Hekate/Hecate Book Recommendations

We’ve found that there are a lot of Hekate/Hecate books we like reading and so, here we have a master post of them! It’s a wiki post, so feel free to edit it and add your own by clicking the edit button. :hekate_wheel:

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If you need any assistance with anything related to this, pop a message down below. Either myself or someone else will be happy to assist. :black_heart:

If you have a link for a book already in the list, but it’s a different source, feel free to add that to its list, too! It’ll be great to have lots of places to get these books that aren’t big ol’ Amazon. :smile:

Dark Goddess Craft
by Stephanie Woodfield

Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft
by Cyndi Brannen

Hekate: Goddess of Witches
by Courtney Weber

Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft
by Cyndi Brannen

Entering Hekate’s Cave: The Journey Through Darkness to Wholeness
by Cindi Brannen

Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook
by Daniel Ogden

The Hekataeon: Medea Edition
by Jack Grayle

Bearing Torches: A Devotional Anthology for Hecate
by Neos Alexandria

Circle for Hekate - Volume I: History & Mythology
by Sorita D’Este

Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads: A collection of personal essays, invocations, rituals, recipes and artwork from modern Witches, Priestesses and … Goddess of Witchcraft, Magick and Sorcery
by Sorita D’Este

Hekate Her Sacred Fires: A Unique Collection of Essays, Prose and Artwork from around the world exploring the mysteries and sharing visions of the Torchbearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads.
by Sorita D’Este

Hekate Liminal Rites: A Study of the rituals, magic and symbols of the torch-bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads
by Sorita D’Este

Daughters of Hecate: Women and Magic in the Ancient World
by Kimberly B. Stratton (Editor), Dayna S. Kalleresc (Editor)

Hecate & The Black Arts: Liber Necromantia
by Michael W. Ford

Hecate: Witchcraft, Death & Nocturnal Magic
by Asenath Mason

Hecate - The Witches’ Goddess
by Gary R. Varner

Hecatean Magick: a grimoire to invite the goddess of the crossroads in your practice
by Hecateus Apuliensis

Hecate: Queen of the Witches or Wise Crone (Celebrate the Divine Feminine)
by Joy Reichard

Hecate’s Fountain
by Kenneth Grant

Pagan Portals - Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate
by Jennifer Teixeira

Queen of Hell
by Mark Alan Smith

Sorcery of Hekate
by Jason Miller

The Temple of Hekate
by Tara Sanchez

Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate’s Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature (Society for Classical Studies American Classical Studies)
Sara Iles Johnston

There is also more information and resources here:


If you were to recommend one (or two) book(s) to get in print on Hekate, which would it be and why?

There are so many to choose from, I can’t decide! Help!:grey_exclamation:! :exclamation:

I am old school and adore my print books. I feel a real need to have one devoted to Hekate to read, hold and cherish.

Thank so much!!

:black_heart: :books: :old_key:
@starborn @SilverBear @TheMuslimWitch @Mistress_Of_Herbs @AIRAM @Medea @Susurrus @Undomeher @Amethyst @christina4 @Jewitch @CelestiaMoon @Jeannie1 please forgive me if I’ve forgotten other Hekate devotees in the tags, it’s late and I’m trying to do this on my phone while in bed :laughing:


That’s a difficult one… Just one…

I’m partial to Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft by Cyndi Brannen. And Hekate: Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber. And it’s partly because they have beautiful covers and are laid out really nicely inside, easy to read. :sweat_smile:


Anything written by Sorita d’Este
Outstanding writer considered by many to be an authority, if it’s possible


The reason why you should buy this book is because Cyndi Brannen has a school based on Witchcraft. She would like you to check her website out Keeping her Keys link
She has her own school and she has lessons for helping you really understand Hecate! She is a doctor and has a PhD and she uses a applied psychology for all of her Witchcraft. She has high rituals on zoom. You can learn about Hecate and many other Goddesses and correspondences and rituals. She teaches her book as a guide through the school. The school is structured just like a school!You will learn step-by-step how to do rituals!

She has another book that she I just need to find i! There’s

Only thing is you can’t share any content and that is very hard not to do! I’ve struggled with that!



This is the one I liked as well.


As others have recommended, I’d definitely recommend Cyndi Brannen’s works! :slight_smile:


Hi Artemisia. I’ve recommended this one to a few people. "Hecate Goddess of Witches by Courtney Weber. There’s a lot of good information here. Plenty of detail on the lore, legend, history and mythology of Hecate, ancient goddess of crossroads, ghosts and witchcraft. A favourite read. Being honest, it’s also the only book I’ve read on Hecate.


@Artemisia, I also love in print books being very old school. Even Kindle is difficult for me to use especially depending on the device.

I do not work with Hekate though, so I don’t have any recommendations for any specific books or authors. I follow a more Irish Pagan path & work with Brighid & the Morrigan, but also others with the Tuatha de Danaan with Brighid & the Morrigan when called for it. So, while do deep dives on other deities, I don’t follow or work with them enough to have any real recommendations.

Thank you for thinking of me though! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it is very appreciated. Any prior information that I have used in learning about her before more recently is in this post: Hecate History, Theology, Mythology & the sources I used are in the post there too. :revolving_hearts:


I’m not into Hekate as much as I should be, but Keeping Her Keys was a great beginner text. Very easy to read with great information.


I think that one wins as my print version since it combines plants and Hekate! Thank you!

I picked up a digital copy of Liminal Rites! Thank you for the reccomdneation!

:open_mouth: Oh very neat, I will absolutely check out her webpage. Keeping her Keys might be the next one I get in print. I’ll use that as a reward to get through my marketing schedule! I’ll look into digital copies of the other books as well. hugs

Great minds… :wink: Thank you both for taking the time to respond.

Thank you, got myself a digital copy! Looking forward to reading it.

:laughing: Ooops, well I made the assumption since you did such an amazing job on the Hecate History, Theology, Mythology post!! Such a wealth of information, appreciate your hard work!


@Artemisia i was gonna offer a recommendation but everyone already said them, lol


As a side note @Artemisia :smiling_face: @Mistress_Of_Herbs actually was very helpful with that post & my deep dive. She may have some other resources for you too aside from books :hugs:


@Susurrus thanks for suggesting me


Hekate: Goddess of Witches PDF


Entering Hekate’s Garden: The Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirit Witchcraft pdf


I feel like this one is the perfect one for me to start with - Hekate, Magick and Plants? What’s not to love here?


I recently bought my first fancy grimoire and so far it’s a really beautiful work. “The Hekataeon” by Jack Grayle is 400 pages of rites, prayers, hymns and artwork devoted to Hekate. It was pricey, $95 for the this version, but I love what I have read so far. There is a self initiation in the first section that is nine days culminating on the dark moon, so I’ll be starting that in a few days and write up a better report/review after I’ve actually done the work if anyone is interested. The book is put out in limited editions from time to time, so you may have to really hunt for a copy as its sold out, for now.


Wow, that looks awesome!


I’m less than 100 pages in but so far it is awesome! The artwork/images are really great too.