Full Moon Eclipse...not auspicious for Initiation?

We’ve actually had a lot of discussion about whether the eclipse energy is a time to rest/reflect or to do any witchy workings. It would more be based on how you feel about the energy & what you are doing.

Lunar Eclipses?

Lunar Eclipse Ritual/Shadow Work Prompts

Flower Full Moon in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse - More information: The following are excerpts:

  • Since lunar eclipses can only occur during full moons, it amplifies the emotional tension typically felt during this time. Lunar eclipses happen when the earth is sandwiched between the sun and moon, and similarly, this lunation blocks processing emotions. “At their core, eclipses hint at bringing out issues that had been hidden in the shadows,” Lauren Ash, an astrologer, tells Bustle. “They hasten the timeline for these events by revealing new information and shocking details that may have been previously hidden from us.”

  • The lunar eclipse is stationed in deep feeler Scorpio, bringing tough revelations and disruptive changes to many — but those least affected may experience breakthroughs and life-changing truths. With Mercury’s backspin — known for its shakeups and inducing miscommunication — overlapping with the lunar eclipse, those who feel the least impact will see it as a chance to grow spiritually.

It’s up to you if you would like to perform it during this full moon or not, but I would look into the meanings of the full moon & the total eclipse. The link with more information will break it down by your zodiac sign also & goes into more information about the Flower Moon & Lunar Eclipse.