Hello friends! I just wanted your input on dealing with stress. What do you do if you wake up in a weird mood or are frustrated at work? Do you go for a walk? Order a latte? Call the four corners?
Let me know your thoughts below, and have a wonderful day
Magically speaking I don’t do anything, unless is to make a spell for it, but never did. I never mix spell working on a moody day.
I do meditate to get in that point of relaxation, working with my breathing and connecting with the Big Source.
Watch a good movie, or play some video game; depending of the game, some games has the tendency to stress you also. Also taking a nice walk, or to go and watch the beauty of nature. Sense Puerto Rico is surrounded by water, is easy to go to a beach, or the woods also.
Good idea! I definitely miss walking in nature. It’s been so stormy and flood-like here I haven’t had a chance. I also do enjoy working out, so that definitely lets out some steam. Mediation is also very important. Thanks for sharing
Well, I work from home so I try not to let my mood get that bad. Otherwise the entire house just feels off If I feel myself getting frustrated or stressed out, I like to take a nice walk, take a shower, read a book, do some stretching, or make some tea. All of these can be infused with magic if you want them to, but they’re first and foremost good stress relieving methods on their own!
I’ve been reaching for my howlite or some crystals lately. They seem to be helping me feel better when I’m struggling inside.
I also got a new hobby, Rock Tumbling, its sooo cool. Its very hot here so I have to stay inside a lot. I’m planning to go to the mountains soon (usually cooler up there) and look for some cool rocks!
Having something to look forward to helps stress too.
And one of my all time favorite ways to relax or de-stress is to watch South Park and chill lol, an escape from reality maybe?
Thats my go to’s lately
I read but that’s my go to for just about anything. LOL. Seriously though, find something funny to read. I was once in a bad way and read like, five Xanthe books back to back and that got me out of it.
Another vote for going for a walk! Sometimes mentally distancing yourself from a stressor can be tough, so physically removing yourself from the area of your stress can be an immense help
I also use herbs in either teas or sprays to help calm down. There’s a few of my favorite herbs for anxiety in the following post:
My most recent favorite has been Melisa/Lemon Balm- it does wonders for soothing the mind and helping to find relaxation even after stress
I agree, i stay away from spell work if I’m moody or feeling negative. Also as you mentioned, meditation works for me as well to get me out of a bad mood. ( Not always- depending on the mood lol) Basically try to calm down. But i wont try any spell work unless im relaxed and grounded.
I also chose small crystals every morning to take out of the house with me. I stash them in my bra easy reach for when I need them. I usually roll them round in the palms of my hands until I calm down.
I’m a fidgety person and moving helps me burn off anxious energy.
Thank you, it’s made of Lapis Lazuli gemstones, I ordered it from Greece. I mostly use it on my job while working on a day shift, as a dispatcher. When on stress just took it with my hand and started playing with it while meditating and saying some mantras.
Get with Nature and shy away from spell work when you are frustrated. Take a walk, meditate, do yoga, light a fire and get lost in its beauty. I also find that beating the crap out of a heavy bag works great for letting anger go.
One trick I learned from my son’s occupational therapist was doing a task that is very easy and can be completed. the achievement gives you a lift and sometimes can break you out of that “in a rut” or frustrated feeling. at work, when I worked in an office, I would take a break and clean my desk – take everything off it, wipe down my computer, my phone, my screen and give the desk a really good wipe down. then I’d organize everything again. that always made me feel more in control and ready to be productive. any little task will do – like, isn’t it funny how accomplished you feel when you make the bed? LOL. but it’s true. it makes you feel better.
I would get restless, especially in the afternoons, and I would walk around the building and come back, or walk up and down the stairs.
anytime I’ve woken up in a weird mood (and it’s not weather-related, before a storm, I get a little antsy), I respect that as an indicator. when I feel that way, I know it’s because I’m trying to squash down some feeling or I’m just not dealing with something that needs to be dealt with. I try to make space for that when I can.
(sorry for all the lower case – my computer is not doing caps well for some reason today)
When im feeling stress some days i do my breathing. I carry sage oils with me just incase…hit my weed pen if im able to…maybe try and put some up best music on …some days i write what is bothering me. I talk to god/ universe and ask for help…hope some of these ideas help