Hekate/Hecate Book Recommendations

@BryWisteria I can agree with that though too. Also that a deity isn’t necessarily going to be turned off or upset based on pronunciation, especially if its done respectfully & not an intentional thing. Especially when there are so many people across the world that aren’t going to pronounce the same word the same way. Which can also be said even within 1 area of somewhere.

I think as far as personal names with myself & my children… its more of a thing where they’ve been in the programs, schools for years… & right up through graduation they are spelled & pronounced wrong. It also happens to my son, even now. They actually spell & call him the wrong name even since he’s been out of school when its an employer. So even when he was in sports or graduating… we had to have his plaques & diploma redone because it wasn’t his name at all.

Its different when say for my daughter they are dropping a letter in the spelling. My son it wasn’t even that, they were using an entirely different name spelling & saying it… close in spelling but entirely different.

Which has also happened to me because of how my name is spelled. They say a completely different name or nickname due to it. A lot of places have now been asking preferred name, so I will use the name I’ve been called by anyone who knew me for different companies or providers.


Thank you, Katerina! :people_hugging: :heart: :sparkles:

I love this :joy: :heart:

Sure puts it all into a good perspective too- when I hear things like this, it makes all my little human problems and stresses seem so much less dire :wink: :+1: It’s a miracle we’re all here on this crazy amazing planet! :earth_africa: :star_struck:

That is insanely fast! :astonished:

I’ve noticed that more often these days too- I think it’s nice that they have the option for use a preferred name if they so choose! :blush:


@BryWisteria Since they started doing it, it’s come in handy for my son & me so we respond when someone calls our name or whatever, both of us would hear our “name” but they would be saying something different so then we wouldn’t respond until they added our last name… (which oddly enough a lot of people either pronounce or say that wrong & that one is pretty self-explanatory :laughing:) My daughter though, she will answer to however it’s pronounced because it’s pretty unique & the spelling is a bit different & the actual pronunciation… but even when it’s said wrong, you still know who they are referring to when they say it. :blush:

@Artemisia Wow that was fast! :exploding_head: I have seen things like that happen with items when they are back in stock too! I completely understand the feelings you had when that happened. @peter3 I have been on waitlists like that where I almost forget that I was even on it. :slightly_frowning_face:

@starborn I love that & the visual that popped into my head :joy: of them listening & being like… “Oh they are trying so hard. I understand what you are saying… continue, I’m listening.”


he-ca-tee it is my love this is the closest to the pronunciation


I am with Artemisia. And I also am old school definitely love books hard copies that’s the first thing I look for it a garage sale or thrift store. This book here is a book I cherish the information is awesome and it has not only Hekate but others in this book as well.

[The Spiral Dance by Starhawk]

Mote It Be,


Oh perfect, I don’t have that one and was able to find an inexpensive used copy! Thank you for the recommendation!
:herb: :deer: :crescent_moon:


Oh. Em. Gee. The school is amazing! I’m overwhelmed with the content they provide. I’m doing the free trial right now. Thank you for mentioning it. Not sure if I have the cash flow to continue past the trial but I’m overwhelmed with all the helpful information.


I have to add these two:

“Dark Goddess Craft” by Stephanie Woodfield: https://www.amazon.com.au/Dark-Goddess-Craft-Stephanie-Woodfield/dp/0738752568

“Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook” by Daniel Ogden: https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Witchcraft-Ghosts-Greek-Worlds/dp/0195385209

The second one is more of a stuffy history book than something practical from what I’ve seen, but I’ve enjoyed reading more direct snippets of stories involving Hekate.


Just got a digital copy of this one! Woo!


Honestly, at this point, I have a large list of books now on Hekate. I’ll take some time tomorrow morning and add them all 20-some here as well as try to provide links. Maybe create a wiki on it?


A wiki as a totally new topic in the forum, or as a post here? I can do either. But I can’t edit anyone else’s posts to turn them into a wiki.


I’m good with either me creating a wiki that others can edit, or if you wanted to, you could as well. I won’t get to it until the morning.


I am glad you mentioned that I feel the same way!
I have been apart of the school for awhile know but there’s alot of content your right!


I got the book awesome thanks


I had to get a big sleep before I could do anything more. Now it’s midnight, I’m awake, had a meal, and have more energy. :grin: :black_heart:

This is the wiki post

I added ones that were linked here. But I didn’t type up the ones from photos of books and find their URLs, so if anyone would like to do those, that would be much appreciated. :bowing_woman:

I have a lot of work to get to now. :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the assist, @Susurrus! :black_heart: :hekate_wheel: :black_heart:


You’re welcome :hugs: they are all within this thread & the original links to this 1 as the wiki post for them :revolving_hearts:


Beautiful! I couldn’t have imagined it turning out so neat. :star_struck: :sparkling_heart:


I’m running some errands this morning and for whatever reason can’t see the wiki on my phone (could be low caffeine user error :laughing:) but I’ll check it out and add mine when I get home in an hourish.

Yep… User error. :wink: found it. Will add later!


You’ll have to jump to the post at the very top here. That will be it. :black_heart:

Here’s a quick link, in case the feature on mobile is fiddly.

(@Susurrus kindly moved the other discussion here and updated some links, making everything wonderfully organised, after I made this new topic. :sparkling_heart:)