I had an idea to make a Beltane windchime for my patio area, but that didn’t work out after many attempts. Lol, I think I’ve said I struggle with craftiness, but I keep at it!
So I stayed with the theme of Beltane and made a…kind of like a maypole mini?? It’s for my altar when I re arrange for Beltane.
There is a pic of beads that I tried to make into the infinity symbol for our Coven as well.
Loving the idea of homemade Beltane decorations! Craftiness is all about experimenting- something you have truly mastered, @Rowan! The result may not be what you originally had in mind, but sometimes the best inventions come from letting our creativity run wild Your mini maypole is gorgeous!
And bonus points for the Infinite Roots bead- such a fun idea! Thanks so much for sharing, Rowan
@Rowan It took me many years to find my craftiness. I love your maypole. I haven’t even thought of Beltane yet. Just trying to get through the days.
I learned to crochet from my mother at 17 but sadly I am a visual learner and didn’t get most of the pattern concepts as they didn’t always include good pictures of what the item was supposed to look like so I set it aside until 2002 when I found out I was pregnant with my 8th child and wanted to make her a blanket. After that I was hooked and found with the internet and Youtube a ton of visuals to take my craft to the next level. Then I found I loved to blend essential oils and was very good at it. I have taken classes for both crafts to be an expert in my field lol. I also took classes in wire wrapping which I still do but don’t sell (yet ) and I am getting back into candle making. There just isn’t enough time in the day to craft all that I want to make but I get it done somehow.
It’s awesome i love it it looks Alive, with all the colour and details It also doesn’t look like you used skewer sticks, I had to go back and have a closer look when I read that bit Well done on getting them all together tightly like that Blessed Be
That is so beautiful and inspirational! I’m celebrating Beltane for the first time ever, so I’m looking everywhere for inspiration. As silly as it is, I never thought to make a mini Maypole. It’s a wonderful idea and it came out so beautifully. I think I’m going to borrow your braided yarn? embroidery floss? idea to make some garland to hang around my yard. Or maybe a little sarong type thing to wear while dancing around the bonfire…
Well I’ve started another craft project…
My dad was a man of many talents; he sang , played guitar, banjo, and fiddle, he was a mechanic, built racecars, wood work, and leather work. He had a collection of canes that he had made and when he passed I picked his bible ( not that I’m religious but because of the family history within it, he was a preacher for years also) and an unfinished cane. This cane has always had a place by my front doors, set in the corner.
Here is a pic of it before:
I’ve decided to stain it and then burn rune symbols into it. I’m thinking I need something for the top, maybe a resin crow skull???
Here’s a pic of round one of staining.