Hello! My name is Karma. Joyful musing's abound!

Hello! Merry meet! I am looking forward to learning, sharing and enhancing my spiritual practice. There are so many interesting topics on here, I just love it so far! I’ve studied a lot of different schools of thought. I’m interested in learning what I can here too. Happy learning!

Blessed be,



Hi @Karma! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum. :infinite_roots:

It’s great to have you here! I take it you found the Courses? Aren’t they wonderful?

You should keep an eye out for a post tomorrow called Merry Meet Monday- Magickal News of the Week. It’ll have the forum news in it like what activities we’re up to and what’s going on for the week. That way you can jump in and join in on the activities.

If you have any questions just ask and someone will pop up and help you out. I look forward to getting to know you better!


Welcome to the forum @Karma! It’s so nice to meet you! I also feel like you may have found the courses & looked around before the introduction :smiling_face:

As @Amethyst mentioned, watch for the Merry Meet Monday post tomorrow morning & a new challenge on Wednesday to try out things that may or may not work for you but you get to meet other members & see how they applied the challenge to their practice. So you may find something new that works for you too!

I am continually learning. Currently, it’s energy work/chakras mainly, but since I am an Empath… there have been other subjects leading up to this & work put into it. I also connect with the elements, astrology, crystals, Celtic :triquetra: paganism, the Celtic pantheon (Brighid :triskele: & the Morrigan :raven:) Runes, tarot, dowsing, oracle for divination. Ancestral line healing or mending :thinking: to move forward family… I have a serious interest in family history, ways of living through the times, where my family came from on both sides versus how I was raised & which side I am connected to, it all works & makes more sense around Samhain really :joy: I’m kind of chaotic as I am working through life events.

Enough rambling… I am looking forward to learning with & from you too! :revolving_hearts:


Merry Meet and Welcome Home :infinite_roots: @Karma

It’s so lovely to meet you Kari. I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch from Colorado. I love the courses here, so much to learn, and so many helpful :hugs: people. If you have any questions, just ask Q & A

Blessed Be


Welcome to spells8, so glad you could join us.


Merry meet @karma and welcome to the forum! :blush:

I am loving your enthusiasm- in terms of magickal learning materials and a supportive community, I’m happy to say you’ve found a great place to be! Please make yourself at home here :infinite_roots: :heart:

That is so cool! :heart_eyes: Forgive me for being curious, but may I ask what other schools of thought you have explored? My educational background is in global/area/ethnic studies and a big part of my practice (meditation) comes from Zen Buddhism. I love philosophy too and really enjoy the discussions we have here about magickal philosophy and theory :heart::blush:

Having a diverse background is a big benefit in the Craft- the more you learn and explore, the more your practice thrives, if you ask me! :sparkles:

Looking forward to talking with you more soon, Karma- blessed be!


Merry meet @Karma
Am happy u did join :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
Sending u lots of love and hugs


Thank you!


That’s awesome! I missed it Monday. I’m just getting the hang of this. Thank you!


Thank you for the warm welcome! You have a lot of interests! You are not a Gemini, are you?


A little bit of Hoodoo, Santeria, Candomblé, Native American and Buddhism. In college, I was going to major in dance. I learned about Candomblé when I took Afro-Brazilian Hip hop. I grew up Christian and Catholic. Ever since I was 8, I was attracted to the “spiritual” isle in the bookstore. I was a massage therapist for 17 years (got really in tune with energy and my clairvoyance and Clairaudiance became more pronounced) learned Reiki/Chakras. I took Herbology and learned how to make various tinctures and body products. I took a workshop on plant essences from a shaman. It’s been since 2017 that I practiced massage and my spiritual practice has been intermittent. I’m looking forward to getting back with it. :heart:


Thank you!


Thank you! May blessings!


@Karma :laughing: I am not a Gemini except for Black Moon Lilith in my chart… that I can remember.

Black Moon Lilith in Gemini 22° 02’ 10"

You may have felt shame for speaking too much or too little, or for your intelligence or social skills. You can be wary of people who seem to be indulgent in these ways — who are social butterflies or who talk too much or who seem to flaunt their intelligence. Your curiosity may have been stifled in some manner, and as a result, you may fear not being considered smart. You can be wicked with what you say when angry since you might instinctively use words as weapons or defensive tactics. Your quest is to learn to accept your very human need for self-expression, curiosity, light entertainment, and social discourse. (Cafe Astrology Natal Chart)

Other than that I am a Scorpio :scorpius: Sun :sun:, Virgo :virgo: Moon :full_moon: & Capricorn :capricorn: Rising :arrow_up: with a lot of water in my chart. Lol :laughing:

Black Moon Lilith in Your Natal Chart - Weekly Witchy Challenge

OH! My father is a Gemini :gemini: sun… I don’t know the rest though. I should see if he has his birth time & location. I can think of 2 places where he would have been born because his father was in the service at the time.


Your background is amazing, @Karma- you have so many areas of interest, and so many diverse talents! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are a celebration of so many wonderful things in life :heart:

And I love dance too! I used to take Tribal Fusion and FCBD classes, but I had to stop when I moved away. I don’t think the music ever truly leaves your soul, though- once a dancer, always a dancer! I’m always excited to find new ways to weave together music and magick :sparkles:

Thanks so much for sharing about yourself, Karma! I think you’ll be right at home around here :blush:

Many blessings!


You’re welcome! There’s a new Merry Meet Monday every week so you can catch up next Monday!


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