Deities? What gods and goddesses do you work with

I was really lucky, my Mom bought me my first witchcraft book after seeing a spot about it on Good Morning America. She understood. But I’m sure others haven’t had it as easy with their families. I’m sorry you’re Mom wasn’t more open-minded.


I have been ever since I can remember. and now my 5yr old is ALWAYS talking about “her magic” and i told her one day she could read and study…i guess i influence her but my husband says i should since i am on here. I don’t wanna be that parent that keeps their child from being open minded.


You can always take her to a temple or another church besides your Mom’s and let her make up her own mind. When she gets a bit older that is.


Isis and Oshun are my favorites
Lilith and Artemis when needed


I think I will I do just that


I’ve worked with the Horned God :deer: in the past and done a lot of research into Artemis :bow_and_arrow:

I have the feeling I’ve “brushed past” the Triple Goddess and perhaps Hekate too in passing, but nothing was clear. Recently, I feel like Odin has been reaching out- which is really out of nowhere and not a deity I ever would have guessed I’d connect with :laughing:

Deity work is a smaller part of my Craft though- it’s not my focal point, at least not right now.

That being said, I always love to hear about how others work with the divine! Thank you, @Nikita-mikaelson, for opening this discussion- it’s very interesting to see who works with Who! :sparkles:


Mostly I think of the goddess and god in the generic but if I am petitioning or offering something I need a name to focus me. The two goddesses that have made their presence known in my life are Atremis and the Morrigan.


Oh goodness, how have I missed your post abou Artemis / Diana!!! What a trove of information.

I made sure to bookmark it to review it in the morning.

Appreciate your time and effort creating it and sharing.

Remind me and I’ll take a photo of the custom cover to my bos that I had made in the late 90s! :crescent_moon: :bow_and_arrow:


It’s my pleasure, Kat! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m really happy if any of the info there is helpful for you- Artemis/Diana is really wonderful diety :heart::bow_and_arrow:

Ohhhhh!!! :star_struck: Yes, yes, yes- I would love to see it! :two_hearts:


Nice. I also work with Hekate and the horned god but also recently started working with Gaia… To be honest i really need to start researching more ways to work with them as at the moment its going sort of slow since i tend to lean more towards books and they take longer to read…


I commissioned this BoS in 1998. The artist did an amazing job capturing exactly what I wanted. :crescent_moon:


Currently I’m cultivating a relationship with the Goddess, though I have some experience with Selene.


I work with:

Veaug (dragon god of obscurity)
Morthan (dragon goddess of the harvest)
Tysteal (dragon shepherd goddess)

Sometimes with:

Have worked with:
Davliteau (dragon god of benevolence, ridding oneself of malevolent, negative energy and entities)
Luqueas (dragon trickster god)
Gneicht (draconic god of the night, doorways, and crossroads)


I have an intimate relationship with Lilith, and a very close one with Kali too. I’m getting to know Shiva and other forms of Shakti such as Tripura Sundari. I’ve also had some contacts with Brigid, Hekate and Selene. I’m also fascinated by Isis and Cybele but it also feels like it’s not time yet, I don’t want to branch out too fast.

Especially as a soft polytheist / pantheist the lines get a little blurry sometimes, like if I’m dealing with Mother Nature / Gaia / Shakti / Triple Goddess right now. But that’s okay. Labels can be useful to an extent but it’s also good to know when to let go of them and focus on the experience.

EDIT: Hmm, an interesting thought came to me thinking about labels. Setting them helps us see the differences and appreciate them. Setting them aside helps us bring harmony and union. Reason and surrender, analysis and experience, structure and flow. Order and chaos. The eternal dance. :dancer:


Hey everyone,
I currently work with
Freya and Hecate
Aphrodite a little

My patron goddess is Freya. I have felt drawn to Freya more than any other goddess by far, even before I started learning about all the gods and goddesses; way before I began witchcraft. Years ago I was trying to think of a name for a car and the only name I could think of was Freya lol. One night I was sitting in front of my altar and had the most intense feeling. It just told me to go outside and look up. I knew it was Freya.
After becoming a witch and beginning work with Freya, I naturally became interested in Hecate.

I also feel pulled to Lilith, Morrigan and Nyx as well. While meditating one night trying to connect with my Goddess, I saw Freya first. Then came Hecate, Nyx and Lilith. Hecate had told me we could work together for certain things while Lilith and Nyx both told me that I am meant to work with both of them but the time was not right yet. And that now my time should be spent with Freya.
That was hands down the most vivid, most amazing meditation I had ever done! They were all so beautiful and kind.
When I’m preparing for a spell or ritual I usually immediately call upon Freya, but depending on what the spell is I might get a strong pull to ask Hecate for her assistance on that one.
When I feel lost or unsure of something I will go outside at night, stare up at the sky and start talking, to one or both goddesses. Then wait. The answer will generally come rather quickly. Or just a sign that they are listening.

When i first began this journey I didn’t think much of working with deities. Probably because of my upbringing…but I am very glad I opened myself up to hear these amazing goddesses. I look forward to so many more years working with them and getting to know more!


I think i would say im doing mostly the wiccan thing as i have not really felt a pull to any specific god or goddess yet but im sure i will know when the time comes :smile:


Ohhhhh Kat- that is stunning! :heart_eyes: I love how the artist made Artemis’ bow into the moon, that is a really beautiful detail :full_moon: :bow_and_arrow: Thanks for sharing it- it’s really gorgeous!

Ohhhh two sides of the same coin- it’s up to you to choose which side to flip to, or whether to try and melt down the coin :wink: :coin: :balance_scale:

You put something into perfect words that I hadn’t even formed into a cohesive thought, Celestia- when is your Ted Talk? I want front row seats :heart::blush:


Exactly! :relaxed:

Awww, that makes me blush! :smile_cat: :heart:
For now at least, you’re my front row audience! :wink: :chair: :fire:


Woohoo! :partying_face: I’ve got my notepad and I’ll be taking notes :nerd_face: :memo: :heart:


My matron deity is Frigg however, I have also worked with Aphrodite, Lilith, Lord Ganesha and Ares. I’ve only just begun working with Lilith though and I’m feeling a strong pull to start reading up on Hecate. I’m assuming because I’m at a crossroads in my life