For Love of Oracle

Thank you for planting the seed of an idea!!!

I have some free time today and a need to distract myself with something fun so I decided to create this thread!

What are oracle cards and how are they different from tarot?

Oracle cards and Tarot cards are both used for divination and gaining insight into various aspects of life, but they have some differences in their origins, structure, and usage.

  1. Origins:
  • Tarot: Tarot cards have a longer history and are believed to have originated in the 15th century in Europe, possibly in Italy. They were initially used for playing card games but later gained popularity as a tool for divination and spiritual insight.
  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards have a more recent origin and are not tied to any specific tradition. They emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a way for individuals to tap into intuition and receive guidance.
  1. Structure:
  • Tarot: Tarot decks typically consist of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards representing significant life themes and archetypal energies, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits (usually Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands) similar to a standard deck of playing cards.
  • Oracle Cards: Oracle decks vary widely in structure and content. They can contain any number of cards, ranging from a few dozen to hundreds. Each card usually features an image or symbol along with a brief message or keyword. Oracle decks may be themed around specific topics such as angels, animals, affirmations, or spiritual concepts.
  1. Usage:
  • Tarot: Tarot cards are often used for in-depth readings that explore the past, present, and future or delve into specific aspects of a person’s life. Tarot readings may involve complex spreads and interpretations based on the placement of cards and their relationships to one another.
  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards are more flexible and can be used for a wide range of purposes, from daily inspiration to specific questions or intentions. Oracle readings are often more intuitive and less structured than Tarot readings, focusing on the immediate message of each card rather than complex symbolism.
  1. Symbolism:
  • Tarot: Tarot cards are rich in symbolism, drawing on various esoteric traditions including astrology, numerology, alchemy, and Kabbalah. Each card has layers of meaning that can be interpreted in different contexts.
  • Oracle Cards: Oracle cards may draw on symbolism from various spiritual traditions but are generally more straightforward and accessible. They often feature clear imagery and messages designed to evoke immediate intuitive responses.

In summary, while both Oracle and Tarot cards are used for divination and spiritual guidance, they have differences in their origins, structure, usage, and symbolism. Tarot cards are more structured and steeped in tradition, while Oracle cards offer greater flexibility and simplicity. Ultimately, the choice between them depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual seeking guidance.

For a deeper dive and in-depth information check out:

With background info out of the way, let’s look at some Oracle decks, and feel free to share yours too!


But first -

Questions :question:

  • Do you use both Tarot and Oracle?
    • If so, when do you turn to Oracle instead of Tarot?
  • Do you use both tarot and oracle in the same spread?
    • If so, why? What do you feel that brings to the reading?
    • If not, why now?

My Oracle Decks

I can include photos of each of the deck bags I’ve made if there’s an interest.

The Liminal Forest

This oracle has a self-reflection theme. It’s my newest oracle deck.

The Witchlings Deck

This is a fun little deck. Perfect for when you are lacking inspiration for magick. It was recommended by a friend.

Botanical Inspirations

The deck is likely a knockoff but I hadn’t realized it at the time. It came with a digital guidebook that I was never able to access. However, I love the artwork on this deck.

Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle

Beautiful deck, online guidebook. Gorgeous in its minimal use of color.

Wild Medicine Herbal Deck

Nice deck to learn correspondences of herbs. There is a second set out now.

Green Witch Oracle

Strange little deck with interesting illustrations but no guide to help make sense of the intent of the symbols.

The Embroidered Graveyard

Stunning artwork in this dark themed deck. Copper card edging and holographic designs on the card backs. This deck can be programmed to work with spirits or to remain a shadow work oracle.

The Urban Crow Oracle

One of my favorite oracle decks. Clever and accurate. An expansion was released to integrate to the original deck.

Seed & Sickle

Unique in that it has two guidebooks. One if you are looking for movement and progress. The other is for stillness and self-reflection. Lovely artwork, perfect paper weight and shuffles like a dream.

Folktails Oracle

Oversized cards (even for oracle decks). Images are based on paintings by the artist who weaves her tale through the forest.


I use both tarot and oracle. I feel more comfortable with my oracle cards because the message is spelled out for me. With my tarot cards, I still have to look each card up to string everything together. That’s just practice though! I hadn’t ever thought to use them together… but now that seems like the most genius idea ever and I’m going to try it!

Honestly, my tarot deck is in my office downstairs and my oracle deck is upstairs… so whenever I feel like doing o a reading… it just depends on where I am!

Also… I’m gonna need that folk tale set…


I use both tarot and oracle cards. I use my tarot deck daily but if I have confusion in my reading or mixed messages I pull an oracle card for clarification.


There were a couple of deck bags included and they are stunning! Yes, please include more pics of your bags.

I now use both tarot and oracle decks. I started using oracle decks more routinely just in the past few years.

Yes, I have a few specific spreads that are designed for both decks but I also will pull an oracle card if I need clarification or if I want an overall idea of the energy I can bring to the reading or the energy that surrounds the reading.

I find my oracle decks are more supportive as their messages are generally more positive whereas my tarot will ‘slap me upside the head’ if need be. My tarot I use for personal development so more work happens with the tarot.

When I was dealing with a lot of anxiety years ago I kept using my archangel oracle deck as that gave me a sense of peace. I loved receiving the “all is well” card.


@Artemisia Great thread, I have had these questions before and still trying to wrap my head around the complexity of tarot. I use the spells8 daily tarot card with quick explanation of the card and keywords.

I haven’t thought about using tarot and oracle cards simultaneously, maybe bc there would be too much information to process? Or maybe bc I wouldn’t be able to choose which oracle deck I would use with tarot.

But I will definitely order some of the oracle cards shown here, they are stunning!! I love bunnies and plants so there’s that. :heart_eyes: :rabbit2:

My collection is getting bigger by the months and so far I collected;

I feel exactly the same, I also use both but I feel more confident with oracle cards. I’m still slowly trying to practice tarot and get less intimidated of it haha.

Also there are so many variations and types of Oracle cards for different moods. Do I need affirmations, do I need spiritual guidance, do I need empowerment, or healing? I think they’re more easier to connect with.


This is a beautiful thread. :green_heart: Thinking on your questions, I would like to use my Nordic tarot the most, but my demon tarot always wants a look in, so I do readings with both, I give up :person_facepalming::rofl:

I’ve used lots of different tarot and oracles and ended up with these 4. 2 Tarots and 2 Oracles although the runic deck perhaps is not really an oracle as it’s a card representation of the runes, so not sure where runes fit :thinking::person_shrugging:.

With the runes I don’t do reversals as this wasn’t how they were originally used, nor do I do reversals with my oracle or demonic tarot. The Nordic tarot does seem happy to do reversals. Must be the chaos I don’t know :rofl:


The universe has thwarted all of my attempts to own a deck of oracle cards - years have passed and I have not managed to get and hold onto a single deck. It looks like I’ll just have to settle for my tarot decks :sweat_smile:

So I extra appreciate this gorgeous space - look at everyone’s beautiful decks! :heart_eyes: Thank you so much for opening this wonderful discussion, @Artemisia. I really like seeing all the beautiful cards! :flower_playing_cards: :two_hearts:


Wow! Everyone has such beautiful decks! I’m trying to get in the habit of pulling a card daily. My intuition tells me which deck to use whether it’s oracle or tarot. I have 2 oracle decks and 5 tarot I think. I’ve only used one oracle deck and 2 tarot. Trying to get familiar with those first and be more familiar with readings before I try a new one. This topic was on my list for a weekly topic! Thank you for opening up this conversation! :blush::hugs::purple_heart:


I use the Archangel deck, one sheet maybe two if needed every morning
it is accurate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dizzy:


@Artemisia love the liminal oracle deck u have


Seed & Sickle deck bag

Grimalkin’s Curious Cats deck bag

Dark Woods tarot deck bag

Golden Art Nouveau tarot deck bag

Hush tarot deck bag

Tales for Tomorrow Petite Lenormand deck bag (in progress)

The Liminal Forest Oracle deck bag

Mythos tarot fabric selection

Brown - deck lining, purple inside cover, print outside of bag.


Here my decks and pulls for the day

I’m happy with the decks I have

All were what I need to know about my day. First from left to right is Lucifer, Satan, Marbas answers. The last two were in reverse I just turned them for the pic


I’m the same way. I have decks placed where I feel like I’ll use them. My darker / more reflective decks are downstairs which I’ll get to at the end of the day. My brighter more forward-seeing decks are upstairs on or near my desk where I can access them in the morning.

Then I have one of two that call to me and I carry in my bag that go upstairs with me to my office and downstairs at the end of the day. :laughing:

I do love it. I’ve had it for over a year but only finished the deck bag for it a week ago. For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to carry it with me until I felt it had a safe home.

I’m the same. Tarot helps me plan, look backwards at mistakes and forces me to see my motivations and fears. I do like that my Liminal Forest oracle can be used for self-care and shadow work. My Urban Crow oracle is comforting and clarifying. So I understand how your achangel orcale deck gave you oeave in a time of struggle.

I do a 3-card “overall picture” tarot spread with an Oracle clarifier card when I use both. This way, it feels less of an information overload.

Ah, I see 2 votes for the Sacred FOrest oracle. I haven’t seen that one before but might have to look into it.

Thank you, it’s been a nice distraction from my overthinking and refocuses me on something I enjoy and that brings me peace.

I feel like it fits a bit more with Oracle category than not. :thinking:

What deck is the rabbit Moon card from? I like the imagery!

You never know! :laughing: My first one was gifted and was a fairies oracle. I didn’t quite understand how to use an oracle deck at the time plus the deck and I never bonded so I sort of ruled out oracle after that. Then my favorite artist created the Urban Crow Oracle and I had to have it. Watching her creating the art for each card online drew me in and connected me to the concept even before I had the deck in my hands.

Glad to, it’s a welcome distraction for me! :heart:

Great minds… :wink: :hugs:


@Artemisia Thankyou. It’s The Witches Oracle by Sally Morningstar. My first oracle that put me back on this path, it has a special place in my heart, and it’s on Amazon :sparkling_heart:


These are so gorgeous!!!


So remember when I said I found the oracle decks like a hug?… well I learned this morning that my my new oracle deck is less huggy more like your liminal deck :crazy_face::joy:


Ohh, oracle decks are fun! I technically have three but I use one of them for the ogham that’s on them so I don’t count that. Well okay, I technically only have one then because I gave the other one to my daughter for her birthday :joy: (thanks again, @Artemisia!)

Spirits and Shadows Oracle

ShadowArt Finds on Etsy

They’re a bit… chewed on… :joy: because our dog, when she was a puppy, decided she wanted to try and use them (in their pouch I made) as a chew toy…

The artist who created these cards has a few other decks I want to get, too. I just love his art style!


@Artemisia can I ask, what dimensions do you cut for these beautiful bags. I am inspired to try my hand at making them :heart_eyes:


I follow a tarot deck pattern and have made my own based off that for Oracle cards, giant Oracle cards and extra deep ones to tuck the guide in with the cards. I can look at the pattern dimensions when I get home next week.


Thank you! I hope you are having a fabulous trip!!