Full Hunter's Moon 🏹 October 2024

Aries Full Moon 2024

The Full Moon for October is upon us - this month, we are approaching the Hunter’s Moon. This month, the Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries will take place on 2024-10-17T11:26:00Z EST. To check the exact time of the Full Moon in your area, you can use the moon calendar from Astro Seek (click here).

In this post, we will take a moment to explore what a Full Moon is and how the sign of Aries might affect the energy of this moon. As usual, there will be links, ideas, and inspiration for spells, rituals, and meditations!

Please note: Some links go to pages specifically for Spells8 members - make sure you’re logged in!


What is a Full Moon?

If you need a recap of a Full Moon, click here! 🌕

A full moon happens when the moon is directly opposite the sun from the Earth. This means that the side of the moon facing Earth is fully illuminated by the sun, making it appear as a complete circle of light in the night sky.

As with anything in witchcraft, there are many different beliefs on what type of magick should be done during a Full Moon. Some witches believe banishing should be done. Others believe intentions should be set for manifestations. Still, others (such as myself) believe that the Full Moon is the best time for literally any spell you want because the energy is at its highest.

During the Full Moon, the Triple Goddess becomes the Mother of all beings. It’s a great time to work on intuition, spells of love, and prosperity. The Power of all Magic is truly at its peak, this lunar phase is key to either accept or reject projects, transformations, and manifestations that we initiated during the New Moon. - Spells and Things To Do on a Full Moon | Spells8

The Hunter’s Moon

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Full Moon in October can go by several different names. Most commonly, it is either the Harvest Moon or the Hunter’s Moon. This is determined by the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon. Traditionally, the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is known as the Harvest Moon. Then, the first Full Moon after the Equinox is known as the Hunter’s Moon.

This month, we have the Hunter’s Moon. This name is used for the first Full Moon after the Autumn Equinox because that was used as a sign for those who lived off the land to begin hunting for the coming Winter. Herds of animals often hunted for their meat and hides would soon migrate, following food and warmer weather. This was the time for hunters to prepare their families and communities.

Though we may not all survive on sustenance we have hunted ourselves, this is a good reminder that we should also begin preparing for the colder months ahead.

Full Hunter’s Moon Ritual & Spell

Like those in the Northern Hemisphere, our Southern Hemisphere witches also have many names for their October Full Moon. These include the Egg Moon, the Seed Moon, and the Pink Moon. The names for the Southern Hemisphere are opposite those of the Northern Hemisphere but they may not hold the same meaning for your location. If in doubt, you can always create a Full Moon name that is local to you!

Full Pink Moon: Spell & Ritual

The Sign of Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, represented by the ram. It is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. Aries is a sign of leadership, pushing people with the motivation they need to get things done. Aries is not a passive sign, either. They will do what needs to be done, pushing their way to the front of the crowd instead of mixing in with everyone else. Confidence and passion are central to Aries as they fight their way through life, constantly moving in the direction of their goals, whatever they may be. However, Aries can be restless, so keeping the attention of an Aries can be difficult.

Learn more about Aries :aries: : → Beginner Astrology - Guide to the Signs by @Cosmic_Curiosity

Magick for the Hunter’s Moon

We already know the Hunter’s Moon is all about preparing for the coming darkness. We can utilize the Full Hunter’s Moon to make that preparation go smoother. This includes themes of rest, preparation, reflection, and accumulation. Combined with the energy of Aries, our Full Hunter’s Moon also encompasses the ideas of leadership and confidence. These are great qualities to embody when preparing for the cold months of Winter!


Activities for the Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries

There are many things you can do for the full moon, but these activities will be enhanced by the specific energy of this Hunter’s Moon in Aries!

Get Creative With Sigils

Utilize the power of the Full Moon to craft sigils appropriate to your household or community. Some ideas include sigils on your doors and windows to keep out the cold or sigils in your pantry to protect your food supply. The choices are limitless - it all depends on what you need this winter.

Sigil Making 101: Draw Your Manifestations

Spell for Abundance

As we move into the colder and darker months of the year, many of us see our energy and supplies dwindle. Here in Maine, our house is heated with an oil furnace which, if you weren’t aware, is pretty expensive to fill! You might find it useful to perform an abundance or prosperity spell directed toward what you need most this winter!

See also: Spells for Abundance | Spells8

Sunshine Oil Recipe

One other ailment that affects many people during the dark half of the year is Seasonal Affective Disorder. The lack of sunlight tends to make people more prone to depression and sadness. If this is you or someone you know, consider crafting a Sunshine Oil while you still have time! Harness the energy of the sun and boost the oil’s energy with the Full Moon to help keep the Winter Blues at bay.

:sun_with_face: Sunshine Oil Recipe

Note: Just as a reminder, this is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. Always check in with your physician or mental health provider if you experience Seasonal Affective Disorder. Magick should not be the only treatment for medical and mental health issues.


Remember, the energy of the Full Moon isn’t just for the one day that it reaches its peak. Personally, I give myself a three-day window for the Full Moon: the day before, the day of, and the day after. This works well for my practice and it may work for yours, too!

Do you plan to work with this Full Moon? What are your favorite ways to work with a Full Moon?

Let’s hear about it!


I think this will be the first time I’ve been off for the full moon in 2 or 3 months. Not sure what I’m going to do yet, but we will finally have some cooler weather (no fires allowed). I"m thinking of setting up an altar outside with a few candles. If the police show up I will blow them out! :rofl:

I’m going to be making the Sunshine Oil for sure!


Great ideas for the full moon tonight/tomorrow, @MeganB - thank you for sharing them!

Wishing everyone a blessed full moon :full_moon: :sparkles: :mage:


This sounds like a really nice idea :heart: We have leaves everywhere right now and I’d love to setup something like this myself. I hope your sunshine oil works well for you!

You’re very welcome!


Spells8 Gifs - Other

:full_moon: :heart: :sparkles:


Sharing a perfectly timed :teapot: tea :rose: recipe :hibiscus: from the Herbal Academy

Full Moon Floral Tea Recipe

This tea is naturally tart, tangy, and pleasantly aromatic. Hibiscus calyxes impart a deep burgundy-cherry hue, and rose petals add a heart-supportive floral effect. The combination of these two beautiful flowers benefits the skin, blood, nervous system, and physical and emotional heart. Brew a cup of this tea on tonight’s Full Moon and soak in the moonlight as you sip.

Yield: 1½ cups dried tea blend

1 cup hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) calyx
½ cup rose (Rosa spp.) petal


• Combine ingredients and store the blend in a labeled, tightly sealed storage container. Use within 12 months.

• Steep 2 tbsp of tea blend per 8 fl oz (240 mL) freshly boiled hot water in a heat-safe container, covered, for 10-15 minutes.

• Strain infusion through a tea strainer and compost or discard plant material.

• Sip hot, or allow to cool and serve over ice, as you enjoy the flowering, full energy of the full moon and its emanating light.

• Drink up to four 8 fl oz servings per day.


The Hunters moon is beautiful tonight :full_moon: it looks like energy radiating off it


This is such a lovely tea blend - thank you for sharing it, @Artemisia! :teapot: :sparkles:

Gorgeous picture, Crystal - what a moon! :full_moon_with_face: :heart: