Hello I’m new here

Merry meet @JollyStar & to Nelly also! I have two puppers that are by my side most of the day & they are good helpers with my practice :joy: I’m Siofra from Cape Cod & an Eclectic Witch here in the forum. I lean towards Celtic Paganism & work with Celtic Goddesses, so I have been learning about Celtic Mythology :triquetra:

A great place to start to figure out what you are interested in or what works for you is the course section of the site & then kind of work from there. Every week we have a challenge that explores a different area of magic & witchcraft. Another great place to learn about different parts & what works for you & what doesn’t.

Currently, I am learning about Crystal Healing & to become accredited. I also enjoy learning astrology, tarot, oracle, runes, Celtic mythology, Celtic Paganism, & Irish Paganism. I originally started learning how to meditate, in a year & a half, I have gone from being able to do a 3 minute guided meditation to up to a 20 minute guided meditation.

If you have any questions or something to share, please feel free to do so. Everyone here is very friendly & helpful. Someone will get you pointed in the right direction & you can also start a topic of your own!

Another great place to start off is:
Start the Interactive Forum Tutorial with Discobot!

Forum How-To :speech_balloon: Guides for Using the Forum!

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