Full Moon Eclipse...not auspicious for Initiation?

Hello, I have one more question:
I would like to perform my Initiation on the Full Flower Moon, but there is an eclipse that night. Would the fact that there is going to be an eclipse make this an inauspicious time for the initiation?
Thank you,


Hi @ValentinaMarie
I found some information on the moon phases, see the info below. As for the eclipse, I would recommend getting your chart from someplace like: https://cafeastrology.com/
And checking to see where the eclipse falls in your chart: The Eclipse occurs during the Full Moon at 25 Scorpio 18 and the Sun is in the opposite sign, 25 Taurus 18.
Hope your initiation goes well

As this moon enhances communication with the spiritual world, any kind of ritual that is performed under the Full Moon will experience a boost of Power. Divination rituals are especially strengthened by this moon, like any personal spellwork that could use a major boost, including rituals for abundance, protection, love, or wisdom. Your chances of success are greater than during any other lunar phase. Use the power of the full moon to cast any type of spell with confidence. ~ Spells for Every Lunar Phase


We’ve actually had a lot of discussion about whether the eclipse energy is a time to rest/reflect or to do any witchy workings. It would more be based on how you feel about the energy & what you are doing.

Lunar Eclipses?

Lunar Eclipse Ritual/Shadow Work Prompts

Flower Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse - More information: The following are excerpts:

  • Since lunar eclipses can only occur during full moons, it amplifies the emotional tension typically felt during this time. Lunar eclipses happen when the earth is sandwiched between the sun and moon, and similarly, this lunation blocks processing emotions. “At their core, eclipses hint at bringing out issues that had been hidden in the shadows,” Lauren Ash, an astrologer, tells Bustle. “They hasten the timeline for these events by revealing new information and shocking details that may have been previously hidden from us.”

  • The lunar eclipse is stationed in deep feeler Scorpio, bringing tough revelations and disruptive changes to many — but those least affected may experience breakthroughs and life-changing truths. With Mercury’s backspin — known for its shakeups and inducing miscommunication — overlapping with the lunar eclipse, those who feel the least impact will see it as a chance to grow spiritually.

It’s up to you if you would like to perform it during this full moon or not, but I would look into the meanings of the full moon & the total eclipse. The link with more information will break it down by your zodiac sign also & goes into more information about the Flower Moon & Lunar Eclipse.


Thanks so much for the excellent information @Susurrus
I think all of your links suggest not to perform rituals, spells, ceremonies, initiations, etc., during an eclipse. I respect your opinion and the opinions of the others you have shared. And yes, energetically, May’s energy has been highly chaotic, but I like to approach eclipses with a more favorable attitude.

As a teenager, I became interested in Astrology and completed Astrology Courses in my twenties. What I read at the time indicated that eclipses were not auspicious, which scared me. After watching how eclipses affected me and my family over the years, I realized the changes they brought were not frightening but were generally good. So now I no longer fear them but look forward to the powerful changes they bring.

The eclipse itself creates very powerful energy and using this during meditation or spellwork is pure Magick. (This is my personal opinion.)

My advice to you, @ValentinaMarie is that if you are concerned or worried about doing your initiation during the Full Moon Eclipse… then don’t do it!!! If you have the least bit of doubt I would recommend waiting. Take some time and listen to your intuition and what you are feeling! Your intention needs to be strong for the best possible outcome of your ceremony.


Greetings @ValentinaMarie,

Both Marsha and Siofra have you give some great advice and resources- I agree that whether or not you want to work magick during the Lunar Eclipse will boil down to your personal beliefs and what your intuition tells you.

If you really want to work magick but are hesitant about the eclipse, one option is to not work magick while the eclipse is happening, but to do your initiation either before or after the eclipse happens in your location.

Residents in the eastern half of the U.S. and all of South America will be able to observe each stage of the lunar eclipse, and totality will be visible in much of Africa, western Europe, Central and South America and most of North America, according to NASA.

From abc7: Lunar Eclipse 2022: How to watch

The article also says that the eclipse will begin around 9:30 pm ET, will remain in total eclipse until 11:30pm ET, and will be in partial eclipse until it ends at 2:50am ET.

Again, whether or not to work magick during an eclipse or on the night of an eclipse is a call everyone gets to make for themselves. Do what feels right to you! :blush:

If you do go ahead with your Initiation Ceremony, I wish you all the best with it! :heart:

Blessed be, Valentina! :sparkles:


It really has to do with the witch. I would suggest looking at the information about the Full Flower Moon & the lunar eclipse & making your own decision from there.

If astrology is also a part of your craft look into what else is going in the skies at the same time that could affect the energy that night… Mercury went Retrograde on May 10 & won’t station direct until June. Plus the Flower Moon is a Supermoon.

We all evolve & change as we learn & grow. Do what feels right to you because it’s your initiation. It’s your path, no one else’s & the Flower Supermoon may be the right time for you.

In my personal opinion, it’s not my call but I feel you should be educated about all aspects of what is going on with the moon if that is when you decide to do your initiation so you are aware, even a day before or after the eclipse you would still have the energy of the Full Flower Moon. The exact timing is up to you though.

@marsha I absolutely respect your opinion :people_hugging: & her decision to do the initiation if she chooses to do so. I am just offering the eclipse information because there is more to this moon than just the Flower Full Moon.

It’s a Super Blood Moon with a total lunar eclipse too.

@ValentinaMarie if this feels like the time to do your initiation, then go for it. Marsha & I have both offered information regarding the May Full Moon if that is something that you are going to make a part of your practice. :two_hearts:


Thank you both so very much. Astrology is not part of my practice. It’s more about the shadowing of the light. This is all very helpful. I will do the suggested research and also go by my intuition.


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