Hello @tracie2!
That’s a really good question- and I can confidently say that the answer will differ for each witch. The key will be finding out the amount of time that works best for you in order to achieve your magickal goals .
Some find that sticking to a routine works best for them, while others practice in tune with the moon phases , the Sabbats, or other patterns of flow
There is no right or wrong way to plan your time practicing- whether you practice every hour or never at all, as long as you consider yourself to be a witch/pagan/magic user- you are one!
“It’s a tradition open to everyone interested in growing through a path of love for Nature and respect for others. You do not need any special knowledge, any kind of faculty or psychic ability.”
For me personally, the amount of time I spend on my practice waxes and wanes like the moon . Sometimes I feel very energetic and do a lot of spellwork, while other days I’m just too busy to do much at all!
Avoid magickal burnout
It is important to avoid magickal burnout, so consider leaving time (perhaps during the New Moon - a great time for rest and reflection) to recover.
Self-care and self-love spells are another great way to heal from spell exhaustion!
A little magick is just as valid as big rituals
Regardless of how much (if any) spellwork I do during the day, I like to end my day with a short gratitude meditation . I also try to keep up with my journaling
- writing down not only my magickal activities but also my mental thoughts as well.
There are also many small ways to bring magick into your life that don’t take much time or energy.
Experiment to find what works best for you
Start with a schedule or play it by ear, follow the Daily Devotional or pursue spells that appeal to you. It takes time, but you will eventually find the habits that work best for you.
I’m cheering you on- good luck exploring your exciting magickal path, Tracie!
Blessed be