Deities? What gods and goddesses do you work with

So just curious what deities you guys work with.

Mine are :

I cant exactly explain why i work with these goddesses, all i know is that ive felt drawn towards them and such. Personally ive worked with lilith for a while. I was first drawn to her because she was the first feminist. Shes a strong independent woman who doesn’t bow down to demands. More recent ones ive been drawn to are hekate and kali and the morrigan. I’ve barely started learning about the others.


Mostly I do the Wiccan thing, Lord and Lady. But if I focus on a specific Goddess it’s usually Gaia for me. Or it depends on the situation. For instance, with Max, I was calling on Bast. But yeah, mostly I keep it generic. Don’t know why yet. Maybe it’s because Cernunnos is so hard to pronounce. LOL!


I work with the Celtic pantheon, but daily I work with Brighid :triskele: & meet with her whenever I can through meditation & oracle cards & devotionals & crafting items. I have worked with her since 2020 & it’s a large part of my practice.

When I need to I also work with the Morrigan :triquetra: She lets me know that I have the strength to keep going & come out the other side where the light is brighter & as a guide through the dark recesses & tangles of the shadows. I have a couple of meditations for gratitude, meeting Her, & Awakening the Warrior Spirit. Once I was on solid ground again, she let me know that when I need Her, she will be back.


Danu and Hekate


I’ve only worked with Brigid :fire: mainly. I have given offerings to Aengus in the past but got an indifferent sort of feeling from him so I just left it at that. I’m exploring and researching Lir, Oghma, Donn, and Aodh.


@Amethyst I thought I was the only one who was just being “generic” I haven’t really felt drawn to anyone other than a slight pull towards Brigid but that was only a one time pull.


I had a dream of the Goddess but She was in a pink sweatshirt and jeans in my dream so that doesn’t really help me identify which Goddess, so yeah, best to be generic about it for now. She’ll send me a sign when she wants me to be specific.


same. I was brought up baptist and everything I’ve read so far is kinda against my religion but I do know you can worship certain Gods/Goddess’s. I explained this website the best I could to my mother who is an empath( as am I) but shse wouldn’t have any part of it and said I shouldn’t either or else I’m “hell bound” I honestly don’t understand the issue so is anyone else’s people that way or just mine???


I was really lucky, my Mom bought me my first witchcraft book after seeing a spot about it on Good Morning America. She understood. But I’m sure others haven’t had it as easy with their families. I’m sorry you’re Mom wasn’t more open-minded.


I have been ever since I can remember. and now my 5yr old is ALWAYS talking about “her magic” and i told her one day she could read and study…i guess i influence her but my husband says i should since i am on here. I don’t wanna be that parent that keeps their child from being open minded.


You can always take her to a temple or another church besides your Mom’s and let her make up her own mind. When she gets a bit older that is.


Isis and Oshun are my favorites
Lilith and Artemis when needed


I think I will I do just that


I’ve worked with the Horned God :deer: in the past and done a lot of research into Artemis :bow_and_arrow:

I have the feeling I’ve “brushed past” the Triple Goddess and perhaps Hekate too in passing, but nothing was clear. Recently, I feel like Odin has been reaching out- which is really out of nowhere and not a deity I ever would have guessed I’d connect with :laughing:

Deity work is a smaller part of my Craft though- it’s not my focal point, at least not right now.

That being said, I always love to hear about how others work with the divine! Thank you, @Nikita-mikaelson, for opening this discussion- it’s very interesting to see who works with Who! :sparkles:


Mostly I think of the goddess and god in the generic but if I am petitioning or offering something I need a name to focus me. The two goddesses that have made their presence known in my life are Atremis and the Morrigan.


Oh goodness, how have I missed your post abou Artemis / Diana!!! What a trove of information.

I made sure to bookmark it to review it in the morning.

Appreciate your time and effort creating it and sharing.

Remind me and I’ll take a photo of the custom cover to my bos that I had made in the late 90s! :crescent_moon: :bow_and_arrow:


It’s my pleasure, Kat! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m really happy if any of the info there is helpful for you- Artemis/Diana is really wonderful diety :heart::bow_and_arrow:

Ohhhhh!!! :star_struck: Yes, yes, yes- I would love to see it! :two_hearts:


Nice. I also work with Hekate and the horned god but also recently started working with Gaia… To be honest i really need to start researching more ways to work with them as at the moment its going sort of slow since i tend to lean more towards books and they take longer to read…


I commissioned this BoS in 1998. The artist did an amazing job capturing exactly what I wanted. :crescent_moon:


Currently I’m cultivating a relationship with the Goddess, though I have some experience with Selene.