |
Almandine | None Known | N/A |
Amazonite | Low | Lead |
Amber | High | Organic Material |
Amblygonite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Amethyst | High | Silicosis |
Ametrine | High | Silicosis |
Ammolite | High | Organic Material |
Analcime | None Known | N/A |
Anatase | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Andalusite | None Known | N/A |
Andesine | None Known | N/A |
Andradite | None Known | N/A |
Anglesite | High | Lead |
Anhydrite (Angelite) | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Anorthite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Apatite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Apophyllite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Aquamarine | None Known | N/A |
Aragonite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Augelite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Axinite | None Known | N/A |
Azurite | High | Copper; Soluble in acids |
Barite | Low | Barium |
Bayldonite | High | Copper, Lead, Arsenic; Slightly soluble in acids |
Benitoite | None Known | N/A |
Beryl | None Known | N/A |
Beryllonite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Bismutotantalite | Unknown | Bismuth |
Black Onyx | Low | Silicosis |
Bloodstone | Low | Silicosis |
Boleite | High | Copper, Lead; Soluble in acids |
Boracite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
Bornite | High | Copper; Soluble in acids |
Brazilianite | None Known | N/A |
Breithauptite | Medium | Nickel, Antimony |
Brookite | None Known | N/A |
Brucite | High | Asbestos; Soluble in acids |
Bustamite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Bytownite | None Known | N/A |
Calcareous Concretions | High | Organic Material |
Calcite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Canasite | None Known | N/A |
Cancrinite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Carnelian | Low | Silicosis |
Cassiterite | None Known | N/A |
Catapleiite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Celestite | None Known | N/A |
Ceruleite | High | Arsenic, Copper; Soluble in acids |
Cerussite | High | Lead; Soluble in acids |
Chabazite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Chalcedony | Low | Silicosis |
Chambersite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
Charoite | None Known | N/A |
Chicken-Blood Stone | High | Mercury, Silicosis |
Childrenite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Chiolite | None Known | N/A |
Chromite | High | Hexavalent Chromium Traces |
Chrysoberyl | None Known | N/A |
Chrysocolla Chalcedony | Low | Copper; Silicosis |
Chrysocolla | Low | Copper; Silicosis |
Chrysoprase | Low | Silicosis |
Cinnabar | High | Mercury; Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Citrine | High | Silicosis |
Clinochlore | None Known | N/A |
Cobaltite | High | Arsenic, Cobalt; Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Colemanite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Coral | High | Organic Material |
Cordierite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Cordundum | None Known | N/A |
Covellite | High | Copper; Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Creedite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Crocoite | High | Hexavalent Chromium, Lead; Soluble in acids |
Cryolite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Cuprite | High | Copper; Soluble in acids |
Danburite | None Known | Slightly soluble in acids |
Datolite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
Demantoid Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Diamond | None Known | N/A |
Diaspore | None Known | N/A |
Dickinsonite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Diopside | None Known | N/A |
Dioptase | High | Copper; Soluble in acids |
Dolomite | Medium | May contain heavy metals; Soluble in acids |
Dumortierite | None Known | N/A |
Ekanite | High | Lead, Radioactivity (Uranium, Thorium) |
Emerald | None Known | N/A |
Enstatite | None Known | N/A |
Eosphorite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Epidote | None Known | Soluble in acids; Other members of the epidote group contain lead and radioactive elements |
Ettringite | None Known | May contain heavy metals; Soluble in water |
Euclase | None Known | N/A |
Eudialyte | Medium | Zircon; Slightly radioactive; Soluble in acids |
Euxenite | High | Uranium, Thorium |
Feldspar | None Known | N/A |
Fergusonite | Low | Rare Earth Elements; Soluble in acids |
Fluorite | None Known | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Freshwater Pearls | High | Organic Material |
Friedelite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Gadolinite | Low | Rare Earth Elements; Soluble in acids |
Gahnospinel | None Known | N/A |
Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Gaylussite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Glass | Low | Silicosis |
Grandidierite | None Known | N/A |
Grossular Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Gypsum | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Hambergite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
HaĂĽyne | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Heliodor | None Known | N/A |
Hematite | Low | Iron; Soluble in acids |
Hemimorphite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Herderite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Hessonite | None Known | N/A |
Hodgkinsonite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Holtite | Medium | Arsenic, Rare Earth Elements |
Howlite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Huebnerite | Low | Tungsten; Soluble in acids |
Humite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Hureaulite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Hurlbutite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Hydrogrossular | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Idocrase | Low | May contain beryllium, copper, and rare earths; Soluble in acids |
Inderite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
Iolite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Jadeite | None Known | N/A |
Jasper | Low | Silicosis |
Jeremejevite | None Known | N/A |
Jet | High | Organic Material |
Kämmererite | None Known | N/A |
Kornerupine | None Known | N/A |
Kurnakovite | Low | Borate; Soluble in acids |
Kyanite | None Known | N/A |
Labradorite | None Known | N/A |
Langbeinite | None Known | Water soluble |
Lapis Lazuli | Medium | Often included with pyrite |
Lawsonite | None Known | N/A |
Lazulite | None Known | N/A |
Legrandite | High | Arsenic |
Lepidolite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Leucite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Linarite | High | Copper, Lead; Soluble in acids |
Ludlamite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Magnesite | Low | Soluble in acids. As a powder, it can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. |
Malachite | High | Copper; Soluble in acids |
Malaya Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Mali Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Mandarin Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Manganotantalite | None Known | N/A |
Marcasite | Medium | Reacts with water |
Meliphanite | None Known | N/A |
Mellite | High | Organic Material |
Microcline | None Known | N/A |
Microlite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Milarite | None Known | N/A |
Millerite | High | Nickel; can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Mimetite | High | Arsenic, Lead; Soluble in acids |
Moldavite | None Known | N/A |
Monazite | Low | Rare Earth Elements; Soluble in acids |
Moonstone | None Known | N/A |
Mordenite | High | Fibrosis |
Morganite | None Known | N/A |
Nambulite | None Known | N/A |
Natrolite (Zeolite) | None Known | Non-asbestos fibers in erionite (a non-gem fibrous zeolite) can cause mesothelioma if inhaled. Natrolite has a similar fibrous structure but no known toxicity. |
Mesolite (Zeolite) | None Known | Non-asbestos fibers in erionite (a non-gem fibrous zeolite) can cause mesothelioma if inhaled. Mesolite has a similar fibrous structure but no known toxicity. |
Scolecite (Zeolite) | None Known | Non-asbestos fibers in erionite (a non-gem fibrous zeolite) can cause mesothelioma if inhaled. Scolecite has a similar fibrous structure but no known toxicity. |
Nepheline | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Nephrite | None Known | N/A |
Neptunite | None Known | N/A |
Niccolite (Nickeline) | High | Arsenic, Nickel |
Obsidian | Low | Silicosis |
Oligoclase | None Known | N/A |
Opal | Low | Silicosis |
Oregon Sunstone | Medium | Copper |
Orthoclase | None Known | N/A |
Padparadscha Sapphire | None Known | N/A |
Painite | None Known | N/A |
Palygorskite | None Known | N/A |
Papagoite | Low | Copper |
Paraiba Tourmaline | None Known | N/A |
Pargasite | None Known | N/A |
Parisite | High/Low | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed./Weakly radioactive, negligible in small amounts. |
Pearl | High | Organic Material |
Pectolite (Larimar) | None Known | N/A |
Pentlandite | High | Nickel |
Periclase | High | Laxative; reacts with water |
Peridot | None Known | N/A |
Peristerite | None Known | N/A |
Perthite | None Known | N/A |
Petalite | None Known | N/A |
Phenakite | None Known | N/A |
Phosgenite | Medium | Lead; Soluble in acids |
Phosphophyllite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Pollucite | Low | Cesium; Soluble in acids |
Powellite | Medium | Molybdenum; Soluble in acids |
Prehnite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Prosopite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Proustite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Pumpellyite | None Known | N/A |
Purpurite | Low | Soluble in acids |
Pyrargyrite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Pyrite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Pyrope | None Known | N/A |
Pyrophyllite | Low | Soluble in acids |
Pyroxmangite | None Known | N/A |
Pyrrohotite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Quartz | High | Silicosis |
Quartzite | High | Silicosis |
Realgar | High | Arsenic; Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Red Beryl | None Known | N/A |
Rhodizite | None Known | N/A |
Rhodochrosite | Low | Manganese; Soluble in acids |
Rhodolite | None Known | N/A |
Rhodonite | Low | Manganese; Soluble in acids |
Rose Quartz | High | Silicosis |
Rubellite Tourmaline | None Known | N/A |
Ruby | None Known | N/A |
Rutile | None Known | N/A |
Saltwater Pearls | High | Organic Material |
Samarskite | High | Lead, Uranium, Rare earth elements; Soluble |
Sanidine | None Known | N/A |
Sapphire | None Known | N/A |
Sapphirine | None Known | N/A |
Scapolite | None Known | N/A |
Scorodite | High | Arsenic; Soluble in acids |
Sellaite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Senarmontite | Low | Antimony; soluble in water |
Serandite | None Known | N/A |
Serpentine | None Known | N/A |
Shattuckite | Medium | Copper; soluble in acids |
Shell | High | Organic Material |
Shortite | None Known | Water soluble |
Siderite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Sillimanite | None Known | N/A |
Simpsonite | Medium | Tantalum; soluble in acids |
Sinhalite | None Known | N/A |
Smaltite | High | Arsenic, Cobalt, Nickel; soluble in acids |
Smithsonite | Medium | Zinc; soluble in acids |
Smoky Quartz | High | Silicosis |
Sodalite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Sogdianite | None Known | N/A |
Spessartite Garnet | None Known | N/A |
Sphalerite | None Known | N/A |
Sphene (Titanite) | None Known | N/A |
Spinel | None Known | N/A |
Spodumene | Low | Lithium |
Spurrite | None Known | N/A |
Staurolite | None Known | N/A |
Stibiotantalite | Low | Antimony, Niobium, Tantalum |
Stichtite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Stolzite | High | Lead, Tungsten |
Strontianite | Low | Strontium |
Sugilite | None Known | N/A |
Sulfur | High | Sulfur |
Sunstone | None Known | N/A |
Taafeite | None Known | N/A |
Talc | None Known | N/A |
Tantalite | Medium | Niobium, Tantalum; soluble in acids |
Tanzanite | None Known | N/A |
Tektite | Low | Silicosis |
Tephroite | None Known | N/A |
Thomsonite | None Known | N/A |
Tiger’s Eye | High | Asbestos; Silicosis |
Topaz | None Known | N/A |
Tourmaline | None Known | N/A |
Tremolite | None Known | N/A |
Triphylite (Tryphylite) | Medium | Lithium; soluble in acids |
Tsavorite | None Known | N/A |
Tugtupite | None Known | N/A |
Turquoise | Low | Copper |
Ulexite | Low | Borate |
Uvarovite | None Known | N/A |
Vanadinite | High | Lead, Vanadium |
Variscite | None Known | N/A |
Väyrynenite | None Known | N/A |
Villiaumite | High | Water soluble. Can react dangerously if particles accidentally swallowed or inhaled. Can irritate skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Wash hands after touching any material. |
Vivianite | None Known | N/A |
Wardite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Wavellite | None Known | N/A |
Weloganite | Low | Zirconium |
Whewellite | High | Oxalate |
Wilkeite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Willemite | None Known | N/A |
Witherite | High | Barium |
Wollastonite | None Known | N/A |
Wulfenite | High | Lead |
Xonotlite | None Known | N/A |
Yugawaralite | None Known | N/A |
Zektzerite | Low | Lithium, Zirconium |
Zincite | None Known | Soluble in acids |
Zircon | Low | Zirconium; soluble in acids |
Zunyite | High | Can react dangerously if accidentally swallowed |
Wow @Susurrus I had no idea that there were so many toxic gems out there! I learn something new everyday.
@jessica72 this crystal definitely doesn’t like me. I will try the selenite tonight.
@christina4 I can’t even wear it for a few minutes and have never has a reaction like this to any other type of crystal.
Thank you all for the advise I am going to work with it this weekend. As much as I love this it just might not be meant for me to have it. There are two people in my life that I know would love it, but I would hate to gift it to one of them and they get sick from it.
I have never worked with that particular stone. I would definitely cleanse it somehow before you gift it to someone & suggest they cleanse it as well before use.
You could put it on Selenite then smoke cleanse it & or meditate with it maybe to see if you just need to get to “know” the stone before wearing it?
Thank you @Susurrus I will try that. I really want to keep it.
Its beautiful, i can see why you would like to keep it.
I am going to try to keep it. I have a daughter named Stella and Stella means star. A meteorite is also called a star seed so I just may gift it to my Star. Lol!
The more I think about it, maybe it was never meant for me. Maybe it was meant for Stella all along.
Tigers eye has asbestos and malachite has up to 70% copper oxide, an inorganic compound. Youre on the right track!
I’ve never worked with meteorite but I have a similar experience I bought a new and proceeded to carry it with me for several days. Everything was going fine.
Then I let a friend touch it. She said it shocked her which I’m pretty sure was my personal energy built up in the crystal. But afterwards anytime I handled that crystal I just felt exhausted and it slowly got worse until I was experiencing cold and flu symptoms any time I handled it.
I had to do a pretty in-depth cleanse to deal with it.
This is great! Wow! Fresh water pearls and coral are highly toxic, have a number of pieces from them, going to check this out some more.
When the moon is full or close to full I can’t hold my moonstone sphere because I get pains in my head, so weird but it happens every time I try it around the full moon. I read that it is stronger when the moon is full so its just too much for me during that time. It usually takes less than 5 minutes before I get the sharp shooting pains.
I was thinking about getting a Geiger counter to check some stones. There is a lot of radium and barium in Utah and I like to go rock hunting but have been afraid of bringing the wrong stones home. Not to mention all the bombs that were tested here!!!
Thanks for the list @Susurrus, I am definitely saving it for future reference
Maybe you could seal it up with a resin or something and try that
It is very pretty. I guess you could put it in a display case too. Does it bother your daughter?
My daughter lives an hour away from me so I don’t know yet. I have left it on a selenite charging plate all day and will leave it tonight. I will try it in the morning and see if that helps.
Amazing list @Susurrus, thanks so much for sharing this. This is why I am careful about putting crystals in my potions.
Someone asked me if I wanted her crystal necklace and I said sure and put it on. A few minutes later I was feeling overwhelming darkness emotionally, so I took it off. I immediately knew what she had been feeling. But, if I knew then what I know now, I would have cleansed it before giving it back to her
When I buy a crystal, I like to do it in person, so I can hold it in my hand and feel its energy. 2 crystals of the same type can feel very different… I know this sounds weird but I always know which one to buy. I have bought some online and I’ve mostly had good luck, but not always.
Meteorites… now that’s a different story! Their energy is intense to the point of being chaotic! Oh and Moldavite, the first time I saw one I thought it was beautiful and I wanted it! Then I held it, felt extremely powerful, intense and disruptive. I didn’t buy it!
I had an ionized bracelet (I think that’s what it was called) it was supposed to balance your energy and be healing, don’t remember what else. I wore it for a few days and I was having so much pain in my arm and wrist that I had to stop wearing it.
So, yes @Ostara I have had reactions to stones and metal but never nausea!
I was studying with a woman who told me that my hematite crystals were draining all my energy and I had to get rid of them, so I did! Now I am so sad that I believed her!
You’re welcome, @marsha your reply reminded me that I react to metals. I can’t wear white gold or cheap metals (like in bracelets, necklaces, or earrings) it has to be gold, silver, stainless steel, or titanium. I react to all of those with inflammation, redness, swelling, & severe itching.
I like to wear my crystal pendants on long cords of thread. Otherwise, I use silver.
I like to go to the crystal shop & hold them & look at them more than buying online. I have done a live sale with Embodii Crystals on Facebook, but I no longer have FaceBook. @missa knows Kourtney & is a part of that group on there too. I think they may have a website, but when I was on there, the sales were better than the site store at times. A lot of original pieces & she goes to the gem shows to pick up other pieces.
I have Cape Cod Crystals a town away & the Stone Store in my town. I like the first one better & the way that it is set up. The woman there is so helpful & knowledgeable. They give out cards with the stone information also.
I get a crystal in my Tamed Wild subscription box each month too! They come with a short card about the stone also. I like the ones that come with the cards. It makes labeling the mesh bags so much easier.
Once I practiced & learned how to know the energy from the stones separate from my own, I have had a much better working relationship with the stones that I work with. So I lean more toward either tumbling on my own or going to the Crystal shops around here. I should see if there are any others close by