Hello new witch

Hello everyone my name is anna. I am new to witchcraft. I have been here soaking up all the information the last couple of days. I mostly interested in herbs, crystals and lunar magic. I am hoping to start practicing soon. I am currently working on meditation and trying to calm my mind before I start any spell work.


Welcome! I am pretty new too and have learned so much from the wonderful people here. :snowflake: :canada:


Hi I’m Katie!
That’s currently what I’m doing myself. Did the daily devotional and said some affirmations this morning and I had a really good day!


Im mel new here too im soaking up everything possible myself while calming my mind of daily stress lately


@anna Hello and welcome. I’m Tracy from England. I follow the Norse Pantheon (Loki), and enjoy all the craft especially chaos :partying_face::rofl:. Welcome home lovely, everyone here is like family. Blessed be :sparkling_heart:


Hi! :wave: I’m Susurrus, a moderator here at Spells8, sort of on an intermittent leave, but getting back as much as possible :smile:

I’m happy you’ve made it! There is a lot of information & different things to learn :hugs: I love to learn all kinds of things :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If you have any questions feel free to ask! Or if you have anything to share with us, please do! Jump in on any open topic or start your own :star_struck: Someone will be along to help you as soon as they can & point you in the right direction!

I look forward to speaking with you more :infinite_roots:


Hello @anna,

Welcome to the forum! I’m Bry, another one of the moderators and an Eclectic Witch- it’s a pleasure to meet you :blush:

Meditation and focusing the mind are great places to begin! There are so many benefits to practicing mindfulness and awareness (although it can sure be tricky- I’ve been working on it for years and still have trouble with distractions! :sweat_smile:)

When your inspiration rises and you get the urge to cast- I would gently encourage you to go for it, even if you still don’t feel quite ready. You already have the magick in you- it’s just a matter of taking action. You can do it! :magic_wand:

Speaking of which, have you come across the Spellcasting 101 Guide yet? It has some great tips and encouragement for those hoping to cast their first spells. I’ll leave a link here in case you are interested.

Make yourself at home here, Anna- Blessed be! :sparkles:


Hi @anna! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

It’s great to have you here! Meditation can be difficult. The courses will help you get started on it, but so with the stream Great Meditations on YouTube. They have hundreds of easy, ten-minute, guided meditations. I hope this helps you.

If you need anything else, just give a holler and someone will help you. I look forward to getting to know you!


Welcome to the forum @anna :wave:

My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s nice to meet you!

Feel free to hop right in and join the discussion, ask questions, and make yourself at home!


@BryWisteria I did find the spell course and finished it. It was very informative. Right now i am trying to figure what spell i what type of spell i want to try first. I might try something this weekend.


Congrats on finishing the Spellcasting 101 course, Anna! :tada::blush:

I hope you find a spell that calls to you- and when you do, I’m wishing you all the best with casting it!

Good luck and blessed be :magic_wand: :heart:


Hello :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @anna

I’m happy you are here, Anna, I’m Marsha, an Eclectic Solitary Witch, from Colorado. There is a lot of great information here, so if you need any guidance, or have any questions, let us know. Welcome to the family :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


7 posts were split to a new topic: I’m New Here, Nice to Meet You

New Introduction has been rehomed to it’s own topic! :hugs: