I’ve started reading The Awakening by Nora Roberts and I am loving it!!
Without giving too much away, it involves multi-worlds, witchcraft, fae, trolls, elves, an evil god, and were-creatures. The main character learns she’s not who she thought she was and this book (1st in a series of 3) is her journey of discovering herself in Ireland!
Since I added a few cough, cough things to my future reading list… I need to get going! I’ll be reading from the Otherworld at this rate… do you get a discount if it takes that long to get through the list
Oh! I usually get frustrated with Nora Roberts, but this sounds fun! I started taking some Dyslexia courses and my reading of late has been all about learning f to read… so this will be a nice break!
I am not getting frustrated with this one yet. It does take a lot to discourage me with a book, though. Things like a predictable ending or unnecessary plot twists ruin it for me. Also, when an author is well-known for a particular style and then attempts the complete opposite (I"m looking at you, Stephen King with Wizard and Glass).