Hello to all! ` a bit about me`

Welcome to the forum @Keilana! I am Siofra_Strega from Cape Cod. You will find that there are more than a few practitioners here that have come from a similar Christianity-based background, as well as the combination of Christianity themes with their pagan practices here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: . I’m happy to say that you are definitely not alone there :hugs:

I love :revolving_hearts: that your children also have an interest. My daughter, who has known that I am a practicing witch for the last 2 years, has off & on had an interest. Right now she is a 13-year-old young woman navigating social interactions & all the other early teen, hormonal, in junior high school things, so it’s curiosity one day, nothing for weeks :rofl: However, she does keep her items together or in their “homes” on her space & won’t let her friends mess with them, so there is a continued interest even if it’s hard among her varied peers.

Have you been able to look at the courses? They are amazing for information whether it’s something that you already know or not… it is a lot of good information to get anyone started or continue from where they are in your practice :grin:. Your girls may enjoy them too :heartpulse:. There are how-to’s & videocast along… a lot of meaningful guidance.

You will find mention of Scott Cunningham & Aleister Crowley in different areas of the site & forum. A lot of us own copies of Cunningham’s books :books: or use the information from his teachings as well as Crowley & Gardner.

Feel free to ask any questions on any open topic or search through the forum for information. There are a ton of topics & questions that may be similar or what you are looking for, usually, within the replies, there is some good information or sites to find out more or another way of looking at the situation. Of course, also feel free to share any information that you may have with us too :smiling_face: ! We are all very friendly & supportive of each other’s paths.

I am an eclectic witch, I follow mostly a Celtic :triskele: Paganism type of path. I have really connected to nature & natural cycles & been able to apply them to my life in a mindfully aware kind of way. I started officially on this path about 2 years ago & with the help of the site & forum & coven… I have progressed & learned more than I had ever expected. Plus, made some pretty amazing friends & met just as amazing people from all over the world. :earth_americas: